
The Vampires Phoenix

Adam a hundred years old vampire trapped in a handsome teenage body is losing himself in this world. He needs to find his mate before time runs out on him. What happens when he attends a club for the first time in ages and encounters a strange meeting with an innocent young man. Will his life change after saving the man he thinks will be his mate?

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7 Chs

Chapter One

Jacob's POV

I wake up early in the morning to the sunlight streaming through the curtains and the sound of cars passing by. I stay in bed, unwilling to get up when my annoying alarm clock goes off. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I read the time: 6:00 AM.

Arrrgh....It's a miracle that I was able to wake up so early considering I have never once woke up so early before on my own, no matter how loud my alarm clock would ring.I always sleep through it.

Most of the time, my mom would have to either drag me out of bed or pour water on me to get me to wake up. My mom's method of waking me is just pure torture.

That's just one of the many reasons why I hate mornings so much. 

I love my beauty sleep too much to wake up so early in the morning.

I attempt to get out of bed but instead fall flat on my face.

"Stupid blanket," I mutter, kicking at the piece of cloth that had made me trip.

As soon as I kick the blanket out of my way, I walk over to my bathroom and began my morning routine. Afterwards I entered into closet, and after some contemplation, decide on an over-sized shirt and boxers. It's morning so I can wear anything I want without anybody seeing.

Sorry, I keep rambling and forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jacob Black, and I'm a seventeen year old home-schooled boy who only has one friend. Her name is Zelia, and she is the complete opposite of me.

I stay with my mom because my parents got divorced when I was just nine years old. Since then, I never saw my dad again. The only thing that reminds me of his existence is the gifts he sends every year on my birthday and Christmas.

My mom is the sweetest person in this world. She has shoulder length black hair, bright blue eyes with specks of silver, slender hips, rosy cheeks, pink lips and is 5'9. My mom is just beautiful in every way.

I walk to the kitchen and go to open the fridge when I see a note on it. I took it and read:

Sorry honey that you didn't get to see me before I left, but I know how much you like your sleep so I didn't want to disturb you. I have a meeting out of town and won't be back early. Your teacher called in sick so you are free to do whatever you want.

                     Love mom.

Guess I'm home alone.... Yeeeepiee. I sigh and walk around the kitchen before opening the cupboard to search for ingredients for.... .  what? I don't know.

I have no idea what to prepare, but I finally settle for pancakes.

I bring out all the ingredients and place it on the counter.  There is sugar, eggs, baking soda, baking powder, flour, and milk.

While my eyes scan the ingredients, I realize something is missing. I quickly double check the ingredients and finally realize that I had forgotten the butter. I open the fridge and take out butter with a satisfied smile.

I finally finish making the pancakes that fills the kitchen with a heavenly smell and walk straight to the dinning table to eat. The dinning table is a white square six sitters glass dinning set. 

I sit at the head of the table and place my breakfast in front of me.

Time to eat.


After I finish eating breakfast, I clean up the table and wash the dishes. Then after finishing my chores, I decide to go up to my room since I was bored. 

I go up to my room and sit on my queen sized bed which is covered by a fluffy white bed sheet. I raised my pillow to see the book:The Fault in Our Stars . I stared at the book for a few seconds then reached out to grab the book to read it. I wasn't a reader but because the title was interesting, and this book was given to me by Zelia, so why not?

I was on page 27 (yes I'm a slow reader) when I heard the doorbell.

Who could be ringing the doorbell? I thought. I don't have friends who usually come over except Zelia, but she should be at school right now. 

Well it wouldn't hurt to check.

I run downstairs and nearly tripped on the last step.

Ugh, why am I so clumsy.

Shaking my head, I reach the door and open it, only to find my best friend at my doorstep who is supposed to be at school.