
The Vampire's Cursed Slave

She is the product of a broken agreement, a curse and he is her owner. To him, to beg mercy is a call for death and not salvation. What happens if you were born to be owned by a vampire? ● "Let me bite you," he asked in a dark guttural tone, as his cold breath brushed to my cheek. "Does that mean I'm going to be a vampire?" I look at him with my misty eyes, begging the heavens to save me. "You'll just be my queen," and then our world unite.

Alexandra_Contour · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs


"Ahh! Uhm! " my voice squeaked out loud, echoing the entire halls. As he thrust deeper on me.

Both of his hand held my waist firmly, whilst placing me on the edge of the bed, pounding me hard. As while my face was smooshed on the pillow, and my mouth was biting the fabric enable for me to control the urge of a deafening moan.

"P-please stop, I cant~" my eyes rolled towards the heavenous feeling growing inside me.

He keeps on thrusting in and out of me, making my body shiver in pleasure. His mighty arms flipped me to face him and slid his length back inside me.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my fingers on his back.

"P-please~" the more I beg, the more he thrust harder and deeper inside me.

"I-I can't handle it anymore!"

I felt like melting from his every thrust and profound pound he did on my body. As I buried my fingers deeper upon his back and grasped his skin firmly.

My body arched a couple times, struggling to cope to unexplainable feeling about to burst within me. My limbs then shivered as if they were electrocuted and got completely numbed.

"Fuck!" he cursedly hissed in the wind and pulled out of me. The waters trailing on his body dripped over me, like raindrops blessed by a god.

"Be near him once again, and I'll make sure he's gonna taste his own blood." he threatened, his eyes narrowed and as his emotion was frozen with nothing but emptiness.

I was completely enervated, there was no certain strength left within me. Even the smallest move was impotently established by my soma. My breath ragged, catching all those oxygen who left my lungs to come and return. I could barely see the entirety of the room with my half-closed feeble eyes, and with my hand that was unable to grasp even the sheets to hold on. A sudden black out occurred, covering the entire scenery.


A bone-cracking cold started the morning, as my lashes flickered in consciousness.

The rays of the sun trailed the red marks he left on my skin. The mark of his belonging. My body felt frozen from the soreness manipulating my entirety, as I could barely see the sun shinning from the window due to the long red velvet curtains.

I pulled myself up although the pain was ripping my insides. Wrapping the thick blanket around my body to hide my nakedness. I walked towards the window and pushed the curtains away to reveal the hidden beauty that lies behind it.

The snow was covering the entire mountains, even the trees is barely visible as it reflects to the huge windows that occupied as the main wall. I was unknowledgable of the time of the year, my phone broke the moment I fell into the water, so probably, it's almost Christmas.

"Mea Domina, the Lord has ordered me to send this to you," I turned around seeing her bowing down, whilst handling the same box as the last time but, this time it is tied with a red ribbon.

When I opened it, a red velvet long-sleeved bodycon was inside. It looks so elegant, as the white cotton thing was placed above the heam of the dress and along the shoulders. It also has a cute little red ribbon on the center and a pair of silver stilettos.

I put it in and watch my reflection to the mirror, surprisingly it fits me perfectly. The fabric revealed my curves and showed most of my legs, good thing I shaved last week.

"Who told you to wear that?"

The door banged loudly, his deep guttural voice echoing throughout the entire halls.

A man in a black suit appeared before my very eyes, he looked majestic. His keen emotionless eyes was perfectly fit by his most defined brows. As his aquiline nose restructurized his beauty, trailing down to his thin rosy lips. His chiseled features were perfect, specially the thin beard over his jawline and along his mouth made him more appealing.

He was wearing a black mask, which molded his nose perfectly and narrowed his keen eyes even more.

That took me for a second. I shakened myself from the daze and looked at him with a dark expression.

"You gave it to me and then ask me who told me to wear it? Tss," I hissed in great dissatisfaction.

He quickly vanished in the wind and appeared on front of me, with his hand around my neck.

"How dare you talk back to me!"

"I-I'm choking..." He then let go from grasping me firmly and stood still on front of me.

"Stand." He mandated.

I did what he ordered and yet, the moment I stood up from the bed. He pulled my dress, tearing the fabric apart. I wrapped my arms around me, covering my body to be seen. But before I was able to runaway from him he grabbed my arm and made me kneel on the floor full of salt.

My knees started to tremble out of pain and tears lingered upon the corners of my eyes.

"Please stop~" I could see the blood mixing on the salt. As my limbs trembled in oppression.

He leaned his face forward, enough for him to reach my ears to whisper.

"Never beg again." his cold breath brushed on my cheek. He then pulled me out of the ground and hand me a long black velvet bodycon.

My knees were stinging and thus, I encourage myself to cope with the pain no matter what happens. Although, the blood were dripping down my legs.

I was about to have my way towards the changing room when he grabbed my arm.

"Change in front of me," his eyes darted on mine, immensely. The state of solemnity reflected upon his brown eyes.

I slowly took the ragged fabric off my body and changed to the dress he gave to me.

"Perfect," he uttered, as his fingers trailed upon the curves of my body.

As soon as our eyes met, there was that certain kind of unusual spark lingering upon us. My heart throbbed rapidly, and like the bolt of thunder went through my veins.

"This only belongs to me," his fingers buried upon my waist and dragged me closer to him.

He tightened the grip upon me and walked out of the chamber. In every pound our feet had taken us , I could feel the squeezing anxiety throbbing hard inside my chest.

"My Lord, Viscount Wesley has arrived." he bowed his head down.

Filip lifted his brows and narrowed his eyes. As if there was no single emotion ever left in his soul.

"You may now take your leave," his voice was as cold as an ice. He pulled me closer, gripping the thin fabric covering my body.

I tried to push him with my upmost stregnth but, it was an impotent attempt.

"Stay still or I'll bestow such punishment to you once again." his eyes sharpened, glaring against me with a certain threat.

The alley was empty and melancholic. Archaic red carpets filled the floors, as the sound of silence echoed back to us.

We stopped-stood before the huge doors. He arched his back to straighten and narrowed his vision to a certain direction.

As the black cape sat right above his black suit, covering most of his body. And a shiny black mask accentuated his aquiline nose. His curly black hair adhered as the strong scented gel hold them together. Making him look decent and prepossessing

When the doors open widely, a vivid light shone upon my misty eyes-blinding.

Thousands of eyes were adherent upon us, some were jubilated and yet, some has livid reflected upon it's corners. Dwelling beneath their soul.

"Filip Kužmanovic!" a rawboned man venerated, with his head bowing down and his arms hidden behind his back. He's wearing a gray suit and a white bow upon his collar.

"Kosair Chaplin," Filip uttered in a low monotonous voice. His other arm wrapped around my waist firmly, with his fingers grasping the black velvet fabric.

"My gracious greetings, my friend." he handed out his hand, with a mischievous look gleaming across his eyes and a smirk lifting upon his lips.

"I don't have a friend Kosair."

The coldness lingered within every word he had spoken. And passed by him, as if he was just a wind in disguised.

A great chuckle filled the entire halls. Glasses were clacking, as the diamond chandelier reflects upon the black granite floors. Feathery chatterings were more delicately establish upon the entire room.

The archaic structures were more defined, by the gloom of the atmosphere surrounding it's entirety. The murmurings weren't loud nor was it vulgar to hear but instead, people were talking by their eyes.

By the glimpse of their peculiar tête-à-tête . It was hard to guess whether what they have been trying to discuss.

"What a beautiful lady," his vision budge to meet mine, with a demure dwelling beneath his eyes.

He lifted his hand and tried to touch the end of my hair. His unsavory ideation was much obvious than he could ever hide.

Before his finger could ever dare to touch my hair a veiny hand, grasp his arm firmly. With a great stregnth out of furiness.

"Dare to touch my woman, and you got to taste the bitterness of hell." Filip uttered in a deep low voice. His eyes narrowed into a hostile glare, as his face was contorted with rage.

"Easy...I'm not trying to cause any commotion." he draw his hand back, lifted his brows and twitched his lips.

"May you have a gracious night, my lord." he bowed his head down and step backwards.


He cussed almost in a whisper, as he walked away from us.

"Don't you think it's still so early to try and cause a commotion with a Kosair?" a deep dominant voice echoed behind us. As heavy footsteeps were trailing towards our direction.

"You're just less of a noble, don't think too high of yourself just because of your incredible psychic ability. Remember, it was a cursed that made you who you are."

His words were too logical that I was unable to comprehend, and was either bewildered, whether, was he offended or was there any kind of livid dwelling beneath his reimbursing heart.

There was a prick on my heart coming from nowhere. His words weren't something to provoke someone but rather, it was filled with melancholy that bleeds ones heart in pain of the past.

"Wesley-the gracious Viscount of the west. Too bold and bright, for a weak one to please and serve."

"Is that a word to offend nor was that to reconsider?"

A bold smirk was lifted upon Filip's lips. His eyes narrowed down to mystery. However, the grip of his fingers tightened upon my waist, as the thick atmosphere surrounding us.

Was he scared?

The contempt emotion filling his face was as empty as a hallow heart. It was obscure and yet, it was abstruse to unravel.

"Whether which it is, it doesn't matter. A grand evening shall not be decimated by our abominable business."

He took the viscount's hand and placed a kiss on it. His face was rather defined with disgust and repugnance. As his eyes look away and his nose crinkled in abhor.

"Emina..." the viscountess uttered astoundly, her eyes widened in astonished looking immensely at me.

The viscount on the other hand budge his vision to me. His brows lifted in surprise as he pursed his lips.

But then, Filip's hand dragged me to hide behind his broad back. Thousands of questions started to hit me, who is Emina? why do they think I am her?

" She's not who you think she is. So don't ever lay your hand on her once again"

His words were shielding me from the unknown. As if this had happened before as well.

" Hmm... too defensive. Well, let see. Enjoy the rest of the evening Filip, who knows this might be the last euphorious night of yours."

That threat cuts deeper than a knife. Too logical and yet, I wondered what that really means.

Hi everyone! I apologize for updating so long, a great typhoon hit my area and it caused a great damage. We have no electric, water and even internet. Today was better, I use a data, the signal just got returned. And I was happy cause I am able to update again. I will do my best to update more often, well, hopefully the signal won't go insane in some days.

Best regards,


Alexandra_Contourcreators' thoughts