
The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot

I find myself in an unexpected role - the villain. It's a realization that dawns upon me, and I must admit, I never saw myself as the hero. Deep down, I carried a sense of responsibility for the resentment and animosity people harboured towards me. Perhaps I truly wasn't as kind or benevolent as the protagonist. Yet, I can't fully embrace the label of a villain. It perplexes me to awaken one day and comprehend that everyone else, including those I was prepared to protect at the cost of my own life, perceives me as such. To add to the weight of this revelation, fate has bestowed upon me an immense burden—the task of saving humanity itself. The irony is not lost on me. As a villain, it is not my duty to preserve the world. However, to whom should I entrust this responsibility? Should I leave it to the protagonist, whose primary pursuit seems to be amassing a personal harem under the guise of luring beauty? The very hero who possessed the most potent cheat codes yet failed to fulfil his duty in the end. This same hero seeks to safeguard our enemies simply because they currently reside in a state of peace. Ah, the mere thought of that hypocrite, convincing himself that he desires control to protect the innocent, ignites a fire within me. Sighing deeply, I come to a resolution. Yes, I will undertake the task of saving this chaotic world, but I will do it on my terms. Those who dare cross my path shall soon comprehend why the world itself deems me a villain. [This revised novel, a departure from my debut "The Villain Side of the Novel," introduces an alternate plotline where Fray persists in the struggle for the throne. The narrative unfolds on a previously unexplored continent, a departure from the original setting, providing a fresh and intriguing starting point.]

Fri123 · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Exceeding The Expectitions

After completing each mission, the reward is determined based on the mission's score rankings, ranging from E to A, as indicated by the system window. These rankings serve as the Old Continent's expectations for warriors, with higher A ranks considered the pinnacle of mission achievements.

Even Luke, the most exceptional warrior in the Old Continent, and his clan consistently dominated the rankings, achieved the coveted A rank just 16 times in the entire story.

However, what if someone surpasses the system's expectations and accomplishes what was deemed impossible? In the entire novel, this extraordinary feat occurred only once by accident, challenging the widely held belief that certain achievements were impossible to replicate.


Fray, Elisa, Adam, and Casper, stood together on the branch of a massive tree, their surroundings shrouded in an ominous mist. Casper, with his eyes closed, began to speak with a sense of urgency.

"There are tens of thousands of monsters in front of us," Casper declared, his spiritual sense revealing the overwhelming presence of creatures. "It's impossible to cross this path. This must be where the Boss is located."

"Good, let's move," Fray commanded, and then from each of the group's armors, large wings emerged.

In a synchronized motion, Fray, Elisa, Adam, and Casper dashed forward, hovering in the sky dodging the large tree of the dense forest.

As they advanced, tens of white insect-like monsters emerged from towards them, attacking with ferocity.

" Protect Adam " Fray ordered, then him and Elisa, skillfully wielded their weapons, slashing through the air and countering the onslaught. Casper, relying on his spiritual sense, pinpointed the creatures and aided in dodging their attacks.

The group, with their wings propelling them forward, engaged in a mid-air battle with the relentless monsters. The clash of weapons, the swarming insects, and the hovering figures created a chaotic yet captivating scene in the misty sky.

As despite their ability to fly at larger height, the group remained at a low altitude, well within the reach of the monsters. Because leaving the mist domain would mean leaving the challenge area, so they had to continue their aerial battle, navigating through the swarm with precision and agility.

" I can feel a powerful aura ahead," Casper exclaimed. "We've arrived. We should land."

Descending to the mist-covered ground, the group found themselves surrounded by an impenetrable fog, unable to see more than a few feet ahead. Without warning, thousands of monsters began hurtling towards them, their screams echoing through the eerie silence.

"The boss is right ahead," Casper informed the group. Without uttering another word, the team swiftly devised a plan. Casper and Elisa held their ground, skillfully fending off the oncoming horde, creating a barrier to protect the others.

Fray and Adam, dashed towards the monsters. Fray, with his shield raised, protected Adam from the relentless assault of the charging creatures.

As Fray and Adam dashed through the mist, suddenly, emerging from the thick fog, appeared a grotesque creature. It resembled a deformed mass of meat, covered in a chaotic white armor with scattered insect-like eyes throughout its bulky frame.

Standing at least two meters tall and three meters wide, the creature seemed anchored in place, surrounded by thousands of eggs and possessing tentacle-like limbs that hinted at its grotesque nature.

Fray and Adam found themselves face to face with this monstrous entity.

"Krrrr" the monster emitted a high, scratching scream, the sound reverberating through the mist. Despite its massive size, the creature appeared unable to move, trapped within its own unwieldy bulk. Yet, an unsettling energy emanated from it.

"Hurry! I can't buy much time!" Fray exclaimed, his eyes vigilant as he fended off the approaching monsters, using his shield to protect Adam.

Adam, surrounded by an aura of energy, began mumbling incantations, preparing for a powerful spell. Fray, with swift and precise movements, continued to ward off the encroaching monsters.

Then, with unexpected agility, the deformed monster lunged towards Fray, its tentacle-like limbs thrashing wildly.


Fray, using his shield with practiced skill, managed to stop the initial attack but was pushed back by the sheer force of the creature. As he regained his stance, Fray couldn't help but think that the monster's armor felt as unyielding as iron.

In normal circumstances, Fray could easily punch through iron, and Adam wouldn't require any preparation for his skills.

However, stripped of their usual power, they found themselves without a chance when facing these monsters head-on. The once effortless feats were now daunting challenges in the absence of their usual strength and abilities.

After just three minutes of Fray tirelessly defending against the relentless attacks of the Boss and the surrounding monsters, he found himself struggling to catch his breath. Breathing heavily, he turned to Adam, asking, "Have you finished?"

Adam, still focused and determined, shouted back, "Yes, I'm done! Fall back!"

Acknowledging Adam's completion, Fray swiftly retreated behind him. Adam, with a calm demeanor, placed his hand on the ground. Suddenly, a dark energy spread through the ground like a shadow, forming directly beneath the massive body of the Boss.

The shadow morphed into a dimensional portal, swirling with dark energy. The Boss, caught off guard,"Krrrr!!!" let out a piercing scream as it desperately tried to use its tentacles to grip the ground. However, the weight of its massive body proved too much, and despite its efforts, the creature was slowly drawn into the portal.

"Krrrrr!" With a final, agonizing scream, the Boss vanished into the portal, leaving behind only the eerie echoes of its departure.


On the other side of the portal, the monstrous creature emerged into a cavernous expanse, suspended mid-air.

"Krr" It let out a scream, disoriented by the abrupt transition. As it plummeted to the ground, dozens of sharp wooden traps hidden beneath it were triggered, slicing through its grotesque form.

"Krrrr!!" Another agonized scream echoed through the cave as the creature, now wounded and struggling, attempted to move.


Suddenly, it became aware of a buzzing sound from above. Raising its deformed eyes, it beheld hundreds of dark insects— the Cemetery army, now fully charged after a week of absorbing energy.


The insects swarmed the creature, enveloping it before unleashing a deafening explosion that engulfed the entire cave. The resounding blast echoed through the cavern, effectively tearing the cave's grasp on the monstrous intruder into fragments.


Fray, Elisa, Casper, and Adam stood atop a colossal branch, gazing at the several windows materializing in the air, announcing the culmination of their venture.

[ The Merciless Clan has slain the Boss of the Misty Forest. ]

[ The Curse of the Misty Fog has been lifted. ]

[ The Misty Forest has regained its original name: The Woods of Peace. ]

[ The Merciless Clan has achieved unexpected feats. ]

[ The Merciless Clan has attained the hidden Score: S rank. ]

[ The Merciless Clan has earned the respect of the original inhabitants of the Woods of Peace. ]

[ The Woods of Peace has acknowledged the Merciless Clan as its favored benefactor. ]

[ The Merciless Clan has been awarded the S rank reward: 15,000 exp points, a Golden Treasure Box, and four Silver Treasure Boxes. ]

"Wow! We did it!" Casper exclaimed with joy, his voice echoing through the peaceful woods.

"Haha, this was fun. I'm looking forward to what this forest will look like after the annoying fog clears out," Adam remarked, surveying the mist that was gradually dissipating.

Elisa, with a smile on her face, pondered, (As soon as this fog disappears, the remaining monsters will perish, and this place will become truly peaceful. I can't deny that this is exciting.)

Meanwhile, Fray's attention was drawn to two specific announcements.

[ The Merciless Clan has gained the respect of the original inhabitants of the Woods of Peace. ]

[ The Woods of Peace has recognized the Merciless Clan as its favored benefactor. ]

(What does that mean?) Fray wondered. He sensed a profound significance behind these announcements, yet the mystery of the S rank score lingered in the novel, leaving him uncertain about the true implications of these recognitions.

[The Merciless Clan has accumulated 21,345 experience points, securing the top rank on the fourth path.]

[The Merciless Clan holds the leading rank across all seven paths.]

[ You have 3 hours left before your visit time concludes; kindly depart before the timer expires. ]