
Looking for help (1).

Xia Wei stared at the young man before her and was deep in thought.

Lu Zhan noticing that Xie Wei was staring at him said "what are you star-" but before he could complete his sentence Xia Wei ducked under his arm and stood up with him.

Poor Lu Zhan was shocked and said his voice showing his shock " what the heck are u trying to do??!".

Xia Wei replied " trying to take you away from this place, so your wounds can be tend to".

Lu Zhan resorts" have you lost your mind as if a small girl like you can carry me!".

Xia Wei replies back "indeed your quite heavy and your yapping is not helping either".

Lu Zhan was left speechless.

The Xia Wei says " look at the sky" Lu Zhan look at the sky but couldn't understand what she was trying to say so he looked at her.

Seeing Lu Zhan look at her clueless she said "there is smoke flowing in the sky means there are people near here or a house if we follow this direction we should be able to get help".

Lu Zhan then understood what she meant a bit embarrassed and kinda helpless he nodded. seeing that he was behaving himself Xia Wei was satisfied.

As such taking Lu Zhan with her Xia Wei moved forwards to find help.

They walked for a while but there was no one around and Xia Wei was getting worried as Lu Zhan looked paler by the second. and she was afraid that he might die she quicked her pace but made sure Lu Zhan wasn't much uncomfortable and said "Endure a while more, we will find help soon" Lu Zhan just gave her a small smile.

Xia Wei after a while more of walking was feeling very afraid as Lu Zhan's condition was getting worse and she was starting to get even more worried when her frustration was about to reach the peak she heard some voices.

Hearing some voices she quickly heads towards it quickly and shouted "help! help us!" at first there was no reply feeling a bit lost but not helpless she raised her voice even more and shouted at the top of her lungs "please help us there is an injured person here and he needs medical attention immediately please!".

Hearing a loud voice like that the two people who were talking with each other was alarmed and started walking towards where they heard the voice coming from as quick as they could and noticed a young girl holding a young man on her shoulder who looked heavily injured having seen that they moved fast and approached her quickly. Seeing that people have come relief flooded her whole being making her feel faint she starts to sway but held her ground knowing now was not the time to faint like some heroine she rolled her eyes at herself.

The people quickly asked what happened Xia Wei explains that Lu Zhan was injured and needed help immediately and that she was fine. hearing that the two people took Lu Zhan from her shoulder and told her to follow them, Xia Wei did as she was told and left with the people so that she could help Lu Zhan who has already fainted because of the pain and blood loss feeling afraid she pleaded with them to hurry.

The people reassured her and told her to calm down and told her to come with them as they quicken their pace with Xia Wei behind them her eyes never leaving the fainted Lu Zhan.