
The Unnamed Throne

In a vast universe that is filled with death and war. A young man starts his journey to supremacy after coming back to life for the third time and getting a new stage with a different system of powers than his old worlds which were filled with Mana, as this world is filled with cultivation energy where one is vying for Godhood and The Universal Throne. Watch as this young man will make the stagnant fate of this Universe start moving in a direction that will make his allies prosper, and his enemies will be led to their destruction. Come and see what secrets Kevin hold in his soul to allow him to reincarnate to four different Universes in the Multiverse with a system whose goal is unknown and who have been following him since his first life. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Now Now this is my first novel and I don't think I wrote a good SYNOPSIS to really describe my story but I hope you can give it a try and help me improve on my road as my main character Kevin will improve. ~~~~~~~~~ English isn't my native English so forgive me for any grammar mistakes and if you notice some you can point at it, although I revisited the chapters before posting to make sure there are no mistake but maybe there be some that go unnoticed ~~~~~ P.S: Frame not mine.

Devilsmercy026 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
41 Chs

Chapter 32, Aertath Continent

"Sure, get closer you two, so I can protect you with my power."

After getting closer to mother, she immediately covered us with her divine energy and then she moved us quickly through space to reach the gates of our Realm.

After reaching outside and standing in outer space, my mother slashed with her hands at the space before her and broke the space barrier that was there, resulting in a violent space storm, if it was a weak divine cultivator, they would be shredded to pieces immediately from the storm.

That's why only strong cultivators can break the space barrier or people who have a high understanding of space law as they can protect themselves from space storms, without even waiting for the storm to calm down, my mother immediately moved through the gate she cut with us glued to her while covering us in her energy.

As we moved very fast, I don't know how long did it take before we stopped, but before us, there was a thin barrier that prevents us from going through, if I had to guess that should be the barrier between Middle World and Lower World.

Between Upper World and Middle World, there is no barrier to prevent people from traveling between them, although the space storms are strong between the two regions, but not anything difficult for strong Upper World cultivators, unlike the barrier between the Middle World and Lower World as the rules are different down in the Lower World so weak Divine cultivators can't even go there unless they pay a heavy price, but for strong ones who nearly reached the peak of the Divine way, that's not a problem and the rules down here can't restrain them much.

After seeing the thin barrier in front of us, mother stopped in front of it and looked at us.

"This is the barrier that separates the Upper World and Middle World from the Lower World, after passing through it, the density and purity of energy in the air will be very low compared to our Realms in the Upper World, are you sure you want to continue?" Rebekah said after looking at the two of them.

Emilia waited for Kevin's answer, as for her it didn't matter much as long as she is with Kevin, then she is fine, so she looked at him and waited.

Kevin didn't even need a second to think before nodding his head with a firm nod.

Even if Kevin didn't want to adventure specifically in the Lower World, he will have to go as the System gave him a mission to take the inheritance, because something there is useful for him, so he just nodded again after confirming his thoughts.

After seeing me nod, my mother just nodded at us and brought us closer to the thin barrier, although the barrier looked thin and weak, it couldn't be more wrong, as the barrier is very strong and only select people can break through it but before my mother's slash with her draconic claws, her claws moved through the barrier with ease as if the barrier doesn't exist.

After passing through, the barrier healed instantly in front of my eyes.

Passing through the barrier we are officially in the depth of space of the Lower World, Rebekah immediately tore another door in space but with weaker power as the space laws down here are weaker than the Upper World and took us from the depth of space.

Arriving outside the depth of space, I saw a large number of stars shining from my place in all directions, and if my guess is correct, those should be the Low-Tired Galaxies.

But our destination is not in one of the Planets in one of those Galaxies, our destination is a floating Continent that is hiding in folds of space somewhere in the Lower World.

This Continent contains an inheritance of an elder from the Royal clan a long time ago, it is said that every 100,000 years they send someone to check if the inheritance is still there and see if there is someone of the younger generation who goes there can take the inheritance and what is left inside, as even the records in our library hadn't mentioned what is in the inheritance, only that it is only useful for us of the younger generation.

That's why no one of our Divine Experts bothered coming here to take it, as it costs a lot of resources to just descend here in the Lower World, and the same with opening a portal to here.

After flying for a While in the Void, we found our destination, it was a large Continent, which actually from its size alone is equal to a complete World. It was suspended in the void hidden under many layers of space.

If the one coming here doesn't know what he is looking for and know the approximate location, or has an understanding of Space laws, they would have passed the place obliviously.

After spotting the floating Continent, my mother got near it before stopping above in the void with us behind her.

"So, where do you want me to drop you?" she asked after turning her head to the due standing behind her.

"In a place near a settlement with our power level, so we can work our way up to the top powerhouses of this Continent, there is still time for the opening of the secret realm anyway," said Kevin after thinking for a while.

"Why don't I send you to the dragon clan that resides here? Although their bloodline purity is very low compared to ours, they are still useful to protect you while you are out there alone," asked Rebekah after taking a look at the Continent below with her Divine senses.

After thinking it through again he still ended up shaking his head.

"Why?" asked his mother curiously.

"What is the point of having them protecting us here, if it is going to be like that, then it would have been better to stay in the Upper World under your eyes as that would have been safer, I came here to experience life and death battles."

"What about Emilia don't you have any opinions since you are on the same journey as Kevin?" asked Rebekah.

"I will follow Kevin's arrangements since I am the one who decided to follow him this time," said Emilia while smiling.

Rebekah said nothing more since the two already decided to follow this plan, then she would just ensure their safety without them knowing in her own way since they didn't accept to be protected openly.

"Then let's go I will drop you somewhere down there as I can't stay long down here, to not damage this Continent."

After that Rebekah took them and dived into the continent and bypassed the small resistance she felt from the barrier that covers the continent to protect it from the violent energy in the void and any strong cultivators, but since Rebekah is way stronger than the core of the Continent it couldn't keep her out.

As for Kevin and Emilia, they only felt a small tingle before it went away since they are too weak and won't cause too much damage to the Continent.

After flying for a few minutes, Rebekah dropped them in a forest filled with beasts near their power level, and near it is a settlement with the strongest being in Soul Strengthening Realm.

After dropping them, she left them there and headed somewhere on the continent after sealing her cultivation to Peak Transcendent Stage.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Devilsmercy026creators' thoughts