
The Unknown World:For the sake of my sister's soul.

Anime/ Manga series. Hikari Mayumi is a young freshman that has been accepted to one of the top universities in Campbell, she wanted to live a life of a normal freshman, having a part-time job, hanging out with her friends, finding a boyfriend, and graduating. That is her dream. One day as she was living her best dreams, Hikari got a phone call from her parents saying her little sister has gone missing. As the eldest sister, she got to return home and find out what is happening. As she struggles to find out, she encounters a few people who have been in the same situation as her, and she begins to investigate the disappearing high school students, alongside a few friends she encounters. They all set into a dark and ugly truth about the other dimension world. Hikari set her goal to save her sister and the others from the dark place. Her journey might just begin.

Maryam_Aldariya · Cómic
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21 Chs

Part 4 : The strange events

"Goodbye! See you tomorrow!" I just finish my shift and headed, it's been two months since the ceremony. All those times, I met and made some friends with my classes and my coworker too. It's a bit late for having dinner and most of the restaurants are closed. When I look at my wristwatch, it's already 9.30 pm.

"I'm late than usual." I let out a sign and I manage to buy some leftover food in Supermart, I take my time and eat my dinner at the shop. I brought myself a cup of Ramen and some Onigiri with it. I have never been so hungry. My phone vibrates and it's from Hanabi.

Lately, she has been contacting me and telling me about a new transfer student from oversea. But to my surprise, the transfer student doesn't seem to be nice to Hanabi, sometimes she's mean to Hanabi. But she never take it the wrong way, she knew how to stand up for herself in school. Maybe that's why the transfer student doesn't like her at all.

"Hang on. Let me call you." In the last chat, I sent her. Then I quickly dialed her number and we talked on the phone.

"Yea yea... I know! It's just I so hungry and I eat a cup of ramen before heading home. So what's the latest story? Is it the transfer student again?" I ask while slurping into my ramen soup.

"Yea, it's her again. I don't know why is she so annoying to me sometimes. I don't even do anything wrong and she just suddenly burst out and blame me for making her cry? I mean she's such an attention seeker." Say Hanabi in frustration.

"Well, just calm down and ignore her. How many times do I have to tell you?"

"I know! TRUST ME, I'M TRYING MY BEST TO IGNORE HER BUT SHE'S JUST WOW! I cannot stand her at all. Also, she speaks something weird."

"Weird things? Like what?"

"Like selling my soul to the devil and telling me that I'm so pure, that makes her more annoying? I don't know Nee-san. Sometimes She just creeps me out."

"I bet she just wants to scare you. Some people are so freaking stupid, so the best way to deal with them is just ignoring them."

"yea but today she was talking about how wealthy she is and how much gold and money she had, she even say she had a currency from a different state. Everyone doesn't like the way she speaks about herself. Then she invites us to her house since nobody has ever been to her house."

"Really? So she likes to brag about things too? So you going to her house?"

"Yes, most of us are going. She just talks nonsense and everyone just wants to see if she has all that money. So yea, we'll be going to her house this Friday."

"Well, if you say so, just be careful and tell Mom and Dad about this. "

"I have told them during dinner, and they say okay and have fun. I was like HAH... No way I'm gonna have fun in her house."

"You can't complain about anything. Just go to her house and if something happens just let me know. Where does she live anyway?"

"Near the abandoned river, you remember the huge castle ?"

"The one that Mom told us not to go?"

"Yes! So her family has brought the land and now they renovated it, some of our town people had help them move in. So it's no longer abandoned."

"I see... That's great! At least you can look around and see the true beauty of the castle. Anyway, I have to go now. It's getting late. I don't want to miss my train."

"Alright Nee-san, take care!" We hang out the phone and I walk back to the train station. Most of the time during the night, the train station is quite empty and usually, only a few students will ride it. But today, it is more quiet than usual.

"Man... I am late." Taking my phone out and opening some music to smooth my feelings from feeling scared. Maybe it is better to play some music and just relax. I look at the train board, the train will arrive in another 5 minutes. So I take my seat at one of the open space chairs and wait. Luckily I wore my huge hoodie cause it was cold.

As I scroll down on my social media, I hear a weird noise coming from the train tunnel. I keep on staring at the dark tunnel, but nothing comes out of it. Maybe it's a rat or something. I try to calm my nerves, I never really like dark spaces. Once I was bullied by my classmate in secondary school and they locked me up in the gym's equipment room. They left me for almost a day and I still remembered the villagers finding me shaking and crying in the room. Ever since that day, I have never been able to stand in dark places.

"Calm down my dear self. Nothing is there.." I whisper. Then a sound of footsteps coming from the subway tunnel, maybe a student just finish their studies. I ignore the sound of footsteps but suddenly it was fasting its pace. I stand and look at the gate, waiting for anyone to scan their ID. But no one was there. My body started to feel cold and I feel scared. I look at my phone screen. Another 1 minute before the train arrived. I turn away and look down at the train track when suddenly I caught a finger with a long nail starting to climb up from the train track, I hold my breath and close my mouth. My whole body turns cold and I'm sweating looking at those fingernails and how it moving. I put my legs up and stand on top of the chair.

"Where's my kitty? here kitty.." the awful voice, even the voice is enough to make me suffocated. But it didn't stop calling for his kitty. Then a cat suddenly appears below my chair, a black cat with one of its eyes hanging from the inside its head. The cat turns to me and calls for whatever the creature is. Suddenly I turn my sight to the train track and we meet eye to eye. The dark, bloody red eyes were staring at me as if it's waiting to consume me alive. Only half of its face I manage to see, I didn't break eye contact with the creature. I'm afraid if I blink and the creature might be somewhere else.

"There's my kitty.." said the creature. Then the catwalk towards the creature and the creature swallows the cat instantly. A lot of blood comes off from its mouth, It's the ugliest and scaring face I have ever seen. None of the ghost stories will ever top the image of a beast. My tears fall as I watch the creature eat the cat and suddenly it looks my way. It strect its hand with a smile on its face.

I lose myself control, fall down to my knees before I lose my conscious and the only last words I heard are "....You be my new kitty.."

The next day I woke up, I was in a hospital. I was found by a student, I was told that I have a high fever the doctor even said I have hallucinations due to high stress and not enough rest. But I know for sure, it is not a hallucination. That thing is real!

A week passed after I encounter that creature, and I decided to apply through 'The helper' platform to move into the student dorm. I am willing to pay as much as the same amount I paid for the student low-cost apartment. I never wanted to use that subway ever again. If I must use it, I might drag someone with me.

My application takes a few days to process and review my request, I know the rental for a student dorm inside the University might be expensive, and most wealthy families will stay in the dorm. As I waiting for the result, I took the public bus and it take me almost two hours early to reach the University due to higher traffic. Living in Tokyo is not easy as I thought. But for now, I would prefer to use the train in the morning and get on a bus at night. I need to start recalculating my expenses and I hope I get a discount price for a student dorm.

"You requesting the Campbelle dorm?" says Nanako, all three of them quite surprised by my sudden move. We're just chilling in Ayumi's room. They haven't got the time to visit me last week, but then they promise to come and see me. They didn't tell my parents about this, they understand that telling my parents might be such a bother. I don't want them to worried about me, I made promises to myself that whatever happens in Tokyo, stay in Tokyo.

"Y-yes... You'll see the doctor said I don't get enough rest and I have higher stress than a normal student so the doctor suggested I move closer to University so that I don't feel too much. So I do get a letter from a doctor saying I'm in shock and my body needs time to adapt to the changes. So yea, that's why I'm moving." I explain to them even tho it's not even the whole truth.

"If it's the best way to help you calm down, I think it's better to move closer. But how about the expenses and the rental payment?" Ask Jasmin, she's one of the Campbelle dorm residents so she knew more about the payment than Ayumi and Nanako.

"Well. I used the platform called The Helper and submitted my application. So it should take some time now, I request immediate help and the best way for me to do is to wait. If my application is rejected, maybe I can try the Library student for suggestions."

"Or you can at my place." Suggest Ayumi, she's leaving in a double story all alone since her family has a few assets in Japan. I look at her in shock, that's the best way for me too.

"B-but. I don't want to bother you at all.." Even if it is a great offer, I can't simply accept it.

"Yea that's a good idea Ayumi! since you living alone and you have a few extra rooms why not let Hikari stay here?"

"That is why I want her to stay here, I'll let my parents know. But just to remind you sometimes my twin's brother will be back home and I will show you the room." Ayumi invites me to check out the room, her house is even better than the low-cost apartment.

"Are you sure I can stay here?" I ask again.

"Of course!"

"Then, I'll pay you the room rental. Food and everything I will share with you." That's the least I could do in returning Ayumi's help.

"Okay if that's made you at ease, but as for the house rental. I don't think I charge you for a room. "

"B-but... I can't stay here without doing anything.."

"Then you help me with the house chores. Is that okay with you?" ask Ayumi, she is the kindest senior I ever met.

"Sounds good to me!"

A solid friendship. What do you think about friendship?

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