
The Unwanted Toy

All My Life I've Done What My Step-Mother Wanted, Do Chores Although We Had Maids, With My Step Siblings Doing Nothing So Frustrating Right..Parties Or Maybe Move Nights Or All The Teen Outdoor Activities I Never Experienced them Only Heard Of Them As I Am Always Grounded, A Boyfriend? Not Even In A Dream.. I Put Up With All This Hoping To End After I Graduate From College And Look For A Job But Was I Kidding Luck Wasn't On My Side As I Was Given The Responsibility To Make More Money For My Family I Became My Families Company CEO Guess That Wasn't A Great Choice For My Step Mother But The Best For Me As I Started To See Life For What It Is.

Jenny_Charm · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Anonymous Messenger

'i can't do that mom, it was my late mom's company she won't like it if..' 'Alright I get it, I'll just pull this trigger then..' 'no don't I'll sign it, whatever you need me to sign I'll sign it' I reasoned when I saw her fingers play with the trigger I was really scared for her life, she's been a mother to me, she raised me and it won't be fair I kill her just like I killed my mom, atleast the one I killed was my biological mom and she isn't, dolma, yang and Zhang still needs her

I signed all the documents without bothering to read them and when I was done, i saw her smile as she placed the Bristol back in her handbag then spoke 'now hand me the papers' she comanded and I obeyed, i handed her the documents which she grabbed from me then walked away, i was expecting her to say goodbye was literally praying she says it as it will make me feel better but she didn't when she stopped at the door turning to me, i thought she was gonna finnaly say it but was dissapointed as she simple just said "don't tell a soul abaut this, not even your poor husband" then walked away in a fast motion

I was so shaken by the episode that i started shivering and tears welled up my eyes, they didn't fall out, it really was difficult to make me cry, i was always a tough girl I mean with the situation I grew up with, crying wasn't my thing anymore, if i you see me cry just know that whatever shit happened really touched me, so losing the company wasn't that of a big deal just seeing my mom point a gun to her head really broke my heart, i almost lost my other mother and I was abaut to be the cause of it..

I slowly set on the chair trying to calm myself down then i heard a pop-up on my phone I opened it with shaking hands and was shocked to read the message, here is how it read "Hello Lin I mean unwanted toy, that's what we called you in school remember? Well just wanted to see how you're doing after losing the most valuable things in your life..you'll be in the streets and your handsome husband will abandon you as he's handsome needs a successful women like me not you..well don't think I he ever loved you, he only loved the fact that you were financial stable don't believe me, well watch till I throw you out in the streets and you'll see how he jumps for me with no second thoughts, cry as much as you can unwanted toy lol with regards your nightmare"

I wanted to scream but couldn't, tears threatened to fall out of my eyes but blinked them away I wasn't someone who cried so easily I'm a strong women I mean it's natural after what I've been through but it still disturbed me, i wondered who the person was, and why they would text me such? I quickly ignored it as soon as I heard a knock on my door, i collected myself before asking whoever was on the door to come in, the person rushed inside 'cupcake are you okay?' 'Oh so I'm cupcake now huh?' I teased trying to lighten the air

'Are you okay Lin?' He asked again ignoring my joke 'yes I'm fine why are you asking?' 'No reason so you ready' 'no..I mean let's just go home I prefer home cooked food now plus you're a great cook I want to eat your food' I reasoned hoping he'll fall for it, he was hesitant but after looking at the puppy doll face I made he agreed 'sure! Let's go' he said taking my handbag and leading the way, after today's episode I wasn't in the mood if working so knocked off early and restaurants aren't a great option now, i needed alittle time with my husband as with the past month I've been working my as off that the bussiness started to make More profit with the huangs partnership we sell abaut 50000K per day, the bussiness has grown through social media with the help of Chen ofcourse now people from all over the world order, our products have reached every corner of the earth and we have ambassadors in each continent, the past month have been hell for us we haven't even had couple time it's all abaut bussiness and I was so freaken proud of myself and Chen ofcourse, so taking a break won't harm atleast that's what I thought as all us in place, even if I could stay I was just going to communicate with a couple from YouTube, they've got a million suscribers too I want them to promote our goods in one of their videos

'What are you thinking abaut? Cupcake' I was snapped out of my thoughts to his words, i looked through the window without responding first and it turned out we were already infront of our apartment, i didn't even realise the time we got in the car or when he started driving it's like magic, the view from down here was beautiful, this apartment was really beautiful, most of youtube couples live here too, i recognized some whom i watched videos from their YouTube channel and couldn't believe, i liked this apartments like there's a pool, game room, gym and their security was tight plus our apartment was on the eighth floor

I kept admiring the view but was disturbed by chen again 'so you don't want to tark to me now, i mean what have I done to you?' He asked and I felt really bad for him, it's true I was ignoring him and I cancelled his eat out with no explanation I felt the need to make it upto him, so I gave him a quick kiss on the lips which wasn't enough to him as he still pulled me back into another kiss after I pulled away 'another one please' he said pulling me in anther french kiss

Things almost got heated right in the car, as i started unbuttoning his shirt unknowingly as his fingers were already inside my skirt, i pulled away 'not here, it's..' I stuttered 'yes you're right, you've got a reputation love, we'll just Finnish this inside okay' he said as I buttoned up his shirt then he did the most nastiest thing I've ever seen, he took his finger the one he touched my thing with and licked on it 'you're so sweet wifey' 'You're so nasty ew' I teased and he came close to my mouth I didn't have time to reject his kiss as i was too craving for him, as i kissed him I could taste myself from his tounge

After a few minutes when we ran out of breath, we pulled away 'don't move' he instructed as he got out of the car came to my side and surprisingly scooped me in his arms bridal style 'I can walk' 'I know but can I not spoil my wife, she can only walk when I want her to okay' he said as he headed towards the apartment entrance hall door, he used the stairs instead of the elevator, it surprised me but didn't complain as he walked like a machine

Abaut twenty minutes later we were already in our apartment, both of us were in the kitchen dealing with cooking, he was preparing pasta and potatoes separately, I was chopping the vegetables to add to our sandwich, yes he baked the sandwich early morning today which already, when I finished chopping the vegetables I placed them in a bowl then handed the bowl to him 'thank you' 'oh silly, I'm doing this for my stomach and you thank me seriously' I teased I really wasn't used to this sweet treatment back at my house I always cooked and when dolma complained my mom responded that i was doing it for my own stomach so I took that and never complained abaut cooking, i even convinced dolma not to ever complain on my behalf

'I'm not used to this sweet treatment love' I said hugging him from behind 'I know but you better get use to it, i mean if you're saying my treatment is sweet what abaut my family's one then? I learnt all this from them and they already can't wait to see you' he said and I felt alittle uncomfortable, I've spoken to Chan's sister already and she was so sweet over the phone, she forever text me, i don't know abaut his parents treatment but I hope they won't be rude to me, that's one reason why I was delaying my visit to them, they've asked us to visit them but I gave mute excuses just to make sure I go there when I'll be absolutely ready

I heard a beep from my phone then and I took it out, as it was pocketed in his pants earlier before I started chopping the veges, surprisingly the message was from Yang and was through whatsaap I opened it instantly as it was a photo I wondered what it could be and was shocked to see a little girls image, she was around twelve years and looked exactly like Chen, her blue eyes, pretty smile was just like Chen's one, i was really confused of what i was seeing this resembleness only meant one thing, that this little girl I was seeing was Chen's daughter and with the message they was no dought she was his daughter the message read like this "Chen is your husband, well did he tell you abaut his daughter? No he didn't because you're his financial supporter not wife toy, think twice" after Reading this tears started welling up in my eyes the betrayal was killing me, if she was his then why hide it from me? Does it mean Yang was for once right this time?