
Chapter 34: Deals With The Devil

It wasn’t long after that Ardashir left, bidding both of them a good morning.

Casey walked him out, her mind working overdrive.

They couldn’t kill a woman, could they?

Lavinia had lost her composure when Ardashir told them what he wanted.

Ardashir had seemed to preen at the discomfort.

“Well, I will get out of your hair.” Ardashir bowed and winked at her. “Good morning, Miss Casey.”

She merely scowled and closed the door on him. “Prick.” She muttered to herself as she returned to the library.

Lavinia was leaning back in her chair, hand over her eyes. She wore a pained look on her face.

“Everything will be alright, Lavinia.” Casey crossed to kneel beside her. “He can’t actually mean that, right?”

Lavinia took her hand away and looked at Casey with a look full of pain but unreadable besides that. It confirmed what Casey dreaded.