
The Unknown World:For the sake of my sister's soul.

Anime/ Manga series. Hikari Mayumi is a young freshman that has been accepted to one of the top universities in Campbell, she wanted to live a life of a normal freshman, having a part-time job, hanging out with her friends, finding a boyfriend, and graduating. That is her dream. One day as she was living her best dreams, Hikari got a phone call from her parents saying her little sister has gone missing. As the eldest sister, she got to return home and find out what is happening. As she struggles to find out, she encounters a few people who have been in the same situation as her, and she begins to investigate the disappearing high school students, alongside a few friends she encounters. They all set into a dark and ugly truth about the other dimension world. Hikari set her goal to save her sister and the others from the dark place. Her journey might just begin.

Maryam_Aldariya · Cómic
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21 Chs

Part 3 : The ceremony day.

It's such a beautiful day to start my day. I woke up early today, maybe it's because I'm excited about today's opening ceremony at Campbell. I made myself a quick scramble egg with a loaf of toasted garlic bread and some hot chocolate drinks. I take my time to get ready and make sure I've got everything in the bag. My notes and my document for registrations. I left the house one hour earlier, I'm afraid the train having an issue or anything else. From my house to Campbelle, it only takes one station and I need to walk on foot for at least 15 minutes to reach Campbelle university. The route from the subway station and Campbell has been upgraded, and a pathway that connected the Campbells main gate.

As I reach the Campbelle station, I meet a lot of new students, a freshman like me. They all wear the same bandage on their right uniform and Tap on their ID at the subway gate. I did the same process as they all did. I walk into the tunnel with only a lamp in my hands, the tunnel was dark and creepy, and I think they might choose a spooky theme to welcome us. Even our uniforms are similar to the Harry potter dress code.

'when will I see the light?' I whisper under my breath. I'm not too fancy with dark places. But I'm not the only one who feels that way, a few freshmen having a difficult time adjusting to the concept.

Finally, I reach the end of the tunnel and touch my ID to the scanner, the grand opening is so beautiful. With crystal light, candles all around the table, and the hall is huge!

"Welcome students to Campbell University! Please follow the rule and be patient."

In front of the main door, a few tables have been arranged and every student must complete their complete quiz on the spot. In a simple quiz game to form a group, I need to find the eagle group. The seniors lead the way and show us the room to each group we belong. A big banner of eagles shows up on the screen and I take my first clue and went inside the room. To my surprise, a few people from all different backgrounds have to wait in the room. I look around the room and it's bigger than I thought. Then I take my seat at the second roll and most of them sit behind, but for me, the nearer the better to watch.

"Hm.. excuses me.." a long hair girl approach me from my left. I look at her and just nod "Yes?"

"Does anyone sit here?" She pointed the sit beside me.

"Oh, no one! please take a seat."

"Thank you... It's nice to meet you, my name is Rin Yajima." bowed to Rin before taking her to sit beside me.

"Uh... My name is Hikari Mayumi, nice to meet you too Yajima-Kun."

"Why are you alone in the front seat?" ask Rin, everyone prefers to seat in the last row since the view might more wide.

"I just loved being near the stage. We can listen and focus more on their talks."

"That's right! I loved sitting at the front of the middle row but since my height has always been a problem for certain people, I tend to sit in the back row," explain Rin. Her height might indeed cause a problem for people who is shorter than her, but she doesn't have to feel negative about her height.

"Don't pay any attention to people who give you negative words. I think you look stunning in your way. You're much prettier than me and much taller than me, so I guess guys will follow you around for quite some time. So be proud of your self okay?"

"T-Thank you! You are prettier than me and much more. B-but I try to walk with confidence. Anyway, what Major are you taking?"

"Well, I'd sign up for Art History studies. I wanted to travel all around the world and learn history. Maybe in the future, I will collect some valuable art and keep it in my home."

"So you wanna be an archaeologist? That's a nice dream."

"Yes! The world still has a lot to discover and the ocean too! I'm sorry for bragging. Haha.." I slightly knock my head.

"It's fine actually! I don't mind!"

"So what is your major?"

"I'm taking a Speech and Drama Art. It's nothing wonderful, but I loved the performance and setting the stage."

"Oh! so you must be in Art classes during high school right?"

"I'm in science class.." Say Rin slowly.

"What?! No way!"

"Yea... It's kinda weird right for a person from science classes taking speech and drama arts? Even my parents aren't too happy about it."

"That's even great! At least you doing something that you loved! I hope someday I'll get invited into one of your performances!" Rin takes out something from her sling beg and starts to pull out a Samsung phone, judging from the phone. I think Rin comes from a well family. Even her outfit is different.

"Alright! I will invite you someday! By chance, can we exchange emails? Since you're the first person I talk to in here."

"Yea. No problem! Here are my emails." we exchange emails and we talk for about 10 minutes while waiting for the room to be full when suddenly a person came into the room and headed straight to the stage. It must be one of our seniors.

"Welcome student to your very first time at Campbell University! I am Neji Akuro, will be your Speaker. I hope we all can work together!"

everyone claps their hands when Akuro senpai introduces himself.

"As you all been wondering, why are we being split into groups like this, and what's going on in Campbell? Well, the answer is simple, we wanted you to feel like a part of our family. Here in Campbell, We have a system of ranking. Each student regardless of their background is welcome to be here, starting this year Campbell will launch a program called 'The helper'. It is for students like you who need help in terms of Mental health, Financial Issues, Socialize Issues, etc. Everything has been written down in the flyer, so if any of you have a problem in Campbell you can always contact our helper. Aside from that, the system of ranking is different than other universities. In Campbell, each student will be judged in their both mentality and physically. Each month we have a test and any student who has the higher score will be given a special treatment which is secret. So are you excited?"

Everyone in the room felt motivated and wanted to win the mystery prizes. I think I wanna be one of the top students, Akuro senpai explain everything else and we ended our Ceremony right on time. After the ceremony ended, we have been guided to explore the University. They have shown us the hall for freshmen to hang out and our studies room, no wonder Campbell is a top University. Even the freshman and seniors' buildings aren't the same. So we might be seeing each other's faces more often. We ended the tour after 1-hour of exploring, as I walked down to the main door, Rin called me and invite me to grab lunch with her. I agree with her and we head out to the nearest restaurant, lucky for us everywhere we go we will get a 50% discount on food.

"Today is so wonderful!" Say Rin in excitement, even I feel fired up when I know how excited my uni life will be for the next 3 years. Our food arrived as we talked about the ceremony and how we will remember it for the rest of our life.

"So where are you staying?" I ask Rin while taking a spoon full with the baked cheese macaroni.

"My parents have applied me in the student dorm, so I'm staying inside the University. How about you?"

"I stayed at the low-cost apartment for students in the xxx district."

"Lucky for you! I always wanted to live outside, but my parents are too strict about it."

"Perhaps if you want to come over, you can let me know. I don't mind having a friend." I invite Rin to my humble home, I don't want to ask her more than I shouldn't.

"Well, I guess I meet you next week! I can't wait to start my classes," said Rin.

"Yea! See you next week.." we depart and went on our way after finishing our lunch. I even made a promise to Hanabi's friend's sister to meet her after the ceremony ended. I headed straight to the public library which is on the east side of the University.

I reach the library sooner than I expected, so I take my time to hang around and just walk inside the library. Then a text message popped into my phone, it is a Hanabi's friend's sister. We meeting in the private section exclusive for the worker only.

"Hello! My name is Hikari Mayumi. I'm the freshman student and also the one who has been asking about the empty slot for a part-timer worker."

"Hello, Hikari! I am Leah Michelle. You must be Hanabi's eldest sister. come on in!" Leah invited me to sit in front of her and we started our discussion she explain everything about my job scope. She even asked for my schedule program and the extra classes I intended.

"Great! I guess you can start working on Thursday at 6 pm. Make sure you bring your dinner and you have only 20 minutes for a break. Any question?"

"Thanks! For now, I'm all good, then I will be here at 6 pm." We wrap it up only in 20 minutes and it's time for me to get home and clean my house before I start my work. I head home and reach home at 6.30 pm.

As soon as I enter my house, I straight away pre-heat the extra meal which Jasmin had made for us yesterday. While waiting for the food, I take a quick shower and open up Spotify on my laptop. Enjoying every single moment I'm living.