
Escaping the Trap

"I hesitate to say that I've studied warfare," Isabell said, adjusting the spectacles on her nose. She had her own opinions of the situation and the information that Lady Ashlynn had sent her included a detailed assessment of the reasons that the Lothians had yet to win any of their wars against the demons arrayed against them. 

In her opinion, it would take a tremendous effort to come away with victory but she wasn't trusting enough of these men to go so far as to say that the demons couldn't be defeated. A whisper of that into the wrong ears and she would quickly find an Inquisitor on her doorstep. 

"I've studied the construction of fortifications and the methods to demolish them," she said, carefully grounding her statement in her acknowledged area of expertise. "Still, that knowledge gives me some concerns given the information contained in Lady Ashlynn's letter."