
The Unlucky Cards of Fate

A unlucky guy got killed by truck-san on his way home, only to get sucked into what he hated most... his luck. "Eh? Wait, mom, we can talk about this! Don't just put me in a dress!" "Hey dad, I'm your son! At least try to help! Wait, did you just shout out in happiness?!"

Yokiri · Otras
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16 Chs

Everything is revealed

-Another 2 years have passed-

Kyo after meeting Toru had quickly become friends. She was always easy going and loved to joke around.

There was always one thing that bothered him however.


Wouldn't it be awkward to meet someone you know for years now and yet never really see them?

Toru always joked around that she didn't mind not being seen, but it obviously bothered her.

And so, Kyo did what anyone would do.

He on this summon for the year, had decided to choose Anastasia.

She overall was basically a girl version of the future Todoroki without the flames, but she had one thing that Kyo wanted.

Her mystic eyes of penetration which was gifted by Vi. The eyes which allowed the user to see through everything.

While those eyes might have been overkill, Kyo certainly didn't mind.

On this day over at Toru's house for a regular play date, he wanted to give her a surprise.

Being with Kyo over the years now, Toru had long learned of Kyo's strange abilities.

Sitting in front of each other now, he changed into a young Anastasia with shoulder length white hair and an thin smile.

"Neh! Kyo, what are you gonna show me today?!" Toru had already learned of Kyo's new transformation and had been waiting to see what he could do.

Kyo smiling, said only one thing, "Hey Toru, you never told me that you were so cute."

Toru rolling her eyes, just laughed dryly, "Ha, ha, ha, you tried that before."

Kyo still smiling as he reminisce her original surprise from his first transformation and old joke, said, "Try me."

Toru still not believing him simply raised her right hand and asked, "How many fingers am I holding?"


Shaken a bit, Toru changed her fingers.


Her eyes widening she did it again.


Now visibly shaking, she managed to whisper out, "Can... can you really see me?"

Kyo shaking his head a yes, he asked a question, "Do you have a pencil?"

Rushing towards her book bag, Toru grabs a pencil and a piece of paper.

Kyo momentarily switching to Hokusai, quickly sketched her face.

Her face was cutely round as a nine year old should be. Still holding a bit of baby fat, it only made her cuter.

Her short brown hair only barely reaching her neck gave her a childish bobbed hair like cut fit for a girl.

Finishing and switching back to Anastasia, he gave her his picture which showed her exact image.

An image she hasn't seen for over four years and probably don't even remember.

Holding the picture, her eyes opened wide and took in everything.

Then she began tearing up.

"Thank you." Toru didn't know what else to say.

While other girls cared about their looks, she could only ever joke along and pretended she never cared.

She was even planning to get her hair permanently cut short like a boy for the rest of her life. There wasn't any point of maintaining her hair because no one could see it anyway.

It felt like a weight finally lifted off her shoulders. Putting the picture to the side, she grabbed Kyo in a big hug and didn't let go for a while.

Kyo only sat still as he hugged her and let her finish crying.

"Hey, lets show your parents later."

Toru only nodded her head and smiled secretly behind his back.

He on the other hand, felt a small thumping in his chest. Not realizing what it was, he simply continued to comfort Toru as she rested in his arms.