
The Unspecial Special

In a world, nearly the whole population has abilities that are used for daily lives or fighting. Abilities helped people’s dream and one of those dreams are being superheroes. At least half of the population dreams to become superheroes. This opened up a school known as Nova thats teaches middle school to college. Nova is a school that nutures students into becoming superheroes and it also has class ranks for competition that goes to Z-1 to A-5. ——————————————————————————————— As school starts, a new teacher joins and has to teach a class that hasn’t been doing well which made the former teacher leave. That class is Z-1, a class full of failures who either don’t have the potential, too lazy, or something that they have done bad. This also force the teacher in charge to make them into well known superheroes, but as they are trying to be successful in order for them to not flunk, many problems occur. —————————————— Novel will be on hiatus for a long time since I am working on something else :/

Fourde9 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

1 Trouble on a Plane


"..And it says that you taught an elementary school once?"

"Yes, but I got kicked out because I was stealing food from the kids lunch boxes."


Barney Sevs, a new teacher, age 21, with an average body and a little above average face, applies for Nova in order to get a job. During the middle of the interview, an interviewer said, "So, why do you want to join our school?"

"It's because I been hearing rumors that you apply for anyone.

Another interviewer mumbled, "I'm gonna punch this guy soon...."

Soon the interview ended and a interviewer said, "Congratulations, your hired!"

"Many thanks!"

As Barney left the room, the second interviewer said, "Why that guy?"

"It's pointless to find a very good teacher when your teach that class and whats the point?"

"Right, he doesn't even have an ability!"

After Barney left the building, the roads were bustling with activities of people walking around near a huge desolate area and leaving. This was the time where Nova will be opening tomorrow after summer break. Nova was actually far away from Fersnia, one of the 8 continents, but the place to travel there was to go to Fersnia.

As Barney looks for a moment, he then leaves to his apartment where an occurrence is happening somewhere else.

"Just go!"

"No! I'm in class Z-1 and even if I go, the teacher is going to be trash!"

Charlie Woodlin, 14 years old, one of the students of class Z-1. He barely pass all the exams due to his ability being able to see 2 meters farther where his eyes are and his weak body and has an average face. As he was going to run away, his mother grabbed a kitchen knife and threatened, "You go or I will cut you!"

"Fine fine fine fine but put that away!"

Soon, a new day begins and the time Nova is opening. In the middle of the city where Barney went to seeing many others just like him waiting, a huge plane lands. This was the plane to travel to Nova. As the door opened, a man appeared telling the countless newcomers that were waiting instructions when they get on the plane and after that, countless students walked into the ship excitedly. In that crowd was Barney which unfortunately, he had to join with the students. The kids were all identified by the man and a few more other people and soon, they all went inside.

After everyone including Barney went inside, the door closed. The ship was all white with a blue line going around, and inside, it was all white. The students and teachers followed the man before to a room where everybody sat. The man had a strict face with a blue uniform on representing Nova's color. He then yelled out to everybody, "We are currently traveling to Nova. It will take 3 days to get there so you will all be assigned dorms. The students will be in the student dorms and the new employees will be in the employees. We have a cafeteria and a workout center and thats it. Other than that, you all mat leave."

Soon, everybody left and Barney went to his dorm. As he was walking to his dorm, he noticed a group of 7 guys bullying a thin kid. The bullies were all laughing at the kid until they stopped. They looked to their left and saw a little bit taller guy than them laughing. It was Barney.

"What you laughing at!", said one of the bullies who looked like he hasn't took a shower for a week.

"It's funny!"

"Cob, just attack him!" said a skanky person.

"Your right!"

Soon, Cob, the guy who hasn't took a shower, has started to hit Barney.