
The unknown shadows

a fanfic basic on my favorite game League of Legends. it's about love confusion and drama between several champions.

Jonathan_Snodgrass · Juegos
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

They walked towards Baron Nasher's Home spot where he lives and they saw a shadow following them very closely, as they got close the shadow got closer. Then all they head was Sona's harp make a loud weird sound. Everybody turned and saw Sona frozen into stone.

"No. Not my future girlfriend!" Ashe yelled while crying.

"On my god! Why Sona? She did not do anything wrong!" cried Darius

"Let's hurry before he comes back for the rest of us." said Annie sadly

They ran to Baron Nasher's home, and they realized Baron seemed more tamed then they last remembered causing them to fear him.

"Why is that shadow guy not attacking us yet?" demanded a very scared Ashe.

"He is waiting for the perfect moment" said Annie warily.

"Just great!" said Ashe angrily

They carefully walked to the back of the home, trying not to anger him.

"Where could that second amulet be?" asked Ezreal who was becoming annoyed.

"I have no idea Ez," said Darius who was thinking about how rude he was to him earlier.

"I FOUND IT" said Ashe with a very big smile

"Good job, Ashe" cheered Annie

Just then, the shadow appeared

"Yes, good job Ashe, but be warned. You will all die before you find my last Amulet," the shadow predicted.

The shadow vanished at a much slower pace than normal.

"Hey Ashe, did you see how he disappeared slower?" Annie asked.

"Yeah I did, he is definitely losing his powers" Ashe said with a sly look.

"So there is only one left." Said Darius Happily

"How do you know that?" Questioned Annie

"Well the shadow guy did say we will not find the last amulet" sneered Darius

"He's right Annie" Ashe said happily also

"But you know he will not let us take it without a fight, you know that right?" Annie mentioned. "I know, I'm just hoping that we can get it still, but what are we going to do when we have all of them?" Ashe questioned.

"If I'm right, we should be able to kill him, as long as we keep the amulets away from him" Annie remarked.

"I hope you're right Annie. I think we should check Dragon to see if he hid the last amulet there" said Darius.

They all agreed him and headed to Dragon's home. As they started walking towards Middle Lane, they noticed that they were being followed by the shadow guy again. They agreed to stay close together and watch each other's back to avoid being ganged up on by the mysterious Shadow guy.

"I wonder why he is doing this" Ezreal said.

"He might be pissed because his lover broke up with him." said Darius Laughing

"I would be carful of what I say, if I was you Darius." snapped Annie.

"Why should I care if he turns me into stone? We are about to get the last amulet anyway, so we should be able to kill him" sneered Darius.

"But Darius, he could still win if we aren't careful." Annie Advised.

"Annie is right Darius" Ashe pointed out.

They made it to the middle lane where Teemo was froze at.

"I feel so sorry for Teemo" Ashe said sadly

"It will be okay Ashe. We will bring everybody back to life again somehow" Annie said trying to cheer up Ashe.

"Let's hurry up before the shadow guy pops up" Said Ezreal impatiently.

"Let's go girls" shouted Darius, while staring at Ezreal he started feeling very bad about what he said, and was wishing he could fix it.

"I hate all those bushes, it feels like he will pop up and attack us out of them" Sputtered Ezreal

"Well for now he has been keeping his distance, if you have noticed by where his shadow been." Pointed out Annie

"True but that does not mean he will not attack us and turn us to stone!" Ashe butted in

"Ezreal before we go any further I just want to say... I'm sorry for yelling at you and not being nicer about your feeling towards me." Darius said as he was walking slower

"It's okay Darius, I was just too childish about it anyways" Muttered Ezreal

"No it was just I like you both but I like Ashe a lot more than you, like I would be with you but I just want her more" Said Darius that was very close to crying, but trying to hide it

"WAIT WHAT????" Said Ashe and Annie at the same time.

"Yes it's true, I just did not want anyone to know, but I did drop a hint about you being to clingy for me to date." Darius answered

"I... I did not know Darius you were like that, well I mean I hoped but I thought I would never hear you say that!!!" Said Ezreal with a surprised face

Right as Ezreal said that, Annie tripped and rolled a few times.

"DUMB GRASS" Yelled Annie trying not to cuss

"Are you okay Annie" Everybody Asked trying to help her up

"Ya I'm fine I just tripped over some thick grass, curse my short legs" Muttered Annie

"Well you are still a kid Annie" Rudely Darius

"Excuse me you ass I am a young lady not a child" Snapped Annie

"Well I'm sorry you're so young, and can't do much about that" Snapped Darius back

"I should hurt you right now, but right now I'm not going to" Annie said trying to calm down

"Please get along you two, you two fight like brother and sister" Pointed out Ashe

"She is right" Ezreal jumped in

"Well I do think of her as my sister" Said Darius while walking in front

"Wait you do? I thought you was a big jack-ass but I guess I was wrong. You do have a heart after all" Smiled Annie

"Don't get to lovey girl" Snapped Darius

"Wait you see Mr. Shadow like I do right????" Sputtered Ashe

"Ya I do, but what is he doing???" Said Ezreal softy

"He is touching that grave and muttering something" Annie said quivering

Just then the Shadow vanished...

"Let's go see who's grave it is" Ashe said muffled

Then they saw it was Katarina's grave that he was muttering at.

"Wait do you think he is in love with Katarina?" puzzled Annie.

"Mostly he is in love with her, I mean like she did have a weird taste in men when she was alive." Ashe pointed out.

"But do you think it is Zed that's hunting us all down?" asked Ezreal shaking

"It could be; I mean he could blame us for her death." Darius said

"But we did not kill her though." Annie muttered

"But he mostly blames everybody since he was madly in love with her" Darius Pointed out.

"But how do we stop him then, because he will stop at nothing to get revenge at everybody for her death!" Ashe said.

"We need to find that last amulet to stop him from going into the shadows, then we need to get him to understand that Katarina would not want him to hurt anyone like this and hope he comes around." Sputtered Darius

"So where would that last amulet be?" Asked Ezreal

"With the one you love, to keep close to your heart" Ashe muttered

"Wait your saying he put it in her coffin?" Ezreal sputtered

"Not in but around it, because he does not have the heart to dig her back up" Ashe said sadly

"Everyone stay close but look closely okay" Darius said loudly

Everyone walked towards Katarina's grave, making sure that Zed is not nearby.

But sadly they saw Zed walking back and forth, watching them closely waiting to strike.

"Ashe Zed is waiting, but why?" Ezreal sputtered

"He is hoping we don't find it, but if we do he will turn us into stone." Ashe pointed out

"He might actually want to show us a clue to who killed her." Darius said

"But I thought talon killed her?" Ashe hesitated

"Same here but for all we know it could have been someone else that killed her?" Darius questioned

"Darius you might be right, because why else would he be doing this!" Annie pointed out

"He could be tricking us into thinking that he wants to show us something, so I say we stay cautious."