
The unknown shadows

a fanfic basic on my favorite game League of Legends. it's about love confusion and drama between several champions.

Jonathan_Snodgrass · Juegos
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Darius was starting to fall for Ashe, but he could not tell her because he was too sacred she would just laugh at him, or reject him. Darius just kept staring at Ashe, but hoping she would not notice.

Ashe started daydreaming…

*Ashe started kissing Sona very deeply and passionately*...

" Ashe, what do we do now?" Annie asked breaking Ashe's daydream. Ashe sighed heavily…

"Let's stick together and search for clues to this mysterious Shadow guy".

"Sounds good to me," Darius said as he was still staring at Ashe in a romantic way. Annie caught on to the two looking at their crushes and smiled deeply.

They walked towards Baron hoping he was there; on the way, they kept hearing sounds like people screaming, and evil laughs in the forest. Scared to death, they stayed silent the whole way there. When they reached Baron's spot, it was super dark and foggy. They all stopped when they saw a dark shadow moving far away. Suddenly it flew towards them and then quickly disappeared causing them to scream in terror.

" What the fuck was that!?" screeched Annie

"That was the creepy shadow guy that's been freezing people" Ashe answered pointing in the direction the shadow was.

"Oh damn, that was scary!" said Annie.

"Welcome to our world." sneered Darius.

"How do we stop him?" questioned Annie.

"We do not know yet." said Ashe.

As they were walking back to Annie's spawn point, they started to plan out how they were going to stop the mysterious shadow until they saw a weird looking amulet.

"What's is that?" questioned Darius

"An amulet, but it looks like it is cursed or hexed" said Ashe.

"We should take it with us on the safe side, to keep it away from Mr. Creepy guy" said Annie.

They sat down to rest when they got back to the pool and found Ezreal, who walked toward Darius and plopped next to him, smiling at him in a flirting manner.

Darius rolled his eyes and continued to stare at Ashe.

"Darius! Your love boy is here!" Ashe said trying to make him mad.

"He is not my lover! I…am in love with you!" Darius hollered.

"Wait… what?" sputtered Ashe.

"I love you Ashe…a lot. I want to marry you." Said Darius.

"I'm sorry to crush your feelings, but I love Sona" Ashe said.

Sona turned and looked at Ashe with a strange look, and made a heart shape with her hands and pointed to Ezreal.

Ezreal turned and said, "And I love Darius".

Everybody looked at each other, and Annie said, "Well this is some love square…."

Everybody turned and looked at her with shock.

Darius turned to Ezreal, who was looking at the ground hoping Darius was not staring at him or wanting to hurt him.

"Ezreal, I love Ashe a whole lot and I don't like you because you're too clingy, and too much of a baby." said Darius bluntly

Ezreal started crying softy to himself, Sona saw it and moved to sit next to him and started playing him a song with her harp, trying to cheer him up. Ezreal stopped crying and hugged Sona.

Ashe got upset, but knew Sona was trying to comfort Ezreal.

The dark shadow suddenly appeared and starting laughing hard at them.

"You weak idiots! Y'all are so stupid just like your stone friends" said the shadow with smirk on his face.

Then the shadow disappeared, that's when Ashe looked around and saw everybody depressed.

"How are we going to kill him when he disappears like that?" Ashe asked.

"Did he seem more afraid of us this time this time?" said Darius

"What do you mean?" Ezreal said with a quizzical look on his face.

"Well he was staring at your bag Annie" Ashe said

Everybody stared at Annie's bag

"Could it be that dark amulet?" Annie questioned.

"That's it! It's his amulet, and that's why he was scared!" Ashe yelled

"So you're saying that he wants it back or is he afraid that we will use it on him?" Darius asked.

"It seemed like it weakened him, like he lost some sort of power of something" Ashe butted in.

"Maybe, but the question is, where are the rest of those amulets? How do we keep them from him?" said Darius with a serious tone.

"Well he was guarding Baron very carefully, so I say we check there first." said Ashe with a worried look on her face.