
The Vampire's Addiction

After years of war between the human race and vampires, a truce was finally reached. The agreement stated that a woman would be chosen to become the wife or mistress of the current vampire prince, forever trapped as his prisoner. While this may seem extreme, countless women were willing to fight for the opportunity, but unfortunately for Aria, she was chosen. Despite some believing she was fortunate to be selected, others claimed that it was only because of her power and wealth that she caught the prince's attention. Aria lost all her privileges the moment she became the vampire prince's bride, but things became even more complicated when the vampires demanded that their prince have a child with her. " Don't worry, I respect your decision, I understand if you want to take in another wife." She whispered with a handful of tears ready to spill out from her reddened eyes " No wife, you are the only woman in my life!" Erec exclaimed. Will that promise hold for a long time, when Aria refused to do her duty as the Prince's wife?

Bleeding_pen_9 · Fantasía
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11 Chs


If I had ever hated anyone, it probably wasn't to the extent of the hatred I had for Erec's mistress.

The room suddenly went silent, it was obvious that he had hesitated to rush to the door because of me.

His grip on me tightened as he pulled me closer than we already were, he probably did that to distract me from the nuisance that stood at the other side of the door.

Well, pretending that she wasn't there didn't mean that she would go away.

Again, she banged the door and this time, louder.

I could feel Erec stiffen, he had tried so hard to stop himself from answering her.

"Erec, I said I feel cold." She yelled.

My thought immediately dived into something that had slipped my mind. I didn't know if it was just me or did other vampires notice that she had no atom of respect for Erec as a prince.

He was their next king but there she was, banging at his door like she was about to be robbed by some criminals.

"Wife, I will be back."

This time, it was me that stiffened. How do I tell him that I needed him by my side? How do I tell him that I was jealous of his mistress and didn't want her close to him? How do I tell him that I had developed some kind of affection towards him? And how do I tell him that I needed him to hold me tight and never let me go? But wouldn't that be so selfish of me, considering the fact that they had known each other long before I was brought into the picture?

I felt the bed press and after a few seconds, I heard the door open and close. As expected, Erec had left the room.

I didn't know what to do, my eyes refused to shed a single drop of tear for Erec but my heart was in pain. I couldn't phantom the fact that Erec was with another female that wasn't me.

He said he wouldn't hurt me but little did he know that he had hurt me emotionally.

Oh, I curse my parents for putting me into this mess.

Seconds turned to moments, moments to minutes, and minutes to hours of staring at a plain wall, Erec was not back and that could only mean one thing. I couldn't bring myself to think of the things Erec and his mistress must have done at that late hour.

Tired of waiting, I finally shut my eyes and dived into the dreamland, where I would be free from this agony that people called life.


"Why do you have to smell so good?" My eyes immediately open…. widely. 

Erec was back and this time, his grip on me was firmer than earlier. Although I had desired for him to be close to me at that moment, he disgusted me.

I knew that it was morning even if I couldn't see the sunlight due to how thick the curtains were. There was no way I would allow Erec to flirt with me when he spent a night with his mistress. 

"Good morning wife, I hope you had a beautiful sleep."

Those words made me more irritated, did he just ask me that question? 

How could I have had a beautiful sleep when my husband was out with another lady? If I didn't know better, I would have thought that he had purposely tried to make our marriage difficult for me.

I ignored his question and tried to push him away from me, fortunately for me, he didn't resist. Probably he would have figured that I was not in the mood since I didn't respond to his greeting.

I immediately got off the bed but something so strange caught my attention.

There, I noticed the blood stain on my shoulder. First, I had thought that there was some kind of injury that I didn't know about but when I felt no pain, I realized that it was not from me and that could only mean one thing. It was from that other person in the room– Erec.

With a horrified face, I slowly turned my gaze to Erec and it seemed that he tried to hide whatever injury that had given off the blood stain. Erec now had his back facing me but curiosity took the best of me. I immediately rushed to the other side of the bed only to see the scarred part of Erec's face dripping out blood like that of a waterfall.

"My goodness!" I exclaimed.

I could see the shame in Erec's eyes and I respected that. If I were to be in his shoes, I would never let him see me in such a state but at the same time, I couldn't help but question myself. 

Who would have done this to him? And how did that person inflict such wounds in the early hours of the day?

No one said anything to each other as we both stared at each other.

With the situation getting awkward, Erec turned his face away from me and I was quick to run to the other side of the bed.

"Wife, please don't look at me, I am nothing short of a monster." He finally opened his mouth to speak but I disagreed with his words. 

The vampire before me was never and would never be a monster. He was my husband and even if I had suspected him of infidelity with his mistress, I would never tag him as a monster.

I got on the bed, lay beside him, and cupped the face that still had blood dripping from it.

"You are not a monster. How can a monster be the next vampire king? You are Erec, my husband."

Good lord, why did I say those words to him? We had not settled the issue we had and there I was, spilling out those sweet words. Those words just extinguished any problem I had with Erec even without him apologizing.

As expected, Erec formed a smile on his face, and in the next second, he drew me closer for a hug, thereby making me inhale his mixture of masculine and alcoholic scent.

"Wife, thank you for your words." He blurted out but it didn't seem like he would let me go. 

I said nothing but allowed him to hug me and as expected, he let go of me after a few minutes. Now that I had comforted him, I went back to give him cold feet.

I simply got off the bed and walked to the closet. After a few seconds, I came out with a change of clothes and entered the bathroom.

Knowing how shameless Erec was and scared he might barge into the bathroom, I quickly cleaned myself up and wore the new set of clothes that I had with me.

The moment I stepped out of the bathroom, my gaze immediately met with that of Erec but I was not in the mood, so I immediately walked out of the room. Moreover, I was really hungry, so I needed to fill up my stomach with something, and staying in the room wouldn't be of any help but my appetite was put on hold by the person I saw standing at the door.

"Ethan, what are you doing here?"I asked but he ignored my question.

"Is the prince in?" He asked. I had the feeling to ignore him just like he did to me but I had a second thought, so I simply nodded.

"Okay." And with that, Ethan entered Erec's room without permission and shut it close….. harshly