
The Vampire's Lord Mate is Reincarnated! BL/Yaoi

What were you to do if, one day, you are not only invited to work in a new find supernatural city to investigate paranormal crimes, but gets hit on by the velvet wearing Vampire Lord of the city every chance he gets?! I was happy of finding good use for my knowledge over the supernatural beyond my books and blogs, and if there is a place a shy nerd for mystical creatures like myself can fit in, that would be one of the Foggy Cities that popped into existence all around the world, especially the gothic full of vampire one, the New Stormhold. Only that… it seems that my own past hold secrets from me, and that perhaps that smirking overconfident Vampire Lord has more to do with it than someone I should not have never known has. The only problem is, am I willing to pay the price for finding out? Because it may have been already too late the moment I stepped inside this city. And met his crimson hungry eyes. ~~~~~ ML:*cups MC shin, getting real close to whisper* You smell really nice… Let me have a taste mon chéri … MC: O-oh yeah? T-thank you b-but I- ML: I may as well have you for dinner instead… MC: *blushs, panic alert, alert!* Voice 1 : Oi, wait right there, I want him too! Voice 2 : No no, I saw him first! MC: …. ML: As if you all could have a taste of what is mine, scram! ~~~~Warning~~~~ Mature content, including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. BTW is 1v1 relationship, not a harem, the others are only very… enthusiastic about it hehe.

VCris · LGBT+
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60 Chs

Chapter 15

As if a bad tasting joke the vampire had stolen my sight and taken over the control of my body but has left all my other senses on so I could worry about where my own footsteps would lead me, apprehensively trying to make heads and tails of the sounds and smells around me.

And yet, as I traverse the chilling mysterious night by foot, I can vaguely tell where I'm going at times, cars, pedestrians, bustling city life, especially when I pass a loud line of people and I'm let in into the hot bustling full of people club, quickly being warped by their warm bodies around me and hearing their breaths so close and yet been unable to see nor move on my own send chills down my spine, the music so loud and noisy that I could feel its beat pounding against my heart.

A crowded place full of people, one of my worst nightmares has managed to worsen even more at the state I'm at, and I can only dread what waits for me beyond all this mess, blasting bodies and deafening music.

Or at least so I thought for the next moment something ablaze touches my arm and by the time I realize that it is actually a warm hand I am already being dragged out from my determined path set by the vampire, away from the people and pass some doors, hastily back to the chilling outside.

I can hear people talking but since I have been affected by this situation I am in I could not put the words together, almost as if they have become jigsaw's inside my mind the would not match at all, becoming mere noise.

And yet I could tell by the tone of their voice they were not happy, especially when this mysterious force still prompts me to walk past them and entered that place again no matter how much relief I felt to be out from the club, having my own two feet forcing me back in, which leads to having more warm hands on me to keep me at bay.

I had the feeling they were trying to help me but I could not help feeling very uncomfortable in having strangers touching me, no matter how good intentioned they were.

But their action next second makes me realize something…

That this group… it's just a bunch of dummies!

Their reaction to my state is to worsen this already cold night by tipping down a freezing frostbiting bucket of cold water on top of my head! I immediately start shivering and as the water clings my clothing on my body I can hear them discussing and fighting with one who did it, probably telling him it was a bad idea from the start, or perhaps fighting it off because it didn't work, but they were so into messing around with the one with the bucket that by the time their eyes fell off me once more I was almost back at the club again.




These people now, don't shatter my fancy dreams of a mysterious supernatural city by being goofy all the time!

Where are the serious legend worthy supernatural beings that I have been searching for?!

In the end I am squished back by a pair of big blazing hands that managed to put me off my feet and, in the next moment, I am inside an unknown stranger's car going just to who knows where, and as we travel on the road with them holding me down I am left to sigh internally, thinking if my situation had got better or even worse than before.

How did I get myself into this mess? And it is only day two above it all!

Now they have quiet down and with only my earring to guide me I can clearly tell when we change from the paved roads to the bumpy sideways ones, dwelling deeper into a pine leaves smelling place and further away from the chaotic mess of the city.

The-they are not taking me to a secluded area to kill me and dump my body somewhere right? Ha, ha-haha.

And yet, as worried as I still am, giving my circumstances, the fact that they seemed to be trying to help me eases it a little to a more guarded state, not a completely panicking one as before.

Plus they seem to be a very cheerful group, talking and bumping into each other, and even turning the heat of the car on for me even though they seemed to be bothered by it, warm as is already, but I'm grateful for that, even though they are the ones that soaked me wet in this freezing night in the first place it was done with good intentions and they are at least trying to amend it, finally making the shivering stop with not only two warm people sitting at each of my side but with the heat coming from the middle of the car as well.

And yet once we finally stop after a bumpy road my heart cannot help but skip a beat for we have finally arrived to who knows where.

They are gentle when they let me down the car, but learning from before this time their hands are firmly attached to my arms and prevent me from walking back the long road we came from.

I hear gravel and earth beneath my feet, rasping against the sole of my shoes, and the smell of pine and leaves as well as the chirping of small animals getting by.

A… forest? Did not think it possible with the effect of the mist on the sun, barely becoming orange past the clouds when it is daytime.

And yet, walking a little, we once more stop, but this time I can tell we are in a place full of people, and yet not crowded as the city, almost like a village of some sort filled with curious folks that soon gather around us.

I can tell they are gossiping about me from the mix of laughter and whispering voices, but as we wait while being the center of attention all seem to quiet down out of nowhere, which only makes me anxious with the sudden silence, especially when it drags out enough for me to listen to a pair of footsteps approaching me.

"My my, look what we have here, a young child already entangled in such troublesome matters, what a thing what a thing!" The distaff old voice of a woman sounds right in front of me, and the next moment I can feel her thin bony fingers touching the sides of my face. "Glad the boys found you in time, young one, we may not be able to free you from all your troubles, but at least I can help you with this one."

At that the old woman pinches the sides of my head with surprising strength and next I can feel a boiling energy trying to fight back inside, and from the suffocating powers of it I recognize it to be the vampire control over me, and as it surges to fight back I can feel the older woman own powers working on me and everything starts making sense once her powers take shape to battle the vampire force inside me for is not an outside help that I need, but a mystical power to push from within.

And that is where her spiritual wolf comes to play, and there are only a few creatures that have this kind of power.

And one of the strongest ones is a werewolf shaman.

The situation is very unpleasant for me for I have a battle between a vampire and a werewolf raging inside me, but as strong as the vampire was he is not present at the moment so his forces we're bound to dimmet with each raging bite from her mystical wolf.

And yet as the two energy collided inside of me I am consumed by the sensation of the boiling heat raising from within, almost as if two blades were hitting each other constantly, making sparkles fly in the air.

I do not try to resist her force knowing that she is trying to help me, but as the discomfort increases rapidly and the energy does not seem to fall back something very odd happens.

The two battling energy… are driving back at once.

The other woman in front of me gasps and falls back and I can feel the same happening with a vampire on the other side, but I'm freed at last from flashes of claw and teeth fighting back to back.

And yet I could swear I saw a pair of eyes join the battle for a split second… but that would be impossible, unless one of the other wolves help me out too.

Once I gain control of my body back my knees tremble and I would have collapsed on the ground if the others boys had not been still holding me in place, and their grip gives me enough time to blink away the dizziness as the remaining energies fades away, leaving a strange aftertaste at the back of my mind, almost like a ringing sound in my ears and a pressure at the back of my skull.

And yet all that unpleasantness fades away once I'm finally able to see only to realize that I have just come to meet a werewolf village for the first time.

And even after all I've been through my eyes cannot help but sparkle with the vision.