
the unknown

everyone around him is dying one by one, a close one and not so close. he thinks that he is cursed and someone is killing them that keeps on following him wherever he go

shinitchi · Horror
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51 Chs

Chapter 28: red chocolate

When Kazumi went out of his apartment, he stepped on a box in front of his door. Well, as usual, it is chocolate. Today is the day that girls become wild carrying sweets on their bags to give it to the person they like hoping that their love will be realized.

Kazumi is still in front of the school gate yet he already hears the noise coming from the whole place. Before he took a one step forward, he is startled from the ambulance who just entered in their school. A question is mark on his face like what is an ambulance doing in their school this early in the morning. He continue his journey way to the classroom as quietly and peacefully as possible. In one of the buildings from the right which is the first year building, a large group of people is surrounding the entrance where the ambulance is also parked and some police are there also. What is the incident about makes Kazumi curious; however, he don't want to fit himself with those people. He know that it will be another issue in the school in the day of the valentine so whether he will go there to see or not, he will still know what happened. While taking of his shoe, a chocolate is place in his locker. Well, that is already expected. Every year, he got this kind of treatment. "Oh, that was new. I thought your locker will be full of chocolates, but I didn't expect that there will be only one there" "I am not as popular as you think. You must be more famous than I am", Kazumi said pointing Hitoshi's shoe locker with also had a chocolate. "They have a good taste huh", Hitoshi said while smirking holding the chocolate he received.

The two went to the room together, on the way they met Fuyumi who is also going on the same way. "Fuyumi, Good Morning" "Good Morning too you two", she greeted back then saw the chocolates the two are holding. "Hmmm, I see someone already gave theirs" "Do you have also for us?", asked Hitoshi. "Uhmm, I never make chocolate in my entire life and especially for someone. But…Kurumi taught me the basics yesterday. I don't if you are going to like it", she said in a shy tone of voice. "So you did make for us", Hitoshi said with excitement. "Uhmm yeah? I'll give it to you after school" "I know that it would be super delicious" "Don't expect too much Hitoshi, even I is not confident about it" "By the way Fuyumi, would you mind if I will ask what is the name of your younger brother? Kurumi is bugging me since last night, she's itching to know his name" "Kurumi is cute in all ways. By the way, how is she? Did she able to get in the first trip this morning?" "Yeah, I accompanied her until to the station and wait until it went off. She just texted me saying that she already arrived" "That's good to hear. I know that she is enjoying the chocolates she made with her friends right now" "Oh Fuyumi, do you know what happened in the first year building? There are lots of people there right now and even a police and ambulance are there" "Someone from the first years jump out of the building this morning" "Huh! Why?! What happened?!" "I don't know the full details but I heard that it was because the guy she likes doesn't accept her feelings and chocolate that is why. She was also feel embarrassed in front of many other first year students by that guy so she can't take the humiliation and decided to finish her own life instead" "That must be not enough of a reason to end up her own life but I don't want to judge her because I didn't feel the same way she does. It was not her fault to begin with, she just like to express her feelings to the guy but this guy chose to refuse and worst is to humiliate her in front of everyone. That is unforgivable, if something happened to me I might also think of killing myself instead to continue living with that nightmare" "You don't know maybe someone already did the same when you refused them" "But I am not that worst, I maybe reject them but I also say sorry and that is all. I don't go below the belt because it doesn't mean that, that person likes you it means you can also do that to her" "Okay fine, you are the best guy I ever met and gentleman also" "Huh? So I am not gentleman to you" "Of course, you are already included. You are a gentleman also"

During break, a girl from the other section dragged by her friends went to Kazumi in his room to give him a chocolate. Kazumi thank him. the girl said that she make those chocolates all night long last night with her own blood" At first, Kazumi thought of 'own blood' is that the girl took so much effort and time to do the chocolate and that is why she told that. The girl insist to make Kazumi open and eat what she gave him, so even he's not uncomfortable, he still take an action while the girl is staring wildly at him. When he opened it, the chocolate was all in red color. It is his first time to see a chocolate with that super red in color like a real blood. His voice is stuttering and broken while saying that the chocolate is beautiful and it is his first time to receive that kind of chocolate. He look for other words to compliment and praise her work yet he don't find a perfect fit for it. "I told you, I make that just for you with all my heart" The girl has a large eye bugs and her skin is so pale it seems she really didn't slept last night to make that chocolate for him. Kazumi's eyes went down from her face to her hands that is covered with bandages. "You must hurt. You shouldn't overwork yourself just for me" He tries to hold her hands to comfort her but the girl don't want to. He took a bite of the chocolate, it is delicious, a kind of taste he never have before. Kazumi praise her chocolate then the girl smile wildly while watching him took another bite. "Do you like it?" "Hmm, I like it. It is very sweet and I taste something that I never taste before. Do you have a secret ingredient on it? Something like an ingredient that is not usually in a chocolate, something like that" "I told you, I make it with my own blood" "Uh… yeah, thank you for your efforts and time for making this for me. I really appreciate it" The girl still repeating on saying that she make the chocolate with her own blood. Even Kazumi feels annoy for she keep on repeating the same statement, he still didn't show a little annoyance to her and keep on smiling while he take a bite and another bite. He also do the same repeating his last statement. It looks like the girl doesn't have a plan on leaving him until he finished all of it. "Hmm, it is really delicious that I enjoyed it so much", he said after taking the last bite. "I am glad that you like it and you finish it all yourself. Now I am part of you already for eating my own blood. We are already one", said the girl without reaction. "Huh?! What are you saying?", asked Fuyumi who is standing at Kazumi's back. "The chocolate has my own blood, I mixed it while making it and now you accepted and eaten it. It means you already accept me as your partner in life. By blood already runs inside you, so whether you like it or not, you will be mine forever" Thank goodness that the bell rung that means she need to leave for the next subject. The people around them take a breath of relief when they heard the bell and saw her leave the room. With her inside their room, the atmosphere is intense and like everyone is holding their breath while watching the two of them having their conversation that seems no end. "Oh my Gosh that was creepy. I thought she is some kind of a witch. She is scary, it looks like she gave you a potion using her own blood. She might really like you", said Fuyumi. "I can feel the chill all over my body. It feels like her blood is moving inside me", said Kazumi in a scared tone of voice. "Do you think she really mixed her blood in that chocolate? And she also didn't leave your side and take away her look at you until you finished a little tiny bit of her chocolate. This is my first time meeting that kind of girl. She looks like a witch who gave the poison apple to Snow White or the one who imprisoned Rapunzel in the tall tower or put Aurora into sleep or cursed the prince that turned into a frog or—" "Okay, that is enough. You watched too much fairy tale, so she looked like a witch and that's it"

After class, Hitoshi, Kazumi and Fuyumi went together in Kazumi's apartment to receive their first homemade chocolate from Fuyumi. "This looks so delicious" "I hope you'll like it" "We'll like it whatever it taste because it came from you" "Stop that Kazumi, you're making her blush, look she's already shy' "Uh…did I say something wrong?" "N…no…I...like what you said…", answered Fuyumi in a shy tone while her face is covered in red trying to hide it. The two boys ate the chocolate she gave while she is indulging her eyes to them waiting for their feedback or to show any reaction. "It is not bad for a beginner" "Hmm, it is delicious" Fuyumi smiled when she heard those compliments. "Thank goodness you liked it. Wait, you are not lying right? You are not just trying to be polite" The two boys giggled. "No, why would we lie. It is really delicious" Fuyumi scoffs when she heard it.

Past seven when the three separated and that is how their Valentine Day is finished. Although lot of things happened on this day like creepy stuffs and so on, Fuyumi and Hitoshi helps Kazumi forget those things and end this day with a smile. Kazumi thinks that it was just a nightmare that change into a beautiful dream.

Kazumi almost jump out of his bed when the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes is the girl from yesterday watching him sleeping. Kazumi thinks that why people likes watching him sleep and with all those experiences, this is the worst one. The girl greeted him good morning flashing those wide creepy smile showing her big teeth. Kazumi is really scared of her right now. His voice is stuttering while asking her what she's doing in his apartment that early or how did she entered. The girl answered that what is there that she didn't know about him and also she changed the frames a little bit. She said that she is a kind of a girl that who got jealous easily so she changed the pictures with her face.

The girl watched and followed him the whole time while doing his daily routine every morning before going to school. Even Kazumi feels awkward and uncomfortable, he don't want to hurt her feelings and just kick her out of his place. "Your sister Kurumi is cute, she looks like you" "How did you know my sister" "I told you, I know everything about you. I am your biggest fan ever since you went into that school, I always follow you in shadows" "Uhm, I know you really like me but do you think this is too much" "What do you mean?" "I mean you don't need to follow me everywhere or know anything about me. You are just like a stalker, I am not comfortable" "You don't like it?" "No! I mean I appreciate that someone like you like me very much but you don't have to go that far. If you like someone, let them realize themselves and you don't need to follow wherever they are or to know everything about them because t you might creep them out instead of liking you" "So I am creeping you out" "I am not just comfortable that someone is watching me in my every move" "Then you should start being comfortable because you will going to be used to it" "What?!" "By the way, since you liked my chocolate yesterday. I make you another one", she said while presenting her new homemade chocolate. "My blood is the one that makes it really delicious and I can make you one every day if you want to" "Th…thank you?" "C'mon eat it" "Uh, I'll eat it later" "Hmm you don't eat your breakfast so at least take a bite" "I don't usually eat breakfast so I'm fine" "Liar, you always ate your breakfast especially when someone prepared it for you. I make you one so why don't you eat it also" "I will eat it later okay. I am fine" "Eat it, eat it eat it eat it eat it" "Shut up! I said I will eat it later, are you deaf?! I am already can't take this. I don't like you and I will never will. You are scary and you are making me uncomfortable, so can you just get out and do not show your face in front of me again!!" The girl was shocked when Kazumi suddenly raised up his voice, she never saw him like that before. Without any words, she got out of his place. Kazumi thought finally he will be in peace but well, he is wrong. The girl is still there, waiting in front of his apartment. "What are you doing here? I thought you're gone, I already told you" "I…I'm sorry Kazumi if I make you angry and uncomfortable. I just want to make you happy and be close to you like the others", then her eyes start to become teary. Kazumi felt guilty when he saw her crying. "Okay, okay I am sorry too if I raise my voice to you. It is just, I… I don't like it when someone is doing like that to me, I mean it really creeps me out" "Oh! A lover's quarrel early in the morning", Hitoshi said who just got out of his apartment. "Hitoshi enough, I already had full of it" "Okay", he said as he start to move his feet then he stopped for a while then face them again. "By the way, you two look together", he said then leave. "Huh, he is just crazy, don't mind him" "He said…he said that we look good together" "He always say that to everyone" "So I am too ugly for you?" "No! you are beautiful, what I am saying is don't believe every word that come out into his mouth" "So we don't look together, is that it" "Huh! I don't know okay. Can you just stop…talking. We're gonna be late to school"

"So you two went really to the school together" "I think I am in some kind of a horror movie. If this is a nightmare then wake me up please" "Why don't you just tell her that you don't like her and get lost" "I already did okay but she cried in front of me and I suddenly felt guilty so in the end, we went to school together" "You really are having a hard time with that girl" "She also make me another red chocolate and she want me to finish eat again in front of her" "Did she put her blood on it again/" "Yeah she did" "Even me doesn't one to eat it either if someone's blood is mixed on it" "I know right, who will be in there right mind to do that" "She's not normal, she is crazy" "I told you, she is a witch"

The next day, the girl is in his apartment again with another red chocolate in her hands. Then the next day, then another one, slowly Kazumi get used to it but he don't eat those red chocolates anymore. If the girl is not looking at him, he throw it in the trash can and act like he ate it and is delicious as ever. He want to end this kind of situation he has now as soon as possible but he don't know how. When he try saying that he don't like her and stop what she is doing, the girl start crying so he really don't know what to do.

"I will die if this continue", he said in a very tired tone of voice while sitting on his seat. "Why don't you invite me to your house at least for a week to stay there" "Huh! What are you talking about?" "She knew that you are alone in your place so she keep on going there but what if someone is staying with you, maybe she stop appearing in your apartment and bothering you" "Hmm, that is not a bad idea" "So you are going to adopt me" "I will just let you stay there for a week okay and see if it will work but if this didn't work, I'll make you pay" "You are scarier"

So as they planned, Hitoshi start living with Kazumi. In the first day, the girl was shocked that there is another guy in the apartment. Hitoshi keeps on bothering her when she is in there and follows her while she is following Kazumi. The girl start to get annoyed and feel uncomfortable but she knows the world determination and never gave up, instead she also try to flirt with Hitoshi. A week had passed but nothing changed, the girl just become more motivated to stalk the guy.

"Your plan, didn't work. You stayed in my place for a week and nothing happened. You just make her more determined to disturb my whole life" "I don't know that your stalker is a psychopath, I never encountered a girl like that" "Oh fine, why did I listen to you anyway. You are not even my friend" "What if we kill her?" "Are you insane?! I want her out of my life but not to the point that I want her dead" "I am just joking, you are too serious" "It is not funny Hitoshi"

The next day as usual, she's already there when he wake up. "Good Morning Kazumi. I don't like what I just saw" "Huh? What do you mean?", he asked while still wiping his eyes. "My red chocolates where I dedicated all my life and blood just for you and you are just throwing it in the trash can. How can you do that? I thought you like it" "Uh… yeah- I like it, you are good in making chocolates but the idea of putting your blood on it is too much. I don't like it, it is disgusting and it makes me look like a vampire or a carnivore" "So, a blood is not enough to make you mine, then why don't you get my whole body if that will satisfy you" "No! I will not get anything from you neither your blood nor body. I don't want any of that"

That night, the girl was about to go on her sleep when a familiar figure appeared in front of her in her room. "You, why are you here? How did you even enter? Did you miss me? Do you want to sleep with me? Well, if that is the case then I have nothing against it. I am willingly give you my body tonight just for you" The guy didn't said a word, instead he continue to approach her and touch her body with lust on his eyes. "AAAAHHH!!!" The next day, the girl is found bloodless, like a vampire suck all of it in her body.