
The untold "origins"

"like a bird who trying to escape their cage without a wings"

Mizuyou · Fantasía
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3 Chs

A new life

"Where am I?.." he looked around him which seemed to be between heaven and earth..he heard a mysterious voice that greeted him.. /

"Welcome." A very soothing mysterious voice, a soft voice as soft as the air he looked around to find, where did the mysterious voice come from "Who are you?" He asked the mysterious voice.. /

"I am barbatos, the god of death" the mysterious voice introduced itself, then something appeared in front of him, a beautiful winged god and a calm aura around him, his red eyes shining like stars, making him awestruck. how beautiful the god of death was in front of him../

"You..?barbatos?"he asked the god, the god chuckled and nodded "yes, I am indeed the god of death, barbatos" the god smiled at him..he looked around and asked the god "where am I ?. ." he asked the god, the god tilted his head and chuckled "you are in almein realm" he looked at god and asked "almein realm?" The god nodded to him.../

"Almein realm is the spirit realm that is between heaven and hell, usually this is a realm where only humans are chosen to save a dimension that is in danger" the god explained what the almein realm was, the god looked at him and asked him to introducing himself "can you introduce yourself?" asked the god, he nodded and introduced himself "My name is Aurelius Damien" Damien said introducing himself the god nodded and said "well Aurelius Damien you will be reborn with a new identity." before Damien wanted to ask the god, the god disappeared and everything around him turned dark..

a few seconds later he heard a voice and opened his eyes he was surprised to see two humans in front of him...


all of this is just my creation,it's not related to any religion or culture.

also,my apologies if this chapter was so short I'm running out of idea.

Mizuyoucreators' thoughts