
The Villain Professor's Second Chance

Draven is a magic professor in a fantasy world. He is also an earl, notorious for his evil deeds and mistakes since youth. His downfall is due to a curse that hinders his intellectual potential and his talents. Eventually, he becomes a villain, losing everything he holds dear: his siblings, fiancée, house, domain, and more. After a miserable death, he reincarnates in the modern world as Dravis Granger. In his new life, he grows up to be a highly intellectual individual oblivious towards his previous life, becoming a young professor in mechanical engineering and a researcher. However, he harbors a strange obsession with creating a game, fueled by vivid imaginings of another world. This obsession leads him to develop a game that mirrors his previous life. Upon completing his virtual reality world, he regains his past memories. Overwhelmed by intense emotions—rage, sadness, and the realization of his past ugliness—he suffers a fatal heart attack. In his final moments, he hears a voice, seemingly from the world itself, offering him a chance to return to his original fantasy world. However, he would only retain the memories of his modern life, not those of his first life’s mistakes. He agrees and is reincarnated once more, this time with the knowledge of a modern mechanical engineering professor. But one thing about the Dravis Granger, he's not just a mechanical engineer professor. Not just a straight, killer genius professor. He has his ideals, and the world is too full of villains for his great idealism. So he strived, with his great mind, he became a mastermind. But not as a villain, but as a person who has lost hope in police and justice, and decided to help the people by his own hand. Collecting victims and invited those handpicked talents to his side, making several insane stunts, assassinating, trapping, and eradicating the scums from the world. But now in this fantasy world, he has to survive from multiple factions trying to kill him, protect his domain, protect his siblings, protect his fiance, and the most important thing. Protect the world. But he hadn't lost the Dravis from the modern world. As a professor at the morning, an earl at the afternoon, and a dark knight at the night. _____________________________ "You've hurt my student." Draven stands still, no mana seems to emit from him, but just a single frown. A frown that is enough to make the room's heavy. "As a teacher, you think I would leave you unpunished?" "You seem to think that I care about your position, Prince Hermit. But believe me," Draven took a slow step. "Not even your father could protect you from me," _____________________________ One of the King of Kings Series

Arkalphaze · Fantasía
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266 Chs

Prologue (2) Draven Arcanum von Drakhan

My earliest memories are shrouded in darkness, a haze of pain and confusion that lingers like a stubborn shadow. I was born into privilege, the scion of a prestigious lineage, destined for greatness—or so they said. But destiny, it seems, had other plans for me.

From the moment I drew my first breath, I was shackled by expectations—my parents' lofty ambitions for their prodigious son. They saw in me the promise of greatness, a beacon of hope to illuminate the path to glory. And yet, beneath the weight of their expectations, I found myself suffocating, drowning in a sea of obligations and demands.

My childhood was a blur of tutors and lessons, each day blending into the next in a relentless cycle of indoctrination and discipline. My parents spared no expense in sculpting me into their ideal heir, carving away at my spirit with the precision of a master craftsman. But no matter how hard they tried, they could never erase the nagging sense of inadequacy that gnawed at my soul.

It was during those formative years that I first discovered the extent of my curse—a foul stain upon my very being, bestowed upon me by the cruel machinations of fate. My father, an esteemed archmage, had crossed paths with a demon in his youth, and in his hubris, he had paid the ultimate price. As the demon lay dying, it cast upon him a curse—a curse that would haunt our family for generations to come.

The curse manifested itself in subtle ways, a malignant force that twisted and contorted my very essence. It robbed me of my potential for magic, rendering me a mere shadow of what I could have been. But perhaps even more insidiously, it gnawed away at my intellect, clouding my thoughts and sowing seeds of doubt and self-loathing.

As I grew older, the burden of my curse became increasingly unbearable. My failures became more pronounced, my shortcomings more glaring. Try as I might to rise above them, I found myself dragged down by the weight of my own inadequacies.

And so, in my desperation, I turned to darker means to achieve my ambitions. I cheated, I lied, I manipulated—all in the name of reclaiming what was rightfully mine. I used others as pawns in my twisted game of chess, discarding them without a second thought once they had outlived their usefulness.

My siblings bore the brunt of my wrath, their very existence a constant reminder of my own shortcomings. They were obstacles to be overcome, rivals to be vanquished in the ruthless pursuit of power and prestige. And when my parents passed, leaving behind a vast estate and fortune, it was I who claimed it all for myself, leaving my sisters with naught but scraps and crumbs.

But perhaps the greatest tragedy of all was the fate of my beloved Sophie. She was the light of my life, the one bright spot in my otherwise bleak existence. And yet, even she could not escape the clutches of my curse.

I loved her with a passion bordering on obsession, my every thought consumed by her radiant presence. But in my quest to possess her, I unwittingly sealed her fate—a fate that would ultimately lead to her untimely demise. She died defending my domain, a victim of my own hubris and folly.

Following my lost of her, my siblings got assassinated. As if the amount of loss I felt is not enough, the kingdom fell into chaos, and I lost my domain. While in the end, lost my life due to the activation of my curse.

Standing on the brink of oblivion, I find myself pondering the twisted path that has led me to this moment of reckoning. Once hailed as a prodigy, I now stand as a shadow of my former self, haunted by the specter of my own misdeeds.

First, the loss of her—the one who held my heart and soul in her gentle embrace. And then, the cruel hand of fate snatching away my siblings, their lives cut short by the blade of an assassin's knife. With their deaths came the unraveling of everything I had once held dear—the kingdom plunged into chaos, my domain slipping through my fingers like grains of sand.

And finally, the curse that had plagued me from birth, its malevolent grip tightening with each passing day until it inevitably consumed me in its fiery embrace.

Yet, even as I teeter on the edge of oblivion, a flicker of hope ignites within me—a defiant spark that refuses to be extinguished. For I am still human, still capable of redemption, despite the darkness that threatens to consume me.

With my final breath, I make a solemn vow—to defy fate itself, to rise from the ashes of my own destruction, and to reclaim my rightful place in the annals of history. For I am Draven Arcanum Von Drakhan.