
The Vampire CEO and his Villainess

Hiang Li is a half human half vampire who feels that he’s cursed and had lost all his dear ones. He was cold and filled with sadness till Hikari his temporary secretary came in to his life though she came back for revenge since she had a history with his family, will she fall in love with him. What are the odds of their love.

Atlanta03 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Hiang Li turned back, to go and check if he'd see her he didn't really want to help her, but out of his cold character was a virtue of humanity in him.

Whereas when he went back she wasn't there again. He sees her but also sees some goons trying to touch her while calling her sweet names.

Hiang Li didn't really know how to actually save or protect a girl in this type of situation but he was gonna give it a try. He comes down from the car and comes in front of her saying " I am here to protect you from " before he finished his sentence, she kicked him on the spot and beat him up with her purse.

When the goons saw this, they ran away. At some point, Hiang Li got really angry and grabbed her hand very tightly saying " I came to save you, you ungrateful child". "Ah stop your hurting me and I am not a child" she cried out. Before he let's her go. " Wait you are Hiang Li Sir aren't you" she questioned him as she didn't want to put up a bad reputation in front of her boss. "I am and I came to give you a lift but I should be on my way if you don't mind" he said with an casual look on his face.

She apologizes to him a lot of time but Hiang Li was already angry about the whole incident and needed her to give her a taste of her own medicine. He left with his car leaving her with an umbrella.

"Such an arrogant man how was I meant to know that" she said while using the umbrella shade herself. But she always heard that he was arrogant and cold hearted but she didn't know about this side of him to help people.

When he got home, he was actually wondering why he had helped her or why he even stopped. He grabbed the picture of Hua saying "I wish you were still here I miss you a lot. But I will wait for you my love". He kissed the photo and went to bed.

"Gradma am back" she says while pulling off her boots. When she got into the room she say the deteriorating condition of her grandmother. Tears fell from her eyelid. She didn't really have the money to get her mother treated but she did hear that there was a vacant post of a secretary. Though she didn't like Hiang Li, she was ready to seek for job to take care of her grandmother. Hikaris mother wasn't also in a suitable condition to be working so she was the only person providing for the family. Though she knew that he might not give her a job she was still willing to try. She had gone today but the interview was closed before she arrived.

After he got ready for work he met with his uncle who was discussing some serious matter. "Really that bastard I'll have him pay for it" said Cheng in a loud voice. Cheng was the name of Hiang Li's uncle. Hiang Li went to find out the problem. Cheng explains to Hiang Li of the recent rebellion of Acme corporation against theirs. Cheng tells him how they destroyed all their goods being sent to America earlier this morning. Hiang Li was filled with rage and looked as though he wanted to kill someone.

Cheng had to calm him down because whenever he's angry the vampire side takes strong hold of him. Hiang Li was set to punish them for what they did. When he arrived at the office, he was weary when he heard that someone had come for an interview. Hiang Li sends his security to send her away. Hikari really needed the job to meet up with family expenses so she couldn't just give up. She didn't give up standing at the door of the office begging for a job till evening when she fell asleep on the floor. As the security saw her again, he was furious and as he pushes her, she was caught by Hiang Li, while in an awkward position she didn't help but turned red as one could see he was very handsome. He finally gave consent for her to come in. When she saw Hiang Li she quickly turned as she knew the evil she had committed last night mistaken him for a rascal who wanted to harass her. He tells her to take a seat

"What's your name" he said while massaging his head. "Hikari it's Hikari" she said in a low tone. "You're hired now can I have peace you can start tomorrow". Hikari was so happy that she unknowingly hugged him. Hiang Li looked at her with a surprised look on his face before he pushed her away. "Sorry Sir I just felt so overjoyed". Hikari was so happy that he couldn't recognize her. Hiang Li felt he knew her but he didn't have time to think about that. "Now please leave" he said in an absurd tone.

Hikari really wanted to strangle him that moment, but she was very happy she had got the job and would be given an advance of such a huge amount. She didn't really like the fact that it was Hiang Li because what if he remembers her face. Well she didn't do anything bad so she stopped worrying.

Hikari immediately left his office returning to the house with a huge smile on her face. Hikari was a beautiful young girl, long brown hair, slim and slender. She did get boys attention everywhere she went to which made a lot of people jealous of her. Hikari had lost her father who was a rich business man at the age of 10. All their wealth were taken away from them by her father's brother who took every single penny leaving them to die in poverty. Though the hardship they face the smile was always on her lips. Since the death of her father, she always assists her mother to take care of the family.

This job opportunity was to help her cater for them as she distributed sweets around the neighborhood