
The Unknown World:For the sake of my sister's soul.

Anime/ Manga series. Hikari Mayumi is a young freshman that has been accepted to one of the top universities in Campbell, she wanted to live a life of a normal freshman, having a part-time job, hanging out with her friends, finding a boyfriend, and graduating. That is her dream. One day as she was living her best dreams, Hikari got a phone call from her parents saying her little sister has gone missing. As the eldest sister, she got to return home and find out what is happening. As she struggles to find out, she encounters a few people who have been in the same situation as her, and she begins to investigate the disappearing high school students, alongside a few friends she encounters. They all set into a dark and ugly truth about the other dimension world. Hikari set her goal to save her sister and the others from the dark place. Her journey might just begin.

Maryam_Aldariya · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

Part 14 : Family time.

We touch down in Tokyo around 7.30 pm, I give Ayumi a quick call at noon and told her about my family situation. She was shocked and she was fine having my family at our house.

My entire body still shaking, I wasn't lying about how scary and traumatic an experience it is. As I said, it was the second time I saw writing in my family mirror. Only the first was written out using red lipstick. I can still wipe it off and acted like it was nothing. But this morning's incidents, it's too much, and if this is all Jarrel's doing. I will stand up against him and maybe slap him for this week.

We reached Ayumi's house and she welcomed my family to stay at her home.

"Ayumi-san... Thank you so much for letting my family stay with us for a few days." I bowed slightly to her but she stopped me from getting all formal with her.

"Hikari-chan... How many times do I need to remind you that I'm okay with it? It's not a big deal anyway." She pat my shoulder and asked me to help her with serving drinks to my parents.

I'm grateful for having her in my life. I placed a jar of apple juice on the table, they all sitting in the living room, and can't help but feel amazed by the house's size. It's bigger than ours and much more elegant than ours.

"Hikari! Your friend is insanely rich, is she really fine with us staying here?" Asked Dad in a whisper. Both of them looked worried.

"She says it's fine," I answered.

"What is her parents' job?" asked mom, she keep on looking around at every inch of the house.

"My father owned his business, while my mother is a doctor. But this house was built by my brothers," says Ayumi out of nowhere.

"You brothers? That's why it's so elegant. Your eldest brother must be a genius." praise mom.

Ayumi shook her head.

"They are indeed talented but Father never let them live their life. Father wants them to be in the business line like him while mother wants them to be a doctor." explained Ayumi.

"You have two older brothers?" Asked Dad.

"It must be nice to have a big brother. I always wanted a big bro," says Hanabi. I looked at her in disguise.

"Yes, my eldest brother is a twin. They lived in Europe, doing their PhD in business management and doctor. My eldest is the next line to inherit my Fathers' business." Ayumi sounded sad, but she quickly tried to hide it.

"One day, they will be able to do something they loved. For now, they need to be a good example for you. Trust them." Advise mom. She slowly move beside Ayumi and held her hands.

"I hope they can do it again." Ayumi smiled. I must say my mother is quick in sensing our sadness and she's fast to tend to it.

"Hikari, thank you for bringing your family to Tokyo. I almost forget how it feels to be family."

"No problem." That night we spent with laughter, only Hanabi and I fake up a laughter and get along with them. Ayumi knows the way to win my parents' attention. She's the perfect daughter.

The next day, my mom woke up earlier than before. She's making us breakfast while Dad goes around the University to meet the professor and the director. Dad had a few friends working at Campbell University.

"Morning mom." I greet Mom, while she cooks miso soup for our breakfast.

"Morning Hikari, do you mind helping me?"

"Of course." Mom pointed me to the plate and I understand the assignment. Soon after Ayumi enters the kitchen. She was surprised looking at Mom, getting breakfast ready.

"Morning Mrs.John, you don't have to cook for me. I'm the one who should make the breakfast." Ayumi quickly wears her apron and wanted to take the cover of the breakfast process.

"Ayumi-san, let me serve you. This is my job as a mother and as a gratitude for your kindness. " says Mom.

"But I can't let guest cook."

"It is ok to rely on people sometimes. So do you want a sunny egg or scramble egg for your fried rice?" asked mom.

"Sunny shape please." Ayumi slightly bows her head in embarrassment. Mom let Ayumi help her with cooking and she told stories about me and Hanabi never lending her hands in the kitchen. Ayumi just laugh and get along with Mom pretty quickly.

After having breakfast together, I got ready to attend my history class. Hanabi knocks on my door and she seems restless.

"What's up? You don't look good." I zip my jacket and put on my socks.

"Nee-san. I'm going to find the mystery guy. You know the shaman guy." She said, she was half-naked and wanted to let me know about it.

"No! Wait for me, we will go as soon as I finish my classes." I have a bad feeling about this.

"But Mom and Dad are going to the main city now. I don't want to waste my time sitting in here, plus you have your shift right?" Hanabi opens up her beg and grabs a long sleeve shirt paired with long black skinny jeans.

"Hanabi... Look, I can get my job done and asked them to release me earlier. Just stay with Mom and Dad please?" I tied up my hair into a ponytail and put on some light makeup.

"Fine. Just text me when you're off from your work. I will let you know our location." Hanabi quickly took her cap and leave the room. As planned, Mom and Dad wanted to see Tokyo again, and having a date in the main city is something meaningful for them. I grab my beg and head down, luckily they haven't left yet.

"I thought you were going?"

"Yes we are but first we need to meet the management and let them know your situation. This morning I meet up with my old friends and they told me to bring it to management and report in." Explained Dad, I almost forgot that they coming here to ensure my safety and deal with the university management.

"Alright. I guess I need to show you guys around." We left the house and headed to the main department. Dad and Mom enter the room with some document paper in their bag, making sure that the management people are alert to this news.

They spend 10 minutes in the room and the management ensured my parents that they keep a close eye on me. They gave me pepper spray and a device, some kind of sos device. If anything happens, I only need to press the button.

"Thank you." I take a quick look at the device before putting it inside my jacket pocket. My parents express their gratitude to the person who is in charge of student safety. I excuse myself from them and head to my class. On my way to the class, I meet with Rin. We cross paths at the same time.

"Hikari? Hi!" greet Rin, she was walking out of the classroom.

"Rin! Hi! How are you?" I asked. Rin pulls me aside from the main corridors.

"I'm good. I haven't seen you lately. Where did you go?" she asked, looking worried about me.

"My classes have been canceled for a week so I decided to go back to my hometown for a while," I explained.

"Oh, I see. I thought something bad happened to you. Plus you didn't even reply to my messages." Rin took out her iPhone and show it to me, all the messages.

"Wait! I didn't get your text at all." I took out my iPhone too and show it to Rin. We both look confused.

"Maybe you sent it to the wrong number?" Rin glances at her phone and dials my number. She presses the button call and we wait as the phone rang but I didn't get any phone call. A few seconds after, a man's voice answered the calls.

"Hello? Who is this?" asked the man, Rin quickly cut off the calling and looked at me in humiliation.

"But I'm pretty sure it's the same number!" she clarified.  I smile at her and support her. Her face started to turn red as she blush.

"You better block and delete the number." I tease her, I peek at my phone screen and look at the time.

"Deleted!" she says.

"Sorry, Rin but I need to go now. My class will start in another 10 minutes. I'll see you later ok?"

"Alright, Hikari. See ya!" we parted and headed our ways. I speed up my pace and walk fast. Finally, I was able to get on time before the lecture to enter the hall. I made a few friends in my class and we talked about our one-week holiday. Soon after the professor enters the class and we begin our studies.

We learn about geography and landscape. As I type down all the information on my laptop, Hanabi chats come thru my screen. I click on it and read her chat.

"We just reach the main city. I will keep my eyes on the weird kinda vibe store for you."

That's the short message. I replied by saying okay and please don't text me while I'm in the class.

The sound of my professor suddenly stop, I looked away from my laptop screen when suddenly everyone was frozen in time, they didn't move.

"Little girl..." whispered Jarrel, he sit at the professor's table, and he brought two men with him.

"Jarrel? What are you doing in here?" I look at him and observe him. He put up his legs down and gaze at me.

"Nothing. I was bored waiting for you, so I decided to visit you. Is this what you can't let go?" he turns away and look at the big projected screen.

"It's what human does to gain knowledge," I responded to him. He took the professor's book and go thru everything.

"What a waste of time. None of this will stay the same. Humans are stupid." he replied. From the front, suddenly he disappears and appears beside me.

"Hmm. I need you to come with me." he holds my right arm and suddenly I was in this open space. I saw nothing but clouds.

"Jarrel? Where are you taking me?" I was afraid to look down, as I watch myself floating in the cloud.

"I want you to travel to hell and meet the devil, itself. " He said.

"What?! No! I'm not going there!"I try to run away from him.

"Don't look so scared. You going to take me there and let me meet him in person." Barrel tightens his grip on my arm and suddenly we fall at a very fast pace.

"Jarrel!!!! We going to die!!!!" I scream out loud, the wind pressure and my heart beating so damn fast. I can sense my life is going to end.

"Little girl, open up the portal," he said. He looks tense.

"I can't do it!" I scream.

"Yes, you can! Open up the portal or we die." he looks at me, and holds tight to my arms.

"I don't know how!" I replied.

We fall into never-ending feelings and my mind went blank, but my emotions were all over the place and all I could ever think is when is going to stop, will it be painful when we hit the ground, my life will end now, I haven't asked for forgiveness and all sort of my emotions playing in my mind.

"Picture in your head an underground cave," shout Jarrel, I think he takes the risk to see if I do have the soul traveler power.

"Okay." I tried to picture it in my head and put all my focus on it. I close my eyes and focus.

"That's it!" shout Jarrel, he shakes my hands and asks me to open my eyes. I open my eyes and I can see the earth tear into two. It was hell. We fall into it and as I look up, the earth is close by itself. The hell was vast, I saw a thousand or maybe a million or a trillion of humans in the sea of fire. They were shouting and cursing each other. Unexpectedly, a large colossus creature appears and he put his hands up to catch us. We landed in the creature's palm, and I almost collapse looking at this undecrisbleable creature. All I could say is scary and disgusting.

"Bring us to your king," says Jarrel. The creature walks and mercilessly steps every human like it was nothing. The blood splashing and the scene was just horrible. Jarrel holds me close to him. I stayed in his embrace. I'm not ready for all of this.