
Leaving at Sunset

Here it comes.

I'll finally know why they are after me.

"At first they wanted me to bring you back to the guild, but I convinced them otherwise."

What's happening?

Did he just save me?

He takes something out of his pocket.

"Here you go, this is your official tamer emblem."

He hands me one with 2 stars on it.

While winking at me.

What's the hidden meaning?

There is no way I deserve this.

Is Ice the one that helped me get it?

I feel like there is definitely corruption involved.

I won't complain.

Still, did he get that emblem especially for me?

Or does he just have some in his pockets all the time?

Who cares.

With this I'll be able to enter the diplomatic city, won't I?

Honestly, I'm confused.

They've been hunting me all over the city to give me an emblem?


How dumb are these guys?

Couldn't they have just sent one guy?

I can't show being disturbed.

I am an expert right now.

I just pick it up and nonchalantly put it in my pocket.