
The Vampire Soul Ghost

Light Theo had heard his mother's chilling stories about vampires and ghosts since he was a child, but never did he imagine that he would become part of one. When the invitation arrived in the mail from his estranged grandmother, requesting he come to her ancient castle in Hungary, Theo had no idea what to expect. Despite his apprehension, he found himself quickly swept away by the mystique of the ancient building, and soon he was taken in by his grandmother's stories of distant family members. But what Theo didn't know was that his grandmother was a Vampire Queen, and she was searching for someone to take his rightful place in the royal family. Theo soon learns that his mother had been born with a Vampire soul and a Ghost light. He also discovers that the castle was full of creatures that were both human and supernatural. He meets a cast of characters - some friendly, some dangerous. When his grandmother's trust was betrayed, it was up to Theo to stop the powerful forces that wanted to take the castle and use it for their own gain. Throughout the course of his adventure, Theo must find a way to use the powers bestowed upon him by his Vampire soul and his Ghost light. He discovers the truth about his family's ancient history. He is tested and challenged, but eventually, he rises to the challenge and saves the castle from its enemies. In the end, Theo is able to reclaim his place in the royal family. Vampire Soul Ghost Light is a page-turner, full of mystery and Magic. It's a very long novel that seeks to explore the dark and light of supernatural creatures. It is a powerful and captivating journey that begs the questions - How far are we willing to go to secure our place in the world?

toba_dan13l · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2- The Invitation

The next morning... Theo got down from his bed and went to the kitchen.. He opened the refrigerator and took a big piece of wrapped turkey... " Oh... damn..."

.... He went out of the kitchen and found his mom.. "Theo?.. What's that with you?" She asked..

"Um... It's turkey.. I'm so hungry..."

" Oh.. actually, I left it there for you last night... But then I got carried away by the comic book I was reading.." His mom said..

" No problem.... I also got a Novel about Vampires... From Jena yesterday.." Theo said

"Well... Okay then.." His mom said..

Theo went up to his room and started reading the novel..

Soon, Theo's mom came into his room

"Theo.. Do you mind suspending reading that for a while and come help me in the laundry?" She said

" O--kay.. No problem " Their said.

"Let me help you with your dirty clothes okay?.." His mom said as she headed back downstairs.


After a while, Theo came down with his clothes

"I've been waiting Theo... Oh... so you've kept this amount of clothes unwashed?" His mom asked

"Err-- I was gonna wash them today tho'" Theo said and smiled

" Anyways-- You can just drop them there,. I'll call you when I'm done "

As Theo was heading back to his room... The doorbell rang

"Who could that be?" Theo thought

He opened the door and a man on deep blue clothes and a face cap.. It appeared to Theo he was a mail man...

"Good morning--- I came to notify you. There's a new mail in the box.." The man said

" Mail?.." Theo said in surprise

Theo went outside to check the mail

He came back inside checking the details of the mail

"A mail?" His mom said

"It may be a Season greeting... You know... Christmas..." Theo replied

"Okay... let me just see what's in there.." He said as he opened it"..

"uh?.. A message from Grandma?..".. He said

"Let me see that.."

"Do I have any grandmother?.." Theo asked

"Oh yeah.. Never told you that.... Well, she's in Hungary.."

"Hungary?.. Where there?" He asked

"That's what I don't know... Read it.."

"I think she's Inviting me to Hungary..." He said

But you never told me grandma was still alive...." he continued

"Yeah... but now you know she is---" His mom said

"So what am I gonna do?"

"You're going of coarse.."

"Damn... When.." Theo said

He opened the paper to check again..

"She's expecting me Tomorrow??" Theo explained

"Oh my God... This can't be... I can't get to Hungary tomorrow".. Mom.. We are in the United States... And she expects us in Europe...

"Seriously.... Europe.. Tomorrow, I'm not sure about that" Theo said

"You have to start preparing now, she's probably have a good reason for inviting you there" His mom said

"No problem--" I'll start now.." Theo said as he went straight to his room

As Theo entered his room, he looked round not even knowing how to prepare his stuff.

"Jena has to know about this also" He said to himself

He went back down to his mom

"Hey, what's wrong.. What's wrong with the preparation?" She asked

"Nothing's wrong, I just thought of letting Jena know about it-- I mean, I can't just leave for Hungary with her being unaware" Theo said.

"Okay, be quick about that" She said as Theo walked to the door


"Tomorrow?!!" Jena exclaimed

"Seriously, that is really crazy, she expects you in Hungary tomorrow--- From U-S-A?---" Jena said

"I was also shocked when I read that" He said

"I'm going with you" Jena snapped

"Huh?, to Hungary?" Theo asked


"I thought it could be fun, just for another Holiday-- Out of America--" She said..

"Okay, I'll tell my mom about it, start preparing" Theo said as he went to the door

"Same, and goodnight... but we're definitely not getting to Hungary tomorrow" Jena said

"Hmm-- I think so--"

"Byee!" Theo said as he shot the door and left
