


"Can this wait get even longer?" He groaned as he ran his hand on his stinging eyes in frustration. "I swear l have never had to wait on a woman for this long in my entire life"

"Yeah and that's because you have never had one to wait on before. I mean of all the people and species who would want to be in your company?"

"You should be careful of what comes out of your mouth. Do you think you can survive the claws of an Alpha with your tongue running loose like that?"

"And yours isn't"

Dylan couldn't help but to get irritated by the second at his friend who had been doing nothing but to whine at him for the past hour. His complaints were reasonable, it's not like anyone would want to be having a hide out if bushy flowery trees that had pollen stinging their eyes and bees laying their pointy bottoms wherever they could find exposed skin. The weather wasn't helping their situation either. The heat was making them drown in their own sweat, like their pores had expanded profoundly.


As if things weren't bad enough, Foyer, his friend and Alpha had to complain about everything as if he wasn't feeling the same elements as him. Foyer wasn't one to whine for nothing and Dylan was not the one to also want to kill someone for no reason but they were both not being themselves today, Dylan's hands where just slowly creeping towards Foyer's neck bit by bit. If he wasn't going to stop soon he was going to end up strangling him.


"Do you want me to reap the empty head on your shoulders off? Cause l am glad to do so" said Foyer as he stood from the brunch that he had been lying on for the past hour. "That would give my fingers a much needed exercise" stretching his hands and cracking a few bones here and there he carefully jumped from his brunch to the one closest to him.


Dylan couldn't help but to give his friend a smirk as he heard the brunch crackle under his weight

" It would make you happy to see me fall 2 my death to my death wouldn't it?"

"More than you think" said Dylan as he balanced his hands behind his head, stretched out his legs and acted like he was asleep.


"Treason! Punishable by death"


"If the two of you could stop bickering just to take a breath then you would know our guests have arrived"

The two had been so caught up in their little fight that they forgot about the other pack members that were widely spread out across the most of the forest, hiding and waiting on trees just as big and pollinated as theirs.


More than anything, none of them wanted to be here and the irritation was very much visible in Marcus's voice as he told them about their on coming "guests". They didn't know who this guest was and why they were of importance. All they knew was that it was a female that they were supposed to rescue from the fangs of the vampires and they were not supposed to change into their werewolf forms.  And apparently the hiding in the trees was also part of the plan to help the scent of the flowers cover up their werewolf scents.


At first Dylan thought it was a mad suicidal idea when Foyer's father, their alpha laid it out for them.


Every one knew that werewolves and vampires have had bad blood for as long as their existence and yet he wanted to "rescue" someone who belonged to them. That was suicide and he knew but he still decided to go along with it. They were basically putting their lives on the line for this person in their human form. That was worse than suicide.


However, no matter how much Dylan had brought his concerns forward to the Alpha he still wasn't heard and as the pack warrior he was deeply wounded that he wasn't heard. It was his warriors that he was putting on the line and he didn't know why. That didn't seat well with his wolve. The closer the carriage got, the more agitated his wolve became. Even his wolve agreed that this was a terrible idea.


"Get ready boys" he said through the mind link

"Shouldn't the alpha be the one to say that?" Dylan just rolled his eyes at Foyer's remark and jumped off of the tree. He always found the most inconvenient time to play around.

"If you were in charge then yes, but you're not" he smirked.


Landing on the ground they quickly went into their makeshift camping ground and got in position.

"Time to go witch hunting"