
The Destruction of a village and a warrior's Wrath

It was a warm day in the small village of Gurion, the village was bustling with life as the villagers were going about their lives selling their wears, building new additions to the village, and hunting and gathering for the upcoming winter. There was especially one villager by the name of Xallender he had a specific role in the village as one of the two village guard commanders, who was wondering the dirt roads of the village enjoying his day off. Xallender had one thing he wanted to do on his day off and that was to spend time at the local orphanage playing with the orphans.

As he was wondering up to the front door of the orphanage, he was greeted by the matriarch of the orphanage an older woman with silverish blonde hair by the name of Rea "Hello Xallender, here to see the young ones again." Rea said, "I sure am Rea, it has been a while since I got a day off." Xallender replied in a joyful tone, Then Rea said, "They have been asking when Big Brother Xal would visit them again." Rea opened the door to let Xallender walk in, he walked till he came to the doorway that led to the kids playroom. As he walked into the room the kids' faces brimmed with joy as they saw Xallender and ran up and barraged him with hugs, and joyous laughter as they tackle him to the ground.

Xallender spent the day with the kids playing games, telling stories, teaching some of the older kids to protect themselves and their friends. All in all, Xallander had a good day and was walking back to his house after spending majority of his day with the kids. His thoughts were thinking about the next day when he accidently bumped into a cloaked stranger and they both thumped to the floor "Sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, are you okay?" he asked in apologetic tone as he held out his hand to help the person up. "I'm okay, and I'm also sorry I too wasn't paying attention" replied the stranger in apologetic tone.

"My names Xallender, what's your name?" Xallender said, the cloaked stranger replied as they removed their hood revealing a woman with violet colored hair and emerald eyes "My name is Verona Girand, it's nice to meet you Xallander." She reached out took Xallender's hand and he pulled her to her feet. "So, what brings you to Gurion Mrs. Verona?" asked Xallender, "I am here on business with my father, we're supposed to meet with the village elder and guard commanders tomorrow to discuss some current issues." Verona replied. "Oh, what would be the issue that a small village like Gurion would be involved in?" Xallender asked inquisitively. Verona looked at Xallender with a hesitant gaze and reluctantly replied "I will tell you, but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone deal?" Xallender then silently replied back with a nod, Verona told him about a possible war in the near future. Xallender looked pale at the threat of war and replied "oh, wow I never thought we would go to war in my lifetime, anyway it's getting late would you like me to escort you back to the inn that you are staying?" Verona looked at Xallender for a moment the replied "Yes, I would like that." The pair started to walk towards the inn Verona and her father were staying at, within 10 – 15-minute walk from where Verona and Xallender bumped into each other.

They arrived at the Silver Fox Inn where Verona and her father were staying. It was a very prestigious inn to where only wealthy merchants and dignitaries can afford. Xallender bid Verona a good evening and made sure she got into the inn, once the inn door was closed Xallender started his evening stroll back to his house still pondering Verona's words about a possible war and the possible army they might have to face. Once Xallender reached his house he took his shoes off and left them by the door and walked into his home. He walked up to a locked door and produced a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door and walked into the dark room. He reached up and lit the candles that decorated the walls, once all the candles were lit you can see two swords hanging on the wall. Xallender looked at the blades with a weary look and said "I hope it doesn't come to using you two again Genrir…. Renrir." He walked out of the room and locked the door again, then he proceeded to head to bed for the long day that would be tomorrow.

Xallender awoke to the sound of knocking at his door, he got out of bed and walked towards to his front door. He opened the front door to see his co-commander and friend Zael a man standing at 5"10 with chestnut brown hair and silver eyes. "Hey Xal, the village elder wants us to meet with him and a few others in an hour at his house" Zael said. Xallender looked and his friend and replied "Ok, I'll meet you there Zael, any idea what it's about?" Even though he already knew what the meeting is about. "No idea Xal, but the elder said it was of upmost importance and I'll see you there bud" Zeal said as he walked away in the direction of the elder's house. Xallender closed the door and went to go get ready for the meeting.

Xallender arrived at the elder's house about fifteen minutes early and knocked on the door. The elder answered the door and greeted with his elderly voice "Ah, Xallender good to see you arrived early." Xallender smiled at the elder and replied, "Of course elder Kerion, I was told that this meeting was very important." The elder gained a serious look and said, "It is an important matter when the king and princess themselves show up to deliver such news." Xallender was taken back a bit when he heard the king and princess themselves showed up to deliver an important message. Xallender was brought out of his thoughts when a knock on the door was heard, the elder went to the door and opened it and welcomed his guest in.

The king and princess were guided to the elder's living room where everyone was, once they came into view Xallender was greeted by the familiar face of Verona standing next to the king. Xallender and Verona locked eyes and both had a slight shocked expression on their faces, that did not go unknown by the others. "I take it you two met already?" questioned the elder with Zael and the king having the same question. Xallender replied, "Yes we did actually" he looked at everyone with a smile and continued, "We bumped into each on my way home from playing with the kids at the orphanage." He looked at his friend and elder cheerfully. The king looked at his daughter and questioned, "Daughter why didn't you tell me the one who escorted you home was a guard commander" Verona looked at her father and replied, "I did not know that he was a commander father." The elder stepped in and said, "With no disrespect your majesty, but could we get to the matters at hand." The king looked at the elder with and serious expression and replied, "Right sorry, our kingdom is in danger of a war with the kingdom of Hydrasil and the smaller kingdom of Tarasil."

The room fell deathly quiet as the elder and Zael had shocked looks on their faces, while Xallender only was mildly shocked Due to knowing the day before, but two kingdoms want to go to war with the kingdom of Varael. It was Xallender first to speak up "Your majesty what have we done to warrant them wanting to declare war on us?" Xallender questioned. The king replied in a serious manner "They wanted to do an alliance through political marriage of our heirs, but I refused them because I will not condemn my daughter to a loveless marriage for political gain and they said either we can do a political marriage or war. I refused the political marriage to save my daughter" Xallender, Zael, and the elder looked flabbergasted because they would have to go to war cause the heir of another kingdom was rejected. Zael snapped out of his stupor and said, "That is the stupidest thing to go to war over. What would you like us to do your majesty?" The king silently nodded in agreement and replied, "All you can do is be prepared we warned due to the fact you are close to the border of Hydrasil and are a prime target for a stronghold in our borders". The three nodded and started to discuss a plan with the king and princess to keep Gurion under Varael borders.

Meanwhile in the forests that surround Gurion, "We will Reach the village of Gurion in a few hours sir" reported a lieutenant to his General. "Good when we get there begin like we planned." The general said. "Yes, General Callian" the lieutenant said and went to relay the message to the rest of battalion. Xallender was discussing battle plans with his men and the royal family. "We'll have scouts posted here and here" pointing at a map of the land, the scout leader replied, "Yes sir" and went to go tell his men of their new orders. "You think that will be enough to save the village from an attack?" questioned Verona. "it will have to we only have a few men to defend against an army." Xallender said with a worried tone.

All of a sudden, a messenger rushed in and reported, "Commander Xallender we have urgent news that the enemy is starting their attack at the south side of the village." Xallender's eyes widened in horror and replied to everyone in the room" Get our men out there now and start to evacuate the civilians towards the north side of the village GO!" he shouted the last part and all of his men quickly dispersed towards the south side of the village. Xallender began to walk out of the room when a worried voice asked, "Where are you going?" he turned around to see Verona looking at him alongside the king and Zael and responded, "Zael go to the south side and help I need to grab something important before I head there." He looked at Zael with a stern look one Zael knew all too well. "Ok don't be too long ok Xal? Zael responded. Xallender looked at Zael and silently nodded and rushed to his house. Once he got to his house, he rushed through his front door to the locked door and quickly opened it and looked at the two swords adorning the wall and grabbed them and rushed to the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the small amount of the village guards were trying to hold off a battalion of men the best they can. "Commander Zael we can't hold the line much longer our men are getting taken out left and right." Reported one of the guards, Zael look at him with a weary look and said, "I know, but we are the village protectors, and we will not give up our village until were all dead." The guard look at him with renewed confidence and was holding back as many men as they can when an elemental attack hit in the middle of village guards effectively wiping out the last of the remaining guard. Xallender arrived right as the elemental attack hit and watched as his men and friend were killed. Xallender stood there in shock for a second then turned an angry glare towards the battalion of men and then looking around seeing the faces of Rea and the kids from the orphanage dead.

The king and Verona arrived to help with little guards they have but came to the sight of all the dead allies and Xallender standing there shaking in rage and finally spoke, "All my friends, comrades, and people I saw as family are dead all because your prince can't find a woman to tolerate him to marry him." He looked at the enemy battalion with a spiteful look and continued, "Let me show him his actions have consequences when he receives word that the battalion he sent is slaughtered." The amount of hate spewing off of Xallender was causing some of the battalion men back up in fear when their General spoke, "You think one man can kill a battalion of highly trained warriors?" Xallender looked at General Callian and responded with, "No I don't think I can, I know I can." That caused Callian to laugh then said to his men, "kill him" the battalion rushed towards the lone Xallender who said, "Genrir, Renrir scared blades release" a light enveloped Xallender for a brief second then dimmed down showing the two Swords changed from looking like normal swords to one sword was pitch black with a crimson red stripe up the middle of the blade, Renrir. The other sword turn into a silver blade with a royal blue stripe up the middle of the blade, Genrir.

The king and princess watched in stunned horror as Xallender tore through the battalion with brutal precision, until Callian was the last one of his battalion left. Callian was horrified, one man tore through his men like they were nothing and was now staring him down with the intent to end him. Xallender raised Renrir to deliver the final blow when a voice cried for him to stop, he turned around and saw it was Verona crying and said with a cold tone " why should I he took everything from me, my friend, my comrades, and the innocent lives of the orphans and the matriarch who I considered my family?" he looked at her coldly her gaze didn't hinder still crying and said, "Killing him won't bring them back you took out his men he can't do anymore damage let him go and tell Hydrasil what happened, just please no more killing." His cold gaze lessened, and he responded with "ok" he sheathed his swords away and looked at Callian and told him "Go tell your king what happened here and let him know to surrender or…" he looked at Callian with murderous intent in his eyes "I'll flatten his whole kingdom with no hesitation understood?" Callian vigorously shook his head and immediately left the village like his life depended on it.

A few days passed by in the remains of Gurion, after the battle the damage and loss of life was too much for the survivors and decided to go settle in new villages throughout the kingdom. Xallender was heading to the capital with the royal family to work in the royal guard as Verona's personal bodyguard, even though she was against it, her father persuaded her to allow it due to the fact that Xallender already said he would work to keep her safe not only because she is a princess, but because she is the only person Xallender trust besides the king.