
The Vampire CEO and his Villainess

Hiang Li is a half human half vampire who feels that he’s cursed and had lost all his dear ones. He was cold and filled with sadness till Hikari his temporary secretary came in to his life though she came back for revenge since she had a history with his family, will she fall in love with him. What are the odds of their love.

Atlanta03 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: I didn't know she was a Superwoman

The next day, she started work. She didn't really know the way things work here but she was willing to give this new office a try. She started by handling all the documents and files while listening to music as she wanted to make a good impression of herself in front of her boss. As she was arranging a file while attending a call she noticed someone standing behind her which made her jump out of fear. To her greatest surprise it was Hiang Li standing at her back with a cold look on his face.

"Did I permit you to take my calls" he said looking directly at her. "But sir that's the work of a secretary am sorry sir if I did something that made you angry" she said while looking down. He permits her to leave. Hiang Li didn't want anyone involved in his work space but he had to deal with his secretary. "He always shout at me nothing I do is enough how impossible" she said while gritting her teeth.

Hiang Li leaves the office early as he had a meeting with the acme corporation. When he gets there, he was advised to leave the security men outside as they had no idea what he had planned. Hiang Li tells them to wait outside while he goes in loaded. When he gets inside they start their discussion. "Oh oh you have started rebellion against us and I hope you know what happens" he said with a smirk to the head of the acme corporation Elder Zack. "Shut up, shut your mouth Hiang Li all these years we have just been getting prepared for this and today you have fallen into my trap" he said as his men points gun towards Hiang Li's head.

"I would have killed you long ago but since you wanna die sure sure" he said with an evil grin. Suddenly his phone rang and guess what it was Hikari. He shows a face of disgust when he sees her call. "Let me take this one min". They were all shocked as to how he remained calm in this situation where he was in between life and death. "What do you want" he says while rolling his eyes. "Sir some corporation, property and partnership papers just came in for you should I take a look at them or not" she asks. Elder Zack hears their conversation finding out that it was the documents he needed all along which Hiang Li's uncle safeguarded so much with his life. Hiang Li's uncle didn't want to give it to Hikari but he felt she wouldn't be suspected as a lot of people want their hands on the papers.

Hiang Li acted as though he didn't hear what she was saying, he felt that she would hang up but she shouted it more louder than before. Which made him hit his forehead. This confirmed Zacks doubt. Immediately he gets his car ready to leave instructing his men to keep an eye on Hiang Li whom he knew was very smart. Hiang Li was boiling with rage on what she did and now she's definitely in trouble. He needed to look for a way to escape. "Can I get some water please" he said with a frown. They all laughed at him making mockery of him "You want water right you'll get water, Baki water please". When he brought the water, as he was about to give it to Hiang Li he drank it and immediately, Hiang Li uses his leg to kick the table on the face of the first guy who refused to give him water. He gets lose of himself beating every one of his men brutally as he needed to hurry back to the office before Hikari gets hurt for something she knows nothing about.

When Zack arrives the office with his men they surround everywhere holding gun while he looked for the girl named Hi,kari. He then threatens them and they tell him shes in the office doing some work. Zack walked slowly but proudly as every step took him close to what he wanted. He immediately breaks the door open which made Hikari fidget. "Where is the document little girl, hand them over," he said with an intimidating look on his face. "I am not a little girl and it belongs to sir so I can't give till sir is here," she said going back to what she was doing.

"You bitch tell me where it is don't make me angry" he said while grabbing her shoulder. She slaps him saying "Just because I'm just a secretary doesn't give you the right to disrespect me or touch". Before she could finish her sentence she was slapped a hot and heavy slap by buffed man standing beside him named Spider which made blood to fall from the side of her lips and nose. "Teach her a lesson I'll look for it". "No you can't pass" she was dragged again and punched by Spider nevertheless the endless beating, punching and was injured she stood firm to her duty as a secretary. As he came to pick her up to beat her more She gets angry and grabs pieces of the shattered glass stabbing them into the guy named Spiders eyes. As she grabs Elder Zack by the neck, "I said all files are confidential" she says with a furious look on her face. Before she knew she felt dizzy. She touched the back of neck just to see blood as one of his men had broken a vase on her neck. Slowly and slowly she fades. Hiang Li enters the office in time clearing out the wave of men in the office.

Reaching there, he sees Elder Zack with the papers while Hikari lying on the floor as though she was lifeless. He gets really furious beating up all his men as he was about to kill Elder Zack , he uses her to an advantage to escape. "If you move I'll kill her I promise this don't take a step". This mad Hiang Li to stop immediately he pushes Hikari towards him and jumps out through the window. Hiang Li didn't really wanted to chase him as Hikari was bleeding profusely. "Hehe I didn't know my secretary was a super woman" he smiled. It had been a while since he gave someone a sincere smile.

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