
The Unsung Throne

"Ugh, who transmigrates people like that man." Our main character, Keiji, was transmigrated to another world without his choice or consent, "Well, not like I'm complaining or anything, it's not everyday that something like this happens." Either way, he wasn't complaining, he was just feeling regretful about the things, or humans, he left behind, "I feel sorry for them, to witness such a scene, *ugh* I get shivers just thinking about it, well, let's not dwell on it for now, let's think about my current situation." *Click* "Keiji, who are you talking to?" At that moment, a woman entered, one that Keiji knows very well at that.

FreezeTDE · Fantasía
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17 Chs


"Yes madam, I'll do anything to repay you for what you've done for me and ease your worries."

Keiji's mother then proceeded to take out the contract she prepared earlier.

"Here, I just need to take a drop of blood from you to sign it. I'll make it as painless as possible."

The little maid pulled her hand forward and rested it in her madam's plam as a gesture to alllow Keiji's mother to take the blood.

Then, Keiji's mother closed her palm on the little maid's hand and with a dim glow a drop of bright red blood floated above their hand's heading straight onto the contract that was also floating near.

The drop of blood seamlessly got absorbed like a drop of water dripping in a bucket. The little maid then took her hand back and sat on a chair silently waiting to see what happens next.

"Now, my dear, I'll do the same with you and you won't feel a thing."

Keiji's mother, without waiting for any kind of gesture of consent from Keiji, assuming he didn't get what she meant, took his hand and took the drop of blood in the same way.

'I still don't get what kind of contract requires my blood? Is it because we're too young and can't sign so she took out blood?'

[No, even someone who can sign or stamp their name still has to drip blood on this type of contract. This contract is basically one that doesn't allow both sides to break it whatsoever or they'll some serious, or even fatal, damage to their soul, cultivation or body depending on the type and circumstances.]

'Can't be broken? Damn, if that existed back at home, the world would've been a better place. Imagine treaties not being broken or companies not scamming/swindling their clients.'

Keiji imagined a beautiful world indeed, but then he remembered how the human mind is and how they'll find a loophole somehow and extorte it. Which immediately ruined the beautiful image he had imagined.

[In this case though, it seems like your mother just made her your slave with rights.]

'Huh? What do you mean with rights?'

Keiji didn't seem to care much about the slave part, like he had expected it somehow or was imagining something like it.

[You're not gonna ask about the slave part?]

'I mean, that's self explanatory, what can you explain about it? And and and, my mother was the one who made the contract, and seeing how much my mother cares for me, I'm sure that it's the best for me that the contract is like that. Which good mother wouldn't want the best for her child, right?'

While Keiji was indulging in justifying the contract, his mother was almost finished with the contract.

"Aaand... Done. Now you're officially my son's personal maid. Just keep in mind that you don't ever betray or think of betraying my son, assist him and protect him in every way, and agree to his demands, whatever they may be, with the exception of some.... things. Other than that, you'll be starting you're training once you're ready."

"Thank you madam. Thank you. I'll do my best not to disappoint you and work hard to be deserving of such a position."

'No, I'm the one who should thank you, you just gave my son a huge helper on his path.' was what Keiji's mother thought, but didn't speak as when the maid's memories return she'll remember it and Keiji's mother didn't want the maid to know that so as not to harbor betrayal thoughts in the future.

"It's already dear. I chose you because I see potential in you, so I believe you'll do alright."

Keiji's mother comforted her.

"Now, what should we call you in the future? You still haven't told us your name."

"Rita, madam. That's the only thing I can remember before being on the streets."

"Awww, come here Rita."

Keiji's mother felt sadness in Rita's voice and decided to give her a hug.

"Now then, I'll let you rest for a few days here before you start your training. Just inform me when you're ready. Rest as much as you'd like because the training will take a long time, so don't rush."

"Yes madam. I'll do as you say."

And that was the last time Keiji saw Rita for a long while.

"Come here sweetie, let's get you fed and rested. We'll continue the tour some other day."

While Keiji was being fed, he thought of his earlier question to the system.

'So, you still haven't answered me, can I cultivate or not? Because that's crucial for my plans.'

[That is not something that can be determined at your age, your organs aren't even fully grown yet. But from what we can currently determine, you have most of the qualifications, if they do not deteriorate as you grow.]

'Then when will I be able to know?'

[You can say that on average, people can know if they can when they're about the same as Rita's age. It differs from one individual to another, some become aware of it later, some earlier. Either way, the age they determine they can start doesn't affect their qualifications whatsoever.]

'So I'm just gonna be lazing around till we can determine if I can cultivate or not?'

[Basically, yes. You can train your body, but doing so while not being a cultivator, will have much less efficiency.]

'So I would just be wasting time then. Anything else?'