
The villain's side of the novel

[ Discord: name : Merciless Clan lien: https://discord.com/invite/2m7XzWyEDQ] In this unique twist on the typical hero-villain dynamic, our protagonist, the villain, finds himself compelled to save humanity from powerful races threatening its existence. Meanwhile, the hero is preoccupied with gathering a harem. The story unfolds as the villain must not only confront external threats but also challenge so-called heroes, proving his perspective and ultimately taking on their responsibilities to ensure humanity's survival. As alliances shift and moral complexities emerge, the narrative explores the unexpected journey of redemption and sacrifice.

Fri123 · Fantasía
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229 Chs

The Battle Against the Boss

The boss, a towering creature with a monstrous form, stood with immense power. Its massive frame cast a shadow over the battlefield, and its piercing blue eyes scanned the ground below, filled with a malevolent intelligence.

Suddenly, a portal opened where the monster had been gazing, and from within emerged Fray, his expression cold and determined. He was followed by Adam, Montaser, Elisa, and Norman, each of them ready for the battle that lay ahead.

"Don't hold back. Use all your power from the start," Fray declared, a throwing axe materializing in his hand. As he spoke, his body transformed, muscles grew larger, and his form towered even more. 

 Fray drew back his arm, showcasing his immense strength. His muscles rippled, veins standing out against his skin, as he coiled his body like a tightly wound spring. " Attack!!!"With a primal roar that resonated with power, he unleashed the full force of his throw.
