
Chapter 4

Scene 1


(vampires and Werewolves)

The relationship between Lex and Tyrion grows more formidable and trusting as they keep spending time with each other. Days has passed and nothing has happened or changed about Tyrion, The village considers him as an abomination for having two entity in one system, avoiding him is a most because you can't tell what he can do once his vampire system arises. He will surely be more worst than Barrak if he picks his evil side.

Going through the same village he has stayed for long now is very risky, the plan to get him killed has gotten into the ears of Lex and he has told Tyrion about it. He trys as much as he could not to get involved with the people if he values his life.

The existence of the like of Tyrion have given the werewolves community a lot to think about and has given birth to so many questions like "do the vampires and the werewolves have something in common before?, do they breed together before or was this just imaginary creation from the magicians?

"Tyrion we can't just let this questions go unanswered because the answer can give you a true identity of whom you are" Lex turned to his side fixing his eyes on Tyrion whom seems not to be interested in what lex was saying.

"Tyrion I'm talking to you" Tyrion looked up to Lex with a mixed feeling, "Lex why not ask your mother, she knows something that she never wanted you and your siblings to know, she will explain more to you if you're willing to know more about me"

He felt a hot ball of sweat making its way from the root of his hair flowing through his forehead down to the white barren land like a waterfall, the crown of his head becomes very soft as he felt like a volcano could blast on it very soon.

His hands becomes very weak and his legs very shabby to carry his body, he sat on one of the stones along the mountain side letting go of the two white rabbit he had cought from the hunting they're coming back from.

"Lex stop behaving this way, let's go home, it's getting dark and we need to be at home before your mother starts to lament"


Lex sat very close to the well with two of his white wolves seating very close to him, his face was very scary as he stares to the direction his mother was coming from.

"Lex you supposed to be inside the house, what are you doing here all alone in this cold weather?" Lex shot a hard and dearing glance at his mother causing his eyes to spark a yellow rings on his eyes." Lex what's going on, why are you so angry?"

" Mother tell me all I need to know about Tyrion, Were-pires and how they come to be, don't lie to me, I need to know the truth now"

Arya sat at the edge of the well placing her hands on Lex's lap."I never wanted to tell you or your sisters about this but since you are asking for it, I will tell you all you need to know".

"Lex my son, it all started like a plan on how to eradicate the menace and chaos the first vampire to have ever been discovered in our history and In our home. It was greed and jealousy accumulated in the heart of a mortal man triggered by the quest to conquer and rule all.

His younger brother was crown the king before him and he sort for a way to create his own empire and enslave his father's kingdom but he has a limited power to do so, he made a promise to the king of the dead to help him to reclaim the kingdom and in return he will offer his soul.

He made the deal with the King of the dead and when he reclaimed the kingdom, his soul never become his own again, he gained the power of immortality and since then has been giving life to dead bodies moulding them to a ruthless creatures that kills and suck the blood of the living.

Years passed, the number of the vampires keeps increasing and the life of the werewolves and of the humans became threatened.

The werepires came into existence when a vampire falls in love with one of the guardians of the celestial kingdom that we believe they once live in the castle that is now the dark and home of the vampires.

A virgin werewolf, they got married. Been afraid of the abomination that it could give birth to, both of them got sent out among humans, vampires and Werewolves.

Their lives among odd creatures at the heart of the forest blossom and their border expanded and with their unmatched powers and colossal nature they tammed the vampires till the rise of Barrak.

The rejected offspring saved many lives even though the first wave of Barrak killed many of them and those that tried to hide them, now the main aim was to get more offspring of their kind that can stand against the evil, greed, jealousy and hatred in Barrak towards human and our kind.

We came into this city and we were all welcomed by the Pritonians we named it a new England and call it our home, the Victorian city.

That is how the werepires came into existence".

Lex was very calm as a trace of confusion marked his forehead, a heavy hot air forced itself out of his nose as he moved his hands slightly down to his laps getting hold of his mother's hand.

"Is Tyrion actually the last survivor of the werepires?"

"no Lex, they are thousands of them around now"

"Now?, where do they live?". "They lives amongst us here but they live in fear of Barrak and the wicked Drud"

"Mother?, Drud? what are they?

They're the black magicians under the control and command of Barrak, they have upper power on how this city is governed, they're are more dangerous than the sucker bats, they could transform into anything at all just to see and hear what is said about the werepires.

"Mother, they are things I never know about this place and those things could come after the werewolf family one day, now I know why people avoid Tyrion, though he haven't transformed in public before but his scent betrays him sometimes. What should we do now to save him?

"Lex we all are in danger, once Barrak knows that he has escaped from the cage, he will do all he can to get him and your sister and the entire werewolves killed to prevent him from getting matched up with Luna"

"Mother, what should we do now?"

"The only way out is to look for your sister, our life depends on her power.

Ellen interrupted the conversation as she walked out of the house looking worried, Arya stoop up goes to her, picked her up "Lex it's late come inside and sleep". Lex followed back looking tired and frustrated as he slowly closed the door.

Scene 2


This is going to be a though test of fate and brutality as Luna walked down to the deepest part of the hole, she haven't been to this part of the underground covens since she got abducted by Hera, she walked through the dark tunnel finding her way with her hands on the wall, she can't tell exactly how the walls looks like but she can fill its rough surface with hands. She has her eyes blind folded with a wet clothes, she felt like a naked goddess with just a strip of white cloths on her chest and on her waist.

She held her breath after she stumped on something that looks like a dead body, she realized that her feet were on sticky liquid which could probably be a stream of blood, she tried to scream but got interrupted by a voice "make use of your inner spirit to overcome your fears, stay calm and you will discover whom you are; you have the ability to see in the darkest place. Don't panic walked further from there you are almost are the final end".

Luna is becoming more familiarize with her stay with Hera, the Being she fears most has become a very big part of her life because she have learned a lot from him, She have discovered all her powers and how to use them without causing others pain.

The morning was very lively as Luna and Hera stepped out to gather some herbs for medical purpose.

"Hera you wanted to avenge the death of your family on Barrak, how do you plan to do that?"

"The plan is you nothing more, hiding you here was actually what killed my family"

Luna looked confused as she stopped on her tracks "How? your family are all dead before we meet, how did my presence here kill them" Hera turned slowly facing Luna with a weird smile, "My family tried to hide the first werepires that fought against the ruling and killing of the werewolves but paid with their own lives"

"sorry about that but who are the werepires?

"They're weird creatures that has the blood of a vampire and of the werewolf, they're the only ones that can stop Ri-chann". Luna looked more confused now and could not move further "why then did your prophecy book called my name as the one to end Ri-chan's rule".

"You remains the key to unlock the powers of the chosen werepire, the chosen werepire will have to mate with you as a virgin white wolf, this will bound the two of you together making you and him the UNTAMABLE WEREPIRE, then fate will decide who's talon will end Barrak's reign"

"Hera this is awkward, why not me killing it alone?

Hera narrowed his wide eyes looking straight into Luna's blue eyes, "It is because you were made by humans and werepires are born, you can't do it alone".

It was a very big slap to Luna's face, she became very weak throughout the day, she need to rest but that can't help because she wanted to know why Hera said that her kind was made and werepires born.

She seats beside the burning fire watching the flame go up and down burning aimlessly, the slow movement of Hera attracted her attention, she wanted to laugh but could not.

"friend, can you tell me all you know about werewolves, I really need to know" Hera sat down shuffling the woods making the fire to rage more.

" Your origine can be traced back to the days of Arcadia your first home , your fathers were made when a protector of the seven house of the Arcadian deity turned tyrant.

"The History goes that he wanted to create something out of ordinary that could guide him since he don't trust human to do that for him. He wanted to have the power of a wild wolf and that of a vampire all in one system.

He summoned his cult members and magicians who mixed human flesh into their ritual sacrifice to the deity of the seven house of Archedia.

The day of the sacrifice came, they was a young slave boy whose blood and flesh was needed for the preparation and a wild wolf.

After the sacrifice, the tyrant protector was compelled to taste the remains of the young boy mixed with wolf blood,

after he drank the mixture, he was transformed into a wolf.

For many years, He suffered many heartbreaking consequences ranging from his behaviour and the physical manipulation of his body.

He tried to speak, but his voice broke into

an echoing howl. His ravening soul infected his jaws;

his murderous nails were turned on the royal guides and he still was possessed by bloodlust.

His garments were changed to a shaggy coat and his arms

into legs. He was now transformed into a dearing beast called werewolf.

He was the first werewolf, as the physical manipulation of his body hinges on his prior kingship behaviour. It is this that has contributed to the establishment of the Archedian werewolf trope of the acient world.

The seven house deity leader's character are physically moulded into his body, manipulating his human form until he achieved and becomes what his dreams suggests. And most importantly, he established the idea that says; to transform into a werewolf you must first be a beast".

Luna was quiet for so long, trying hard to digest the hard pill "we were all made out of greed and envy, quest to rule others and decide for them, there's no difference between us and the vampires" Luna stood up to leave the fire as tears filled up her eyes. "Luna, your kind differs, you are born out of a pure blood, your father is very different from other wolves and that's why your community are known as the white wolves, don't feel bad about who you are, everything on Earth has two side, the good and the evil side and you should be happy that you're from the good side;

I'm so glad that I lived to see you and probably see how you are going to put an end to the evil reign of Barrak"

Luna looked back at Hera, she cleared her eyes, going back to him is very hard but she has to do it and maybe a hug.

She hugged Hera who felt so happy as he closed his eyes and hugged her back passionately. "for long now, this was the first time I'm feeling like I'm loved" Luna felt his heart beat so fast, she smiled; "good night Hera" she walked to the bed and slept off.