
The Uprising: The Crimson Flame Blade

TWildImaginations · Fantasía
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3 Chs

First Crush

Inside the throne room, joviality and merriment filled the air, music playing, people dancing at the spacious center of the room.

Majority of the people in the room were Powerhouses, Dukes, Lords and other influential entities across the continent.

The King and Queen sat on their respective thrones, clearly happy over the atmosphere in the room.

After some time, the King's mood dropped, his sharp eyes surveyed the entire room. He bent his head and whispered into Queen Alicent's ears.

"Where in the world is Yenefa? Why isn't she here till now?" From the tone of his voice, Alicent felt his anger brewing.

"She must be in her room, preparing." She whispered back. Her eyes searched for Yenefa as well.

"How would just dressing up take her years to do? Bring her here at once!" King Rufus whispered fiercely, almost lost his composure.

Queen Alicent framed an angry face and answered almost immediately. " Ladies are not men, we need time to do things, besides she could be nervous about today, it's her first time attending a ball. Don't be so hasty."

King Rufus immediately calmed down, especially when his dear wife had gotten angry. He hastily apologized for his harsh outburst.

King Rufus's weakness was his wife.

"I'm so sorry, my love."

Queen Alicent threw her face to other direction, pretending not to heed to him but deep inside her, her heart fluttered with joy.

At least for the mean time, she had bought time for her daughter.

Moments later, the giant doors of the throne room slowly creaked open, drawing completely the attention of the occupants of the room. Silence reigned supreme.

Yenefa, beautifully donned in a breathtaking silver ball gown, the gown gracefully outlined her curves, all who saw her couldn't help but gape in awe.

Yenefa was undoubtedly beautiful to look upon.

"Your Royal Majesties."

With steady and calculated steps, she reached the throne and bowed elegantly. Then she proceeded to sit on her reserved seat in between her father and her younger brother.

The ocassion resumed like it never ended.

"For once, you took my breath away." King Rufus playfully nudged Yenefa. "And you took too long to show up but it was worth it."

"Apologies, your Majesty. I had to prepare better."

"It is okay, join in the merriment."

Yenefa's mind was partially present in the ball. Her mind wandered far away from what was happening presently. She wanted all this end, so she could go to her room and rest.

"Long live the Lion pride of the Dignor, your Majesties. May your days be long." A young prince greeted the King and Queen, his eyes remained fixed on Yenefa.

This action annoyed Yenefa for no reason. He looked a p*rvert to her.

His next words nearly made Yenefa feel like coughing up blood.

"Can I lend the princess for a dance?"

King Rufus turned his eyes to Yenefa, asking her silently if she would agreed.

"No." Yenefa let it out straightforwardly.

The young prince was shocked and embarrassed by the princesses rude response.

"Your Highness?"

"I said no! Have you gone deaf?" This time, her response was a bit louder, making some people turn their heads towards their direction.

"Oh. Apologies, your Highness. I must take my leave now."

The young prince, ashamed, took some steps back and bowed before turning to leave hurriedly.

"Yenefa, what was that for? What have you done?!" King Rufus was utterly dumbstruck at her response.

The young man who had asked for a dance with Yenefa, is a crown prince of Wavinglands, a neighbouring country to Dignor. This ball to King Rufus had two prime objectives, find a potential husband for Yenefa, and to solidify and create strong ties with other powerhouses.

Wavinglands is one of strongest lands in terms to military might, and excellent trading activities. So marrying Yenefa to their heir would make allies other than enemies.

Now, with what Yenefa had done, that plan was far from coming through.

King Rufus couldn't help but lose himself to his anger, deeply expressed by a dark ominous aura slowly spreading out from him.

The guards on duty behind already began sweating bullets and got weaker as the aura grew stronger.

"Rufus! Stop! Pull yourself together." Alicent grabbed his arm, chanting a healing spell in her mind on him.

King Rufus immediately got hold of himself and retracted his aura. The spell had worked.

Meanwhile, Yenefa sat without a care in the world, the pressure from the aura did not make her budge. Queen Alicent rose from her seat and turned over to where Yenefa was, and whispered in her ear.

"Follow me now." Her words was a cold command that Yenefa didn't dare to ignore.

Yenefa quietly stood up and followed her mother. They went up a flight of spiraling stairs, and finally arrived at the balcony.

From there, the beauty of the city below could be greatly admired but that wasn't what Queen Alicent came for.

As soon as Yenefa arrived, She casted the spells of time-stalling and an invisible barrier to prevent their conservation from being heard.

Yenefa failed to notice this.

"Yenefa." Queen Alicent called.

"Mother?" Yenefa answered feebly. For a moment, this woman in front of her wasn't the mother she knew. She felt so different.

"Do you know how much I have tried to protect you?" Queen Alicent asked without turning her head. Her eyes were fixed on the City's scenery. "And do you think defying your father would change anything?"

"I don't understand you, mother."

Queen Alicent let out a dry laugh on hearing her response. The little girl was so clueless.

"Poor, naive girl. You are only making things worst."

Yenefa grew tense by each passing second. The air around her suddenly felt cold.