
The Unlucky Lucky Pink Haired Reluctant Heroine

(Mature Content) In the world of Valowre, a disease known as The Rot has infected the planet. Mana Fujino is a young woman, working as a cashier at her parents’ bakery within the protective walls of Koro, her home city. She’s an intelligent girl, though mainly unmotivated, and all she wants to do is to simply exist. However, on one fateful day, she ended up making a crucial mistake that ended up tearing her life into pieces and dragging her into the chaos that devoured the world. Join Mana as she transforms from a once nameless woman into the 7th Mytho-Tiered Warrior who’s mission is to rid Valowre of The Rot; destroying the very thing that made her powerful. —————- This is my first book. I love feedback! Only way to improve. :) I hope you enjoy! -female main character- -A lot of dark events- -Outcomes you may not expect- -minimal romance (once in a blue moon amount) -not a true system (A much needed spell occurs with drastic side effects to work)-

ioPharia · Fantasía
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63 Chs

Mr. Suki, Please Prepare

Tashi Suki returned to his room after finishing his burnt, yet deliciously made food to begin packing, while Neya recruited Garima's help with clean up. 

Fighters were permitted from packing heavily, only being able to pack their basic necessities; which ended up being a small backpack with some medical supplies, a spare change of clothes, a few cans of non-perishable food, and some water. Of course everyone packed something to remind them of home; it was dangerous being in the fighter's guild. Every contract was going to war with a disease that had engulfed the world. 

He walked over to a tall, wooden, locked cabinet in the corner of his and Neya's room, placing his fingertip to the keyhole. The lock began to turn a florescent blue before clicking loudly and unlocking, with the door opening slightly upon release. "One day you will rest permanently," he whispered to the cabinet quietly, "but today is not the day." He grabbed the handle and swung the door open, revealing his weapon hanging pristinely upon mounts; a shining broadsword, with the hilt hand crafted using a dark wood, wrapped in white, worn leather. Tashi grabbed the handle with one of his muscular hands, a faint glow of orange emitting from the hilt to the tip of the sword upon his touch. He smiled; he sees it almost every day yet the feeling of the magika flow through the blade was almost euphoric. He placed his other hand onto the handle, injecting even more of his magika into it, brightening the blade's faintness to a fiery-orange aura. 

Tashi tapped the back of one of his ears, turning an enhanced stat mode on. Hidden under his clothes upon his left breast lay The Fighter's Guild emblem. It was made of silver and carved into it was the image of a pair of clashing swords in front of a shield. The city someone joins in will be listed on their emblem as well; Tashi and Neya's both had Koro engraved into it. Tashi examined the sword before him, reading its stats with pleasure. Upon infusion with the user's magika, the blade will be engulfed in flames, adding 25 additional damage to each hit, as well as rendering the user flame resistance as long as the broadsword does not leave their hands. He gave the hilt a quick squeeze before mounting the broadsword onto his back and making his way back out to the main room where his wife and daughter were reading on the couch. He smiled softly, the sight warming his body. He then walked to Gino's room, knocking on it a couple times before opening it. 

Gino was laying on top of the covers of his bed staring at his ceiling, his hands behind his head for support. "What?" He asked without turning his head. 

"Your mom and I will be heading out in a moment," Tashi began, easing in knowing how Gino was. 


"I suppose I just wanted to say goodbye." 

"Okay? Bye," he snapped, still refusing to look at his father, though he did roll to turn his back towards him. 

Tashi smiled at him weakly, "just be sure to take care of Gairma, Gino," he reminded his mopey son, his voice low and shaky with emotion, before leaving his room and closing the door behind him with a soft click. Since Gino was more than old enough, Neya and Tashi had been leaving Gairma with her brother instead of allowing a nanny into their home. Despite the way he acted, his parents knew he cared deeply for the family, especially Gairma considering he knew what it was like growing up feeling alone; he refused to allow her to feel the same way to the best of his ability. 

When Tashi reached the living room once more, Neya was waiting for him at the door, with Gairma holding onto her leg and tears flowing down her chubby cheeks. His heart broke at his baby crying, but they had no choice; the guild had a monthly contract quota to be met and they were nearly behind on bills. He slowly made his way over to his wife and daughter, kneeling only a few feet from Gairma with his arms outstretched for a hug. She sniffled a few times, wiping her tears and nose with her purple, fluffy sleeves before letting Neya's leg go and running into her father's arms, instantly becoming encased inside. 

He kissed the top of her head as she sobbed into his chest, "I love you Gairma," he whispered, "you're in charge this time, don't let Gino get into trouble," he joked. 

"Yes, daddy," she replied through her sniffles. 

"Tao's outside," Neya informed Tashi, "I packed your bag, I knew you would've forgotten." She tossed a small pack to the side, the contents clanking as they hit against each other. 

"Thank you," he replied softly as he gently separated himself from Gairma, before standing up and grabbing the pack. "It should only be 4 days," he said, turning back to his daughter. "We won't be far beyond the wall, so we'll be back before you know it." 

"I love you, sweetie," Neya smiled, giving her youngest an air kiss. Tashi opened the front door, allowing Neya to leave first, giving Gairma an emotionally weak smile as he peered back once more before exiting himself and locking the door behind him. 

Gairma stood on the other side of the door, motionless and her eyes red from crying. It wasn't the first time she saw them leave, but it didn't make the experience any less saddening. She was only 5 but she was taught the moment she could talk that the outside was bad; and her parents going there so much frightened her to her core. She listened carefully, holding her breath to try and silence everything to hear her parents on the other side of the door; but she only heard their footsteps fading. 

The house always felt empty even with everything inside.