
the unknown

everyone around him is dying one by one, a close one and not so close. he thinks that he is cursed and someone is killing them that keeps on following him wherever he go

shinitchi · Horror
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51 Chs

Chapter 30: unregistered number

Fuyumi separate from the group to look for Kazumi who suddenly disappeared after winning two games in a row in Ping-Pong. After searching for years, she found him in a small bridge staring at the full moon. She was about to go when she heard a very loud scream coming from the building where they are staying that disturbs everyone from what they are doing. Even Kazumi turn his head where the noise is coming from when he noticed Fuyumi not from afar then their eyes met in the dark night under the starry sky.

A dead body of a young woman who is in her thirties found dead in her room passed seven in the evening. Her best friend who go with her saw her lying upside down on the floor covered with her own blood. The victim is still wearing a bathrobe when the killing happened, a broken vase above her head is also found and a wounds in her right hand coming from the vase stating that she protest to the killer. A mark of a rope is also found in the neck of the victim that means the suspect throttle her to death, an also to make sure that the woman is really dead, the killer stabbed her heart three times then that is when the killer leaves.

The police asked everyone for their alibis and or they witnessed a suspicious person in the place. The first to give comment is the best friend of the woman who is in the same age as her. The best friend said that they want to take an off from their work so both of them decided to go on a trip together and enjoy the hot spring. They went here yesterday and when she is with her friend, there is nothing wrong she saw from her actions or in everything she do. That best friend of her is excited to go on this place because it is been so long since she take an off from her work. The victim is currently single who just got divorced with her husband because they don't get along and because of that, even her work is being affected of what happened so the best friend decided to invite her in a trip like this to freshen up her mind and relax a little. They were friend since in college and because they studied the same course, they applied on a same company and work their together. The two of them went to the hot spring together this afternoon but the victim went off after a little while getting in because she said that her head hurts a little or she's just dizzy, so she told her that she will go first in their room to take a rest for a while. The other is left in the hot spring and chitchats with the other guests. When the woman got tired, she decide to go back also to their room to take a look on how her best friend is doing, then there is when she saw the dead body of her best friend lying on the floor of their room.

The next who gave their comments are the staffs and the owner of the place, they are all busy that time working on their own assigned areas and accommodating other guests. One of the staff noticed a man who went off on that room before the dead body was found. The staff said that she just got out from the room next to it when she noticed a man who is tall and have a huge body wearing blue shirt and a cap. She didn't get to see the face of the man but she heard that someone is arguing from the next room. At first, the staff didn't mind it because she thought it must just a couple fighting and she didn't know that this incident will happen.

Yumi's group is the next to give their alibis. Yumi said that the three of them is in a karaoke that time. Kazumi said that he was in the bridge alone looking at the moon while Fuyumi is looking for him.

So for now, the main suspect is the man seen by one of the staff who went out of that room that time that argued with the victim believing that it must be the ex-husband of the woman.

Yumi and Kazumi exchanged nods then segregated from the group. "Kazumi… Yumi…" "Don't mind them, they are playing detectives again", said Hitoshi without looking at Fuyumi.

The two first went to the site where the incident happened, the body was not there already but the mark are still there starting from the spread of blood, the broken vase and the other stuffs but the rope and the kitchen knife used is still missing. Kazumi saw a strap of hair mixed in the blood that was also in the vase. Seeing that strap of hair, they already know who the suspect is but it is still not enough to accuse that person if there is not enough evidence.

Kazumi and Yumi went to find the man they are pointing as the main suspect. They caught him leaving at the back of the hotel with another woman. The guy said that he don't really killed his ex-wife, maybe yes they have some arguments and misunderstanding when they get divorced. Unexpectedly, they met again in the same place so they went to talk on the woman's room and have a little argument then after that, he leave. He said that he was angry at the woman but he didn't hurt her nor he didn't touched her. After having conversation with her, he already leave so he can't believe that they are accusing him as the suspect when the fact is he is not the one who did it. The two exchanged gaze and nod to each other.

They went to tell about what they discovered to the detectives but at first, they don't believe them saying that they were just a high school students playing to be detectives. The two still insist to tell about what they know so in the end, the detective got irritated and listened to them. Yumi showed the strap of hair mixed in the blood that is now dry and also found in the vase. That color of hair is different from the victim neither to the guy they are suspecting. The detective called the best friend of the victim to ask why her hair is in there. She said that maybe her hair fall, she really had an issue about hair falls and maybe because her hair fall when she discovered the body. Kazumi asked her that if she really had an issue about her hair then why the blood and the vase are the only place where her hair is found. There were no hairs on the other part of the room neither on the clothes she's wearing. The girl still is hard-headed insisting that it was just a pure coincidence. But in any angle you can see, her statement is far from true and one more thing is when she scream for help, the blood is still fresh from the other part. So the hair found should be in the fresh part of the blood and not to the dried part. Also, Kazumi added that the rope used to choke her is still in the suspect's pocket. The woman's face turned into red when the detective went to check if the high school guy is saying the truth and there he found the rope with a little blood on it. Yumi said that she might hid the knife successfully and throw it out somewhere else but she didn't manage to throw the rope when somebody already arrived to the scene. In the end, the main suspect loss of reasons and alibi so the detective put handcuffs on both her hands. The woman tell the reason why she did the crime before they will took her to the prison.

"We were good friends since college, we get along really well. We share the same interests and maybe that is also why we enrolled the same course. There is no things that don't agree together. She is really the best of friends I ever had, we are like sisters and partners in crime. So we carried this friendship until we graduated and applied on the same company. Luckily, both of us were hired. But while we are working in the same company, I observed that our boss is favoring her than the other employees. There are times that I went off work late at night and enter early in the morning, I don't even get enough sleep just to finish my work which is the same as her. I worked harder day by day unlike her who is just happy-go-lucky so I was expecting the promotion but she ended up getting the desired position I've been working hard to get. She got divorced with her husband without knowing that this ex-husband of hers is also my ex-boyfriend. The guy left me because of her and they get married. I can't blame her because she didn't know that I have a relationship with that guy. When they got divorced after three years of marriage not just because of misunderstandings but she can't bear a child so the guy left her. I invited her here to relax, that was true even I hate her so much for stealing the things that should be mine. I was bit happy honestly when she get divorced. I met the guy unexpectedly again in this place and he said that he want to get back together with her because he still loves her and he don't care anymore if they don't have a child, they can still adopt. That was the time my vision went black and when I came back to reality that is when I realized that I already killed my best friend. I regret what I did, really. I can't kill my best friend, I didn't mean it. I just want her to realize and know the truth but killing her is not in the plan" She burst into tears while the police take her to the station.

"You can't really trust a person even how long you've been together or even you say that you know each other well" "That should be a lesson to you, Yumi" "Huh?! Why me?!" "I told you, you can't trust Hitoshi even you said that you are best friends or you know each other. You don't know when he will stab you in the back" "If that happens then I will come to you"

The two went back to the group where the three has been waiting for them. "Where have you been? We're worried about you two, you went out without telling us anything", said Fuyumi who is now angry. Hitoshi is just looking at them while Kazumi is sound asleep. "Okay fine, it was our fault. We will not do it again", said Kazumi while sitting in front of her. "Did they caught the culprit already?" "Hmm", answered Yumi while nodding.

"The best friend of the victim is the killer" "Huh?! I thought it was her ex-husband" "Nope, they accused him wrong. The evidence was found by the best friend" "Why did she do such crime? And to her best friend?" "Jealousy, jealousy can really do anything even to take one's life" "Jealousy?!" "All this time she was jealous of her best friend because she had everything that the girl wants" "So you mean, she killed her best friend just because she's jealous of her?" "Maybe it is good that we stop talking about it. It is not our life and we don't know the exact thing happened, so it is better not to judge other people. And also, we need to take a rest for tonight. Tomorrow will be our last day" With that being said, the group take a rest and sleep in their own futons.

They just finish their trip to the hot spring which is Yumi's treat. Monday came and Kurumi and Yumi went home.

Fuyumi saw Kazumi early in the morning in front of the school. She ran to him so that they will enter the room together. "Good morning Kazumi" "Morning Fuyumi" "What are you thinking? Like it was very deep" "Ah huh… I was just thinking about on what happened in the hot spring last weekend" "Are you not get over it?" "I was just thinking, is it normal to kill people even how much they close to you just because they are jealous of you or they envy you" "Of course it is an abnormal. Only crazy people do that. Why did you asked?" "The killings that have been happening in the school, do you think the killer is just jealous of the students and that is why that person kill those innocent people?" "Are you a detective? Why are you thinking so much about such things. I mean, we don't know what is happening or who is behind all of this and what his reasons. I don't even want to think about it, it makes me creep" "I'm sorry, I know that what is happening isn't normal. Wherever I go, there are killings that are happening" "I already told you, it was just a pure coincidence, don't stress yourself. And by the way, are you finished with our assignment in mathematics? I don't get some problems"

"Yo", Hitoshi greeted to Kazumi and Fuyumi raising his right hand when he saw them entering the room. "Oh by the way, did Kurumi and Yumi get home safe?" "Kurumi just texted me that she is already in her class now", said Kazumi. "Yumi also send a photo", Hitoshi let the two saw the photo Yumi just send, and it is his picture on a plane. "Thank goodness they are safe"

"The school trip is coming up, where you think we're going?" asked Fuyumi sitting beside Kazumi holding a tray of food. Hitoshi swallowed his food and answered Fuyumi. "They said, we are going to a nearby province but I'm not sure" "I am so excited, what do you think Kazumi?" "Huh?!...ah I don't know" "Anyways, I am already planning on buying souvenirs and I can't wait for it" "Are we going on temples?" "I don't know, they said. The teachers will give us activities but they will let us rest for a day and roam around the place" "That is good to hear" "Yeah, I am so excited of what will happen"

"Kazumi!" shouts Fuyumi running towards him in front of the school gate. "Are you going home already?" she asked as she reached him. "Yeah, why?" "It is still early, why don't we go on a café first", she said as she cling her arm around him. Kazumi put her arms away while saying that he has something to do. "Why do I feel like you are distancing yourself from me", she said while watching his back walking away. Kazumi didn't answer and continue walking away from her.

"Maybe he was just tired from the trip in the hot spring yesterday. You should use to his attitude, he was always like that even when we were kids. In a moment, he is jolly and active then a second, he is like another person. He regularly had mood swings like a teen age girl who's having her period. Maybe he start to be like that when his best friend and his girlfriend died one after another in his own eyes way back in our old school", said Hitoshi who is walking toward Fuyumi still in front of the school gate staring at Kazumi's back slowly fading. "How did you know everything about him even the things happened before he transferred here like you already know him since a long time ago" "I know him, before anyone else, I know him" "But how come that he don't know you?" "Some things happened, I can't explain it now but I now that a time will come and everything will go back just like how it is" "I…I don't understand" "Do you want to stop by in a café?", from a serious face staring at the blank space turned into a weak yet bright smile swallowing both of his eyes.

Riiiiiing…riiiiiiiiiing… An unregistered number call Kazumi while he is on his way home. ("Hello?!") No one is answering from the other line but he knows that there is someone from the other lie for he can hear the small noises in the background. ("Hello?!") Still, he received silence. ("You know what, whoever you are and if this is a kind of prank, well, it is not funny") as he end the call. After a minute or two, the same numbered call him again yet no one is still talking from the other line. The caller already reach his limit and Kazumi is already pissed. He was about to block the number when his phone rang again for the last time. Kazumi is already in front of his apartment holding his phone thinking twice whether if he will answer the call for the last time or he will ignore it staring those unregistered number flashing on his screen and echoing in his ear his phone ringtone. He opened the door as he answered the phone. He was not yet finish saying 'hello', the person from the other line start talking already. The voice was very matured and deep and keeps on repeating a word "Die, die, die, die. All of you will rot in hell. Die, die, die" Goosebumps run all over his body hearing those words like it came from a devil and it really want him dead. He freeze a moment standing in the middle of his room like a paralyzed person letting his phone slide into his hands; however, he can still hear the voice from the other line.