
The Vampire King's Possession

Mauve Grey is finally getting the treatment she has always wished for, her father even openly calls her his daughter. Could life get any better? However, she knows it is for all the wrong reasons. She is finally useful, no longer just seen as the sin of the king, a lustful night with her as a constant reminder, especially to the queen who can't stand her. As if getting married off isn't bad enough, she is getting married to the evil vampire king. The species that have put them in jeopardy many times over. However, she has no say in the matter as this forced union is a sign that humans and vampires were truly at peace. However, Jael is ruthless and proved to be more than she ever imagined. Will she survive the vampire world considering vampires think humans to be no better than animals? Will she hold out being the Vampire King's new play toy? The cover is not mine, all credits to the owner.

GinaStanley · Fantasía
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634 Chs

361. Hidden Passageway

"Don't you need light?" Galath asked as they went behind the stairs.

"I suppose I do," Mauve replied, realizing that she was still holding onto Galath. She let go of him and he grabbed the lamp from the wall.

There were no guards in sight but this was the ground floor, she was sure they weren't far away. There was no rule that said she could use the secret passageway, however, she was sure not a lot of people knew about it.

She walked in front of him and went behind the staircase, she didn't need light. She knew how to find the hidden pathway with her eyes closed.

Behind the staircase was a wall. She placed her palm over the bricks, she moved it around looking for the loose tile. It took a while to find, it must be because she hadn't used it in a while.

"What are you doing?" Galath asked, she could hear the mix between astonishment and concern in his voice.

"Just a moment," she said. "Aha! Found it."