
Uncovering Secrets And Distractions

The Remaining Chosen's

The messages to the Clan Leaders in all corners were sent, warning them about the ruins and their barriers and about the use of curses to create puppets and what they thought was the group behind it. Xichen requested for a meeting in the east, who had the most expertise and was closer to the Burial Mounds, but even if they all agree, it will take some time to plan.

The group of juniors then gather in the dining hall after their hard work hunting fierce corpses with the exception of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, who were somewhere else. Obviously, Wangji was in a hurry to make Wei Wuxian meditate, as it had become obvious to them that there was more to him that what they first thought.

Wen Qing was forced to explain about Wuxian's special circumstances, about the night when he was almost killed by wild dogs when he was a child and the way he was possesses by dark energy and almost got killed by it, saved only by an elder that sealed the energy inside of him shortly after. She didn't dare to tell the group that Wuxian had actually manipulated the dark energy, nor that it had become a dark spirit sealed inside of him that he had name it Xuanyu.

"No wonder he fear dogs so much, poor A'Xian..." Yanli whisper, sad to hear he had faced terror and such hardships since young.

"Yeah... we should never tease him with that again." Mianmian added.

"But how could he use the sealed energy? It should be suppressed by the seal, right?" Cheng asked Wen Qing.

"He should not be able to use it under normal circumstances, but the seal inside of him is a bit complicated. The elder that save him apparently thought he was going to get in troubles again, so when in danger, he can do things like breaking cursed barriers. It's also the reason Wuxian survived the attack on him, otherwise he would had been killed and even so it was a close call." There was a deep silence for a few seconds.

"Damn bastards... we should take care of them before they can create their own army of those puppets or use those wicked talismans on us too. We certainly don't have a chance of survival." Cheng said.

"Lord Xichen had already warned the Clan Leaders and they will take care of the treat soon enough." Huaisang said.

"Well, I hope so. There aren't ruins close to the Lotus Pier, but they could set the barriers elsewhere." Jiang Cheng said.

"Then the cleanup can take a while..." Song Lan said.

"They had caught us off ward, sneaky bastards. I wonder, is it really Su She the traitor? He is not smart enough to be pulling the strings here." Jiang Cheng said.

"That was never clear out, right?" Wen Ning asked.

"Not really, they said he was expelled because he could not follow instructions, nor cooperate with our group and that on itself it's quite right." Xiao said.

"Then... that means that the mole is still lurking around?" Yanli asked a bit worry.

"Probably." Zixuan said.

"Then we must be more careful. Wuxian had already been attacked once and if they are after him, they may try again, perhaps from this side." Xiao added.

"I don't think we need to worry about Wuxian for now. He had Lan Wangji looking after him both day and night." Jiang Cheng said and Yanli blushed a bit.

"That's right, they look so good together and Wangji cares so much for him... I envy them." Mianmian said while giggling and so did Yanli.

"You girls may find it cute, but Lan Qiren will had a heart attack if he find out they are an item." Cheng added.

"I agree, he will not be happy, when he didn't accept his own brother marrying a female that didn't follow the path of cultivation, let alone accept his nephew been interested in another man." Zixuan added.

"He is scary... always so serious and strict..." Huaisang confessed.

"Yeah, Wuxian is going to be dead meat as soon as the old man find out..." Cheng said.

"But Clan Leader Xichen is so kind... he will not object." Yanli objected.

"Yeah, but Wangji will be probably expelled from the Clan regardless of that." Cheng insisted.

"That's actually not a bad thing." Mianmian added.

"I agree. They can always elope and Lord Lao will not turn his back on Wuxian, even if he marries a snail." Wen Qing said and Ning laughed, then the rest did as well.

"Regardless of that, perhaps it will be safer to let the sword spirits watch them from afar during the night. The traitor inside the island may try something while they rest and with a bit of luck, we may even find out who he is." Song Lan suggested.

"I agree. Senlin... can you keep an eye on Wuxian?" Wen Qing said and a few swords spirit went out of their blades.

"I will." Senlin said.

"So will I, if my Master agrees." Sandu offer himself, looking at Jiang Cheng.

"Yeah, I don't mind, just make sure to keep the troublemaker out of troubles." Cheng said and other swords spirits also offer themselves to help as well. At the end, they agree to take turns during the nights and stay in contact with both Bichen and Suibian, so in case someone came, they could alert them.

"By the way, anyone knows where the love birds are? It's been a few hours already." Cheng asked.

"They are in the Library Pavilion and both Suibian and Bichen are looking after them." Sandu tell his Master.

"Then they are fine and we can always join them later, I know Wuxian is trying to get to the bottom of the mysterious group plan and he had a lot to work with." Wen Qing said.

"Shouldn't we be helping them?" Song Lan asked.

"He works better when less distracted. Let's give him some time to decipher what he saw." Wen Qing said.

"Right." Wen Ning agree, also knowing how Wei Ying worked best. Although he was having his doubt that been with the one he liked will do much good and he blushed. Mianmian saw the slight tint on him and giggled, because in her eyes, Ning sure was cute.

Lan Zhan

After they leaved the Crystal Lake, they went to the Library Pavilion, for Wei Ying to put in paper what he had saw and try to confirm what he thought the rogues were after and as he worked on that, he had went out, leaving Bichen and Suibian guarding him, as he went to kitchen to bring them food.

He make Wei Ying stop his work to eat the meal along with him and replenish the lost energy, but it was hard to make him taste the food when his boyfriend was so set in teasing him, making him go all red in the face. However, at his insistence for him to chew down his lunch, otherwise he will not kiss him again for a while, Wei Ying finally taste it, while he pouted, like a child that had been deprived of his favorite toy. He smiled internally, because his boyfriend could go from deep serious to mischievous and playful in a few seconds, while from a genius to a boy in less than a fraction of one.

After he more or less forcefully eat the meal, he proved the point right away, concentrating back in drawing the array he saw and carefully trying to analyze it. He watch him in silence, as Wei Ying study the array and notes, then make new ones of his own, while mumbling to himself, things that only make sense to him.

Just like before, if he was in need of something, he would get it for him, then he will sat in the table next to him and admire him, as if he was enchanted. Wei Ying was handsome, that was a fact, but what attracted him was not his physical appearance, but his free spirit, his intelligence, talent and brilliance of his soul. He was also powerful and dedicated, aside from his mischievous personality he came to loved so much.

After a while, perhaps by his mesmerized staring, Wei Ying had look his way and smile widely, which only increase his pulse and rush of blood on his face.

"Lan Zhan, liking what you see?" Wei teased, taking a break from his work and making his ear tint red.

"Yes." He simply answer, looking down at the book he had ignored for a while. Wei Ying laughed and came close.

"So honest... I sure love that one Lan Clan rule." Wei said as he put one arm over Wangji's table, while facing him.

"People should always be honest, regardless of rules." He said and Wei smiled.

"True... so, can I be honest too? I want you..." Wei said as he blushed.

"Were you not working?" Lan Zhan try to avoid the topic.

"I was... but you need my attention too. What about a kiss?" Wei asked as he came even closer.

"If you want it... come take it." Lan Zhan said and Wei took the offer, moving the table to a side and half-sitting over Lan Zhan's lap, to kiss him right after.

Wangji held Wei's waist and press him closer, wanting to feel his warmth. Wei Ying by his part, pass his arms over Wangji's shoulder to keep himself in place and deepening the kiss. Then, he got lost on the young man in his arms, as he demanded more out of him.

"Ah, Lan Zhan... I could have a taste of you all day long..." Wei whisper and Wangji, trapped Wei's mouth yet again in a heated kiss that raised his body temperature tenfold and when they parted again, he could not help himself but to kiss Wei Ying's neck next, which make him moan softly on his arms.

"Lan Zhan... Lan Zhan..." Wei pleaded, for him to keep the delicious trace down his neck, toward the curve of his shoulder. Caught up in his passion, he licked the delicate skin of Wei's throat, feeling his boyfriend arousal over his own.

"Is this one of your fantasies, Lan Zhan? Inside the Library Pavilion?" Wei ask him, but he only nodded, kissing him again, to shut him up. Then, he took all of Wei Ying's weight on his strong arms to make him change position, laying him on the wooden floor, next to the tables full of papers and scrolls. Then, with his spiritual energy, he closed the doors of the Pavilion and seal it, making Wei smile from under him.

"We are going all out? You certainly got me hard and..." Wangji trapped his mouth again.

"Quiet..." Lan Zhan said against his lips and moved his hand down toward his leather belt. Wei moaned again, surrendering himself to the mercy of his Jade, as he try to undress him with nervous hands and when he finally manage to took his belt out, open his robes while sensually kissing him and about to slide his hand inside Wei's trousers, something shining enter from one of the open windows, distracting them both.

Wei Ying knew well that deep red butterfly that was nothing more than a special kind of spell and offer his hand to it and closed his eyes, to hear the message, still with Lan Zhan laying by his side, with his hand placed over his stomach and once the little beautiful thing kissed his palm, he sighed and look at his patient boyfriend, whose eyes were still shining with the fires of passion.

"What is it?" Wangji asked curiously.

"My father is coming to the Cloud Recesses. He will arrive by nightfall and depending of what he is told, he may take me back home with him." Wangji was expressionless, but he knew he was a bit nervous by the arrival.

"Then, we should prepare to welcome him properly." Lan Zhan said, slightly kissing him, before sitting and helping Wei do the same.

"Will you come with me if I had to leave?" Wei asked, as he closed his black robe and reached for the belt.

"Yes, if you father doesn't object." Wangji told him and Wei arched an eyebrow.

"And if he does?" Wei Ying asked.

"We elope." Was his answer and Wei Ying laughed, before he pull his Lan Zhan close and kiss him again, more than glad to have him.

"Right, we elope..." Wei whisper happily and after that, Wei Ying dressed back and keep up his search, to have something more tangible to show his father, while Wangji sent a message to his brother, telling him that Wei Lao was on the way and expected to arrive by nightfall.

AN: Thanks for reading, this was more an integration of the group and teasing chapter to relax from the tension of their circumstances before the big guns fire up. Hope you like the little teasing. Until next time and with lots of love, take care. 😄😙💖💖💖⚘