
The Untold Truth About Her Boss

"Your boss doesn't deserve you," Clifford revealed. "Why are you telling me all this?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Because I want you for myself. You're the woman of my dreams." Compared to how he behaved when he came to deliver stuff to me, he was very blunt now. "What if I don't like you back?" "I'll wait, after all, I'm good at that." He didn't look fazed. "Why me? I don't even own a business of my own." I told him. "You don't need to own a business, Arleen. It's just you I need." "What do you need me for?" "I need you to be my woman, that's all." He answered. **** Arleen Theodore is a secretary who is in love with her boss, Damion Clinton, but he doesn't love her back although he's aware but acts ignorant. Whereas, Clifford Edson, Arleen's delivery guy secretly loves her and tries to find any chance he gets to deliver things to her. BUT when the boss comes in contact with the delivery guy, things go haywire…. could it be that the delivery guy brought out mixed feelings from Damion towards Arleen? Or is the delivery guy Damion Clinton's untold truth?

FaeyVor5651 · Ciudad
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41 Chs




Could it get any worse?

What I was seeing could literally end my life.

"Oh my God!" I ran my fingers through my hair as I groaned in frustration. I was tired, tired of everything but I didn't want to go to jail for a crime I did not commit. That would be the end of me.

Resorting to one solution, I quickly went in and opened my safe to take every single dime from it.

Putting them in a bag, I zipped it and quickly looked for a hoodie which I hastily put on.

I knew they would come for me and it won't be funny. I was tired of being dragged like a lunatic. It infuriated me.

Taking the back door, I stealthily rushed out of my home.

What a life? I was no longer safe in my own home.

I purposely left my phone so they wouldn't track me. I felt helpless but I couldn't look to anyone for fear that I would be given away.