
The Villain Always Dies in the End

Winner of WPC #308 Bronze --- I was a regular guy. I had a regular job. A regular family. And, although I was still a bachelor, I had been in several relationships, although none of them got far enough to lead to marriage. Then, I was stabbed in the back. I didn't even get to see their face before everything blacked out. 'Why was I killed? I just lived a normal life!' Then, I woke up in a baby's body. At the age of 10, when we were finally getting our status windows, I suddenly realized something. When I looked at my twin sister, I almost choked from shock. 'Fuck, don't tell me I got reincarnated into "that" novel!' 'And furthermore, I'm the main villain, the villainous brother!' This is the story of my quest for a lazy life, one where I didn't have to do anything. I just wanted to live a lavish life as the son of the duke, my sister could do whatever she wanted and save the world, and I wouldn't interfere. At least, that was what I thought at first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Check the schedule Chapter Length: 1000-1500 words per chapter My chapters are edited by myself, so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Just comment if there is a mistake anywhere. My other novels: When the Reader Descends Into the Novel With a System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/when-the-reader-descends-into-the-novel-with-a-system_23122762806287305 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/8ePQESSSHT All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are purely fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or products are intended. Note: The cover doesn't belong to me. If you are the original owner and want me to take it down, please leave a comment on my latest chapter.

WorthyAdversary · Fantasía
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89 Chs

Stabbed in the Back - 0

A/N: I'm well aware that I'm in the "Anti-Hero" WPC, so, please stick with me for the first few chapters as I set up the world and the life of the MC (Meaning a lot of fluff) before everything comes crashing down and he become an Anti-Hero. Also, due to this, it will feel a little bit rushed at the beginning, but there will be flashbacks to keep the story flowing smoothly.

A/N: Another one because of some people bitching on my story, I'm at chapter 49 right now, and there's been some people complaining, so I'll write it here so you can stop reading right now if you don't like it. Yes, there'll be some spoilers, but a lot of people either hate or love these things, so I'll just put it here.

First off, people keep saying that the MC is a dumbass, but all his actions have a specific consequence that he tries to attain, with some of them taking years to manifest, they may just seem dumb now. MC is one that likes to think about the long game, not the short one. If your small brain only wants instant gratification, don't read this novel, because THAT would be the definition of a dumb MC. Second, inconsistencies in height of MC, but like, literally, MC is taller because he grew over a 5 year time skip... I have no fucking clue why people can't seem to figure that out. Third, there's only girls around the MC because that's my writing style. If you read any of my other novels, there's only girls around the MC, but they're just his friends, and it's always no harem (I'm American, I abhor harems, they're absolutely disgusting). Fourth, the MC is gender bent at like chapter 44. BUT! He is only a girl at night time, and he is a regular boy during the daytime. The gender thing is written in the story because there needs to be a consequence whenever any character earns power easily, as the law of equivalent exchange keeps everything in balance. You see, one of my principles is being as realistic as possible, and like, a protagonist's halo is not realistic, so yeah, there needs to be a consequence. This actually then helps his plans and long game, as it helps him get out of many situations and he has already figured out an endgame for this girl transformation at night. Finally, he's a weak ass MC right now and is mostly using scheming and political power because it's not realistic for a teenager with a trash villain body to beat a regressor, a maid of one of the highest families, a friend who has almost infinite mana, and most others because he had to wait until he "officially" awakened to start using mana and start building his body, so it's obvious that he'd be weaker than the other students because they've been making stars around their heart since they were little whilst he couldn't because the ones watching him would have reported it. There's literally a "Weak to Strong" tag on this novel, so fuck off if you want to read about an overpowered MC. The MC is a smart realist, he chose the fusion technique because, although it wouldn't give him instant gratification, he would get much more benefits in the long run. If you don't call looking at the future smart, then, first off, you're a dumbass, and second, don't read my novel because you obviously don't have a high enough IQ to read it.


I lived a regular life.

I was a single child with loving parents.

I experienced a normal childhood, with its ups and downs, ending with my graduation from college.

Then, I got a normal 9-5 job at a generic office where I worked for 10 years.

I went to church every Sunday and was a devout Christian.

Overall, I lived a really generic life, one that was the same as millions of other Americans.

That was, until one day, when I was walking home from a normal Sunday Service that I was stabbed in the back.

All I felt was the cool touch of metal plunging through my ribcage, reaching my heart, before I blacked out.


I woke up to darkness.

'Where am I?'

It felt as if I was floating in the womb of a mother.

Then, a muffled voice came from outside the place.

"Miriam, is our little angel doing fine?"

Then I felt the darkness constrict a little bit as one wall was pushed in.

'Wait, don't tell me, I'm actually back in the womb!'

'Is this a web novel or something? How did I get reincarnated?'

'I just lived a regular life! Why am I getting reincarnated?'

'Did it have something to do with my stabbing?'

Stuck in this dark place, I could only ponder over these questions.

But suddenly, I heard a voice in my head.

Well, it wasn't actually a voice, but more of an expression of a desire.

(A/N: Like my other novels, "//" means not MC's thoughts or spoken related types of speech.)

//So dark...//

It was only then that I realized that another tiny pair of hands were gripping mine.

Well not gripping, it was more like we were still fused together.

'Oh! So I'm a twin.'

'I wonder if it's a boy or a girl?'

'Wait, so how do I know what they're thinking?'

//Hungry...// (Twin)

//Wait, where am I?//

//Is this Korea?//

//Was I kidnapped?//

//The last thing I remember... I was working overtime in the office?//

//I blacked out, so, did I get transmigrated?//

'Oh, is my twin also a transmigrator? How interesting.'

'Well, I better keep it low-key if I want to live a regular life, so let's just pretend that I'm an actual baby.'

//Hungry...// (MC)

//Hungry...// (MC)

//Hungry...// (MC)

//Wait, who's talking to me?// (Twin)

//Is this telepathy?// (Twin)

//Oh, I'm a twin!// (Twin)

'Does this person not know how to hide their thoughts?'

//Hungry...// (MC)

//Aaahhhh I'm going to be a big sister!// (Twin)

'Oh, so she's a girl.'

//I wonder, can you hear me?// (Twin)

//Hungry...// (MC)

//Okay...// (Twin)

//Well, nice to meet you my new little brother!// (Twin)

//Hungry...// (MC)

And it just went on like that for the rest of our time in our mom's womb, her fawning over me whilst I just responded with unintelligent answers.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, being tortured by my new soon-to-be sister, we finally saw a speck of light at the edge of our vision.

I pushed her back and tried getting in front as hard as I could. After all, I wouldn't hear the end of it if I was the younger one.

My feet touched the top of her head as I pushed as hard as I could with my non-existent muscles.

//Ow! That hurt little bro!//

Reaching out with my little arms, I put my arms out of our mother's womb, and was pulled out a second later.

"It's a boy!"

"Waaaaaaahhhhhhh!" I cried out.

I let my baby instincts take over as I was submerged in a basin of water before being held up to the light by a person that looked like a maid.

I was then handed over to a handsome blond man, with sharp figures and a clean shaven face.

"So this is my first child."

"Marie, why don't we name him Lysander, yes, Lysander Endendyk sounds good doesn't it?"

I stopped crying and looked at him with a curious face.

'Marie look! He's even intelligent enough to recognize his own name! He'll be a great future Duke of the kingdom.'

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Marie screamed.

"Marie! What's happening?"

"I-I'm n-not done yet." She said through gritted teeth.

And with that, my sister came out.

My dad handed me off to the maid that had held me before and called for another maid.

'It must be some noble tradition or something, that you have to have a separate maid to carry each baby.'

Another maid hurriedly came in before pulling on my sister's head, taking her out of my mom's womb.

"It's a girl!"

The other maid then proceeded to do the same thing to my sister that my maid had done to me, before handing her off to our new dad.

"She seems to be a quiet one. Hmm, her eyes seem old for a child's."

I tried to facepalm, but now that I was under the effect of gravity, my little muscles wouldn't cut it anymore.

'Are you kidding me! Can you act any more like a transmigrator?' (A/N: This is sarcasm.)

"Well, even though she's a little strange, she's still our daughter, so Marie, what do you want to name her?"

"Evangeline, isn't that such a good name, Quinn?"

"Evangeline Endendyk? Yes, that does seem like a good name."

"So be it, with Charlotte Winchester and Elsie Kensington as our witnesses, under our faith to the only Goddess of Knowledge, The Ruler of the Night, The Unearthly Shadow, Millaros of the Moon, we declare our children Lysander and Evangeline Endendyk."

And that was how us earthlings came into this world.

Thanks for reading!

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