
The Unknown World:For the sake of my sister's soul.

Anime/ Manga series. Hikari Mayumi is a young freshman that has been accepted to one of the top universities in Campbell, she wanted to live a life of a normal freshman, having a part-time job, hanging out with her friends, finding a boyfriend, and graduating. That is her dream. One day as she was living her best dreams, Hikari got a phone call from her parents saying her little sister has gone missing. As the eldest sister, she got to return home and find out what is happening. As she struggles to find out, she encounters a few people who have been in the same situation as her, and she begins to investigate the disappearing high school students, alongside a few friends she encounters. They all set into a dark and ugly truth about the other dimension world. Hikari set her goal to save her sister and the others from the dark place. Her journey might just begin.

Maryam_Aldariya · Cómic
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21 Chs

Part 6 : Nightmare

Yesterday I stayed up late until 3 am, a lot of interesting information I've got from the site. I guess I'm not the only person with this problem. I woke up from my bed and headed to the bathroom.

"Ohaiyo!" greet Ayumi, she's coming out from the bathroom with her wet hair and a towel.

"Ohaiyo Ayumi.."

"You get back home late yesterday. Something's up?" She asks.

"I have a lot of books to be recorded yesterday."

"You must be tired of all this. Hang in there okay?" She tries to cheer me up and as usual, she has made breakfast.

"After you are done showering, come downstairs. I've made breakfast for you."

"Alright... Thanks!" I enter the bathroom and get ready. After 30 minutes of getting ready, I head out from the bathroom and straight away to the kitchen, Ayumi has prepared it.

"How's your study?" Ask Ayumi while taking her seat at the dining table. We both grab a piece of toast and eat it with a scrambled egg.

"Studies going great. Working is good, but I think I might take a break and go home this weekend."

"That's a good idea! You should take rest properly since the last accident you been."

"yea.. anyway, do you know about the missing person news?"

"Oh, yea! It's strange, right? Most of the students in my department are scared by the news. We even close up the workroom earlier than usual."

"That explains why as soon as the clock hit 7 pm no one was around anymore. Even in the library, the most late-night most student stayed until 8 pm and they will go back home. Unlike before the news, most of them even stay up until midnight."

"You should be careful going home now. Do you bring your pepper spray?"

"Of course. I wouldn't leave the house without it."

"Good.. well I guess I better get going now, could you clean up for me?"

"yea no problem. Take care!"

"Thanks! I'm going out now!"

Ayumi left the house and as for me, I don't have any classes for today. I'm planning to hang around the city and find a good souvenir for my family and friends. I walk for about 5 minutes before making my first stop at the convenience store. I buy a bottle of mineral water. Then I continue my plans by using the bus. The bus ticket is quite expensive than the train but for now, I wanted to avoid the subway and any train station.

I reach the center of Tokyo city and hoop around the area finding whatever is cheapest for me to get. While walking around, I stop at one of the weird shops, for the outside door had so many crystals and papers and antique items.

"Let's check it out for a sec.." I reach out for the doorknob when suddenly a girl comes out from it. It's almost surprising to me, I step aside and let the kids walk out before entering.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" I close the door behind me and walk one step at a time. I observe everything in this shop and a scented smoke coming from a room. I walked further inside the store, then I stumbled upon a small pile of books and papers.

"Goodness me!" I fall hard on the ground. A few books drop down and a footstep came towards me, it was the shop owner.

"Are you okay?" He said, he lend me a hand and pull me back up again.

"Thanks.." I looked around the floor, looking for my wallet.

"Looking for this?" The shop owner was tall, with brown hair, and light skin, and his eyes were purely blue. I fell for him.

"Oh ya! My wallet. You've found it. hmm.." He give back my wallet, and he was staring at me. I didn't feel comfortable if someone stares at me for too long.

"I see you've been followed." He smile, took my hands, and started to chant something. I don't know if it's a function.

"Interesting... Tell me your name." He whispers.

"Hikari, my name is Hikari Mayumi." He holds my hands tight and starts speaking in an unknown language. Suddenly I feel something moving in my stomach, I feel like I'm gonna vomit.

I pull my hands away from him and vomit in the trashcan, it was disgusting. As I threw it out, I can feel something uncomfortable in my throat, I tried to touch it with my finger, I pulled it out but the most shocking me is that I'm pulling a hair from my body. A fucking disgusting hair, long white hair. I wanted to throw it out as fast as I can, my eyes were watery and I'm getting sweat cold.

"Pull it out slowly." said the man. He helped me by pulling it from the outside, then I feel something big heading to my throat.

"Something in my throat.." The man quickly opened my mouth wide and forced his long finger into my mouth and down into my throat.

"I'm sorry but you have to stay still before I lost it." I couldn't breathe at that moment, he grab whatever the thing was in my throat and pull it out. The moment he is did pull it out, I cough and grasp for air. My whole body feels right again. I vomit again and when I look at him, he was patting my shoulders.

"You've been cursed by a witch." He said while grabbing a box of tissue to wipe my nose and mouth.


"Tell me, have you encountered a witch before?" He asked.

"No. But I met a stranger creature.."


"In the subway, the train station."

"I see... You're lucky I able to remove the curses from you."

"What is it? The thing and the hair?"

"It's dark magic, come with me." He leads me into his room, which room full with sparkle things and everything in weird shapes.

"Take a seat, make yourself at home." He pulls out a chair. I take my seat as he burns the weird things in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, he was doing something on the table, he took a bottle of vinegar and pour it into a gold cup, then he throw something to mix it and finally he burn it. A cloud of black smoke comes out from the thing and for a few seconds, that thing was screaming.

"What the... It's scream." I move back a few steps, I don't want to get caught in that black smoke.

"It's done.." He blows the black smoke away and it disappears.

"Total including service is 4619 yen," he said.

"Haa? Hold up! I didn't ask you for a service." I hesitate.

"Aren't you looking for a charm to banish that thing?"

"I think you have misunderstood my intention." I get up from the chairs and move a few steps back.

"I'm just kidding." Say the guy, he laugh as if it was the funniest thing he ever had.


"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop myself from teasing you. You're cute.." He stop his laughter and asked me to seat back again.

"I need to discuss with you something, perhaps you could help me." I wasn't sure about his intention but since he helped me to rid of the curses, I should hear him out.

He started to talk about witches, humans, the world, and the galaxy. He taught me a few basic things to avoid curses, a simple curses are easy to get rid of.

"I've never seen or met a human with a supernatural gift like you, the reason why the witch cast her curses on you is that she wants your gift."

"Gifts? supernatural? No! you and the witch are both wrong."

"You have the gift to see and open a pathway to another world, you could see these nasty things and you can sense them. Normal humans aren't capable of doing it."

"What do you mean?"

"Your blood is the purest. You're a virgin, never been exposed to the nightlife world, you've been raised in a holy maiden land and you girls are one of the rare humans that has the blessing bloodline."

My mind becomes more and more confused, bloodline? The blessing bloodline must be a joke.

"I'm getting out from here. Thanks for your time." I take my begs and tried to leave, but he wouldn't let me.

"Wait... Let me help you! here, wear this bracelet and never take it off. It's free, and whenever you need my help. You know where to find me."

"Thanks and excuses me." I take my leave and go straight home. It was weird but I feel light on my body. Maybe in the future, I'll come back again.