
Chapter 5: New Family Members


Over the next couple of weeks, Ryson grew and adapted well to the school. He had gotten an old picture of his father, family, and there were plenty of him and the twins. However he was still missing the one of his sister, that frame sat empty on his dresser. He even decorated the lonely frame in arts and crafts one day then Emma put some magic into it. The frame now had HOPE at the top in teal letters, and flowers and butterflies moved on the shining silver now.

He was friendly with everyone and loved learning everything he could get his hands on. The twins and he grew even closer and now proclaimed themselves to be siblings in all but blood. The only thing missing was Hope. Ryson has done his best to make sure she had a place in their group even though they had never met.

The wolves took to him and started teaching him all about packs, and their shared history. He was really surprised about how they were different from his godfather and when they asked Emma about it, she said that Wand Magic mutated the wolf curse into what he knew it as. He also told them about his godfather and his third birthday. It was then that he learned how much packs meant to wolves and Remus was more than likely mad at his parents for neglecting their cub.

It was also possible that Remus saw him as part of his pack and would not stand for the neglect he had been made aware of. Emma said that she would try and locate Remus and see where his allegiance truly lied, but Sirius was another matter altogether. Since he was bound by the oaths he took as Jamie's godfather he could not be trusted until after Ryson had the protection of his Lordships.

The witches took him under their wing as well. Some of them that still didn't like him for his last name saw the raw power he held and knew it was better to be friends than enemies. They taught him all kinds of things but the most important thing they tried to ingrain in him was the importance of coven and family. They all knew that they could not invite him to join their covens but he still needed to understand the importance of them.

The vampires shared stories and advice on how they had handled and adjusted to everything. They were thrown into the deep end of this life but Ryson would understand all sides of him fully before the time came to embrace them. He now knew the power he would hold as a Heretic and never wanted to become like his parents or the idiot wizards.

His lessons were running smoothly and if he stayed on track he would be at a 3rd-grade level by the time school ended for the summer. With his use of Occlumency, he could advance faster but he didn't want to. For once in his life, he had more important things to do than study. He also didn't want to leave the twins too far behind. He had told them about his mind palace and they wanted to make one as well.

Since he came to the school he had taken the time to change his mind's formation and protections. His love for Marvel is shown throughout his mindscape now. He had a replica of New York City with Stark Tower standing tall and proud. This was a decoy, but anybody invading his mind wouldn't learn that until it was too late. He filled the city with robots, monsters, hidden traps, gun turrets, bombs, a pack of 267 velociraptors, dragons patrolling the skies and sharks in the waters. Then the tower had its own protections. One of the protections was the massive underground tunnels that led to nowhere but more pain and suffering.

His real main base was a SHIELD Helicarrior high in the sky hidden behind dense clouds and had a cloaking feature. It also constantly moved so it was never in the same place. The only way to get to the carrier was to find the correct building somewhere in the city, locate the underground transport pad and know the password that was in parseltongue. The Hellicarrier was a maze of traps as well and the only way to gain entry to the command center was to speak another parseltongue password and have his DNA and fingerprints. The control center was a replica of the helicarrier control center. Each computer had a specific purpose in controlling or keeping watch over his mind. He had all of his memories and knowledge loaded into the computer database.

He also had holding cells in the form of Hulk's cage, which would drop the intruders back down into the city while the helicarrier and transport pad moved to a new location. Everytime they moved though the location was updated in the database.

The girls had started to learn how to meditate under Emma's watchful eyes. It was still unclear if they could use this brand of magic since it was Wand Magic essentially but they wanted to try. It would also help Lizzie with her emotional outburst if they succeeded.

Ryson's School Schedule Monday - Friday

Wake up at 7am

General Classes 8am - 11am

Lunch 11am-11:30am

Nap time 11:30am - 12pm

Recess 12pm - 12:30pm

Latin and Magic Class from 12:30pm -2:30pm

Snack time 2:30pm

School hours were done for the younger students after snack time. Ryson and the twins then either spent their time outside on the playground, in the playroom or exploring the school and school grounds. They had found lots of cool hiding spots and even got grounded for a week when they snuck into the science lab and released all the frogs that were for the 8th grader's next lesson. Everyone called them The Three Explorers.

Soon it was Halloween night. Caroline, Emma, and the new Librarian Dorian Williams took the younger kids trick or treating in Mystic Falls. Caroline and Emma got the 10 and under group while Dorian got the 11-14-year-olds. Alaric stayed behind with the other teachers to watch over the older ones who were having a party. All the younger kids going agreed to an Avengers theme and the older ones just went as random things, one even went as a vampire, how original.

Ryson went as Iron Man, Lizzie went as Captain Marvel, Josie went was Spiderwoman, Jackson an eight-year-old werewolf went as Siderman, Jed a six-year-old werewolf went as Captain America, Daniel a seven-year-old witch went as The Hulk, Karen a nine-year-old werewolf went as Black Widow, Cal an eight-year-old witch went as Hawkeye, and last Jasmine and Jasper, ten-year-old twin werewolves, went as the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. All of the werewolves in this group already had their curse activated, except for Ryson. All of them were activated in self-defense or in an accident.

The school had a map of the USA that was charmed to show all the underage supernaturals. There was a lot but most had a pack (werewolves), a coven (witches), or had already found a vampire to teach them. They hoped to expand this map as time went on to hopefully cover more countries. The kids who didn't have anybody were given a chance to come to the school or be taken to a willing coven, pack, or vampire mentor. The school had a total of 35 students right now and 25 of them were 11-18. 15 of the 25 were kids sent by their covens and packs to test out the waters of the school. If all went according to plan, then the school would get an increase of kids from these covens and packs in the coming years.

All the 10 and under kids were very close as they all lived at the school year-round and most of them came from abusive homes or didn't have a home, to begin with. Of course, while Josie and Lizzie had loving parents, they still had nightmares in their past. They all accepted each other for who and what they were, just like Alaric and Caroline had wanted. These kids didn't see vampires, werewolves, or witches first, they saw the person.

With how close they were now you would think they had always been that way but that is far from the truth. At the start, they stuck with their own kind and didn't like the Vampires at all, but then Ryson came along. Ryson, who has some werewolf, witch, and vampire in him, could embrace all the species. He made friends with the different groups first and then started to slowly merge the three groups into one. The funny thing is, he didn't even realize he was doing it, all he wanted was for all of his friends to be friends too. This slowly branched out into the older groups and there was more mingling between everyone now.

Later that night if you looked hard enough, you would be able to see three little children sneak out of the school and head towards the lake. When the older witches had taught Ryson about covens, he had asked them if he had a coven. They told him that while his sister was a part of the New Orleans coven they weren't sure if he had one. He then learned that the twins didn't have a coven either, well technically they were the last of their coven but they didn't have anyone else in it. The other younger witches without a coven had made been accepted into the school's coven the same went for the werewolves without a pack. Ryson was an honorary member of both the school's coven and pack but he wasn't able to formally join since his father was his Alpha, and his coven status was undermined.

In the great wisdom that only children have, they had decided that since they were basically all alone they would make their own coven. How hard could it be? They decided that on Halloween night under the light of the full moon they would try and make their own coven. The full moon didn't rise until around 10 pm which gave the younger ones time to go trick or treating.

It wasn't that hard to sneak out since a lot of the older kids were making some noise in their rooms that sounded like wrestling and the werewolves were howling in their transition cells. When they got down to the water though they ran into a problem. None of them knew how to make a coven. The three young children sat down on the dock with their feet hanging over the edge and began thinking. They were going to give up when Lizzie said,

"Well if we can't remember how to do it let's just make it up. This way it will be our secret way and nobody else will know how we did it."

"No Lizzie we can't," Josie said

"Well, why not? The old witches who wrote the spells had to make them up. How hard can it be?." Lizzie replied with her arms crossed.

Josie didn't have a comeback for that.

"Since you can't tell me why then we are gonna do it," Lizzie said.

"Okay, then how do we make it up," Ryson asked.

"Well, we each pick one thing to do that we have seen the older kids doing and then we put them all together," Lizzie said.

Ryson decided since all the really powerful spells needed blood that they would need to share their blood. Lizzie decided that she and Josie should siphon some of Ryson's magic so they could help with the spell more. Josie decided on the chant they all would say. After they all agreed they stood in a circle and at five to midnight they began.

They all cut both of their hands with a piece of glass Ryson had found and then clasped each other's hands. The twins started to siphon from Ryson, and then they began chanting in a mixture of Latin and English because they didn't know much Latin. They all knew that with enough magic and intentions that anything was possible. Right before the twins started to siphon from him, Ryson thought he felt a weird tingling feeling like he did before he had flown around the room.

We accipit (accept) each other as siblings, we will share our munera (gifts) as we have shared our sanguis (blood), we will share our magicae (magic) as we have shared our sanguis (blood), we will share our hereditatem (heritage) as we have shared our sanguis (blood), Magicae (magic) see our cupiditatem (desire), see our necessitudo (need), make us united as we have datis decreta sunt (decreed).

Ryson helped Josie word it to sound more mature as he had the biggest vocabulary.

They chanted until the clock struck midnight and then a bright white glow surrounded the three of them, and they started to be lifted into the air. It was so bright you could see it from the school, which is how Alaric, Caroline, and the other teachers became aware of it.

Alaric, Caroline, and Emma went to investigate while the other teachers herded the students back to bed. They checked the twins, and Ryson's rooms and found that they were missing. Of course, it would be them, man they were so going to be grounded after this.

Caroline of course reached the dock first but was thrown back when she tried to step onto it. Alaric and Emma caught up to her then and they all looked at the kids. They were surrounded by the white light, hanging about a foot off the deck with their hands clasped, heads back and eyes closed. You could see blood dripping from where their hands were clasped and the droplets sizzled as they hit the deck.

"Don't try to step on the deck. Whatever is happening to them doesn't want to be disturbed." Caroline warned.

Emma tried to get a read on what was going on but was unable to read the results clearly due to both Wiccan and Wand Magic being involved.

"Whatever is going on Ryson is using Wand Magic along with his Wiccan Magic so I can't get a reading. The twins are most likely siphoning both kinds of magic as well." Emma said.

"What does that mean, I thought his magical core was too young to use magic and I thought nothing could get to them inside the school grounds?" Alaric said.

"Whatever is happening to them, is happening by choice. They chose to do this and he might have started with some more accidental magic but with the twins siphoning it, the flow hasn't stopped" Emma stated.

"What could they possibly be doing that would require blood sharing?" Caroline said angrily.

"Covens" Alaric shouted as it came to him. "Remember they asked us last week if they could become one coven."

"But this isn't what would happen if someone joined a coven, I should know since I have witnessed multiple joinings," Emma said.

"You're right but we never told them how a person joins a coven." Alaric explained, "If they didn't know they could have tried something else thus creating this."

"This as in we don't know what the hell this is." Caroline angrily said.

"Oh my gosh, your right." Emma said, "Do you have any idea what this means."

"No that was kind of the point of me saying I didn't know what the hell this is," Caroline said

"It means that these three kids have not only created a new spell before they are ten years old, but the created one that uses both kinds of magic," Emma said.

"That should be impossible," Alaric said

"Not anymore," Emma said while stepping closer to the children with awe and worry on her face.

Before they could say any more a loud snap was heard and Axetooth appeared beside the three worried adults. He took one look at the three kids and said "Well that sure answers my question."

"What question would that be?" Caroline snapped angrily but then calmed down and apologized "I'm sorry Axetooth I'm just beyond myself with worry right now."

"Accepted," he said with a nod and then started muttering and waving his hands around the three children. "Interesting and brilliant." he then turned to Emma and asked, "What did your scans tell you?"

"Just that the twins were siphoning both of Ryson's Wiccan and Wand magic, they blood shared, and that's about it. We think that they are trying to make their own coven. How did you know something was going on." She answered him.

"I got an alert that young Ryson was going through a major magical event. Since he is a special case I decided to come to check on him myself and I'm glad I did. You're correct by the way" Axetooth told her "But what they have done is way more complicated than that. I can't tell you what is happening right now because magic itself is still indecisive but I can say for certain that it involves some kind of two-way blood adoption and coven creation.

They all went silent and waited. It was another hour before something else started to happen. A golden cord with black veins appeared between the twins.

"That is the twin's merge bond and I believe that the black veins represent their siphoning ability," Emma stated and Axetooth nodded in agreement.

"What? Does that mean they are merging now?" Caroline screamed before trying to rush to her children's side just to be thrown back once again.

Before anyone else could do anything else a golden orb appeared in front of Ryson's chest. A loud snap occurred and the chain around Ryson's neck fell off and his appearance began to change back before another snap was heard and a dark red almost black mist surrounded Ryson before dissipating. Ryson then changed into his original appearance without the help of the chain. Ryson now had his natural hair, still styled as he liked it, his face lost the sharp Potter features and he now resembled Klaus more. They knew his eyes would still be the same shade of blue that his fathers were.

"The golden orb is Ryson's Magical Core and I believe that mist was Ryson's body rejecting the physical changes of Jame's blood adoption. My scans show that he is still magically linked to the Potters, but luckily I don't see that link extending to the girls. When this is over we will need to get them to goblin healers right away." Axetooth stated.

"Will the Potters be alerted to this?" Alaric asked.

"No, as he is still linked by magic they will not know anything has happened and without access to his blood, they can't perform an inheritance test. Also since he is only blood adopted into the Potter and Gryffindor Line he can't pass that on to the girls," Axetooth said.

"I will go alert the other teachers of what is happening, I assume you will be transporting us there?" Caroline asked the goblin.

"Yes," he answered.

With that Caroline, vamp sped to the school and back. All they could do was watch and pray that the children would come out of this safe and sound. They watched as the golden orb drifted into the center of the children's circle and it looked like it started to gather the ambient magic from the environment. Then three beams of golden light shot out of the orb and into each of the children creating a smaller orb. Within seconds the twin's merge bond was destroyed but the orb kept pouring magic into the smaller orbs until they reached the same size as the original. During this process, the center orb slowly shrunk until the children were only magically connected by a thick golden rope.

The twin's orbs had black veins running through them. While Ryson's had a silver wolf sleeping in it, and red veins running through it.

Then all of the children's hair started to change slightly. They all now had natural highlights of each other's hair with the tips the same vibrant red as Lilly's hair. Ryson got brown and blonde highlights. Lizzie got brown and dirty blonde highlights. Josie got blonde and dirty blonde highlights.

While their appearance changed the black veins from the twin's orbs slowly made their way down the golden rope and into Ryson's orb. Then red and silver veins flowed from Ryson's orb into the twin's where the silver veins formed a sleeping wolf.

The wind began to blow as the white light surrounding them encased children more closely and became a bit denser. Each child now had their own Magical Core, with the sleeping silver wolf in the center and black and red veins running through them and the dense white light outlined them together.

Slowly the children were sat back on the ground where they opened their eyes, looked at each other before promptly passing out.

The three adults rushed to them. Alaric grabbed Josie, Caroline grabbed Lizzie, and Emma grabbed Ryson. Axetooth wasted no time in transporting them directly to the same healer's room in Gringotts as last time. He then yelled in his language and more than twelve goblins in healer's clothes rushed towards them. The children were lain on separate beds and the healers got to work. The twins each had four healers working on them while Ryson had six. It took 4 hours 45 minutes and 12 seconds for the healers to step back from the children. They all then conversed with each other to make sure they all got the same results before Switchtooth came over and explained the situation.

"It seems that these three children have done the impossible tonight." She said "They have somehow adopted each other as full siblings, meaning they are now both Saltzman's and Mikaelson's, and they all now share the same magic and heritage. Ryson was one of a kind to bein with and with the twin's unique siphoning ability added to the mix. It is truly remarkable that they were able to do this. All three of them are now Tribrid Siphoning Heretics. Basically the same as a Tribrid Heretic but with another kind of magic added into the mix. They all will go through the changes and become Heretics at age 25, they now have Wand, Wiccan and Siphoning Magic (without the need to siphon but they retained the ability to siphon magic), and they all carry the werewolf gene. On top of that, they have also formed a coven and pack with Ryson as the leader and the twins as elders. I believe if my translation is correct it will be known as The Infinity Coven Pack. The twins now bear the same birthmarks as Ryson on their wrists. Here is some good news: since they are no longer part of the Gemini coven, the merge will never happen. They are healthy as can be and will soon awaken, their bodies were just overwhelmed with the changes, making them faint. I would highly suggest getting them all an inheritance test to see if any other changes have been made." She then walked over to another one of the empty beds and fell into a deep slumber.

Another goblin then came forward

"Hi, I am Master Boneclaw. I am the ritual expert here. For all intense and purposes, this ritual should not have had enough power to be performed. However tonight was a full moon and it is All Hallows Eve, the veil between this world and the spirit world is the thinnest tonight. Now the full moon may have helped in power, but I believe that they also had the help of a spirit. Now, do you know of any magical ancestors that would have wanted this to happen?" Boneclaw asked.

Caroline and Alaric looked at each other thinking of the only person. Alaric sighed and put his hands in his pockets before telling the goblins about his wife Josette Laughlin.

"With that information, it is very possible that Mrs. Laughlin was watching over the girls and when the chance to keep them from having to merge came, she couldn't just stand by. Also even as a spirit, she could have given the consent Magic needed to allow the blood adoption." Bonclaw said. "I will have to do more research but I am confident this is what happened. Also, I saw the formation of a family bond forming between the three of them, you two and two other very faint bonds towards someone else. I don't believe a bond will form with Lillian Potter since these are mainly seen in Wiccan Covens. Now only people with magic can feel these bonds so you won't be able to but your kids will be able to. This type of bond will allow them to feel what the other ones are feeling and in times of need can help with overwhelming emotions to keep magical accidents from occurring. I will keep in contact." Boneclaw then led the rest of the healers out of the room.

Silence… nothing could be heard except the children and Switchtooth snoring as three humans and one goblin all took in what they had heard. When it finally caught up to Caroline she walked up to an empty bed, picked up a pillow, put it to her face, and screamed her lungs out.

When she was done and they had personally gone and checked on each child. Axetooth took a sample of the children's blood, before leading the adults to his office. They all sat down in the seating area again while Axetooth performed the inheritance test three times. One for each child.

Caroline was the first one to break the silence.

"They are so grounded when they wake up," she said.

"Yes, they are. Do you think Jo helped them do this?" Alaric asked.

"Without a doubt in my mind. I might have given birth to them Ric but she will always be their mother. A mother will always choose to save her kids in any way she can. A little warning that our girls were going to be changing species, forming magical bonds, and becoming part of the Mikaelson family would have been nice, but Ric, they get to live. They never have to worry about the merge now. I will never have to see them die." Caroline started to tear up and cry as she finally spoke some of the fears she had been hiding. Alaric pulled her towards him and hugged her.

"While this is a huge surprise I wouldn't change it even if I could. They are safe, happy, and now can protect themselves. Not to mention they are part Mikaelson now and we all know how the Mikaelson's feel about family. They will be okay." Alaric said.

Before anyone else could say anything else Axetooth brought over the test.

Harrison (Ryson) Henrik Salztman-Mikaelson

Tribrid Siphoning Heretic

Biological Parents:

Lillian Jasmine Potter knee Evans - Wand User Witch

Niklaus Mikaelson - Orginal Hybrid

Blood Adopted Parents:

James Charles Potter - Wand User Wizard

Alaric John Saltzman - Muggle (no magical or parental rights)

Caroline Elizabeth Forbes-Salvatore - Vampire (no magical or parental rights)

Josette Alexandria Laughlin - Deceased


James Charles Potter Jr - Wand User Wizard

Hope Andrea Mikaelson - Tribrid

Blood Adopted Siblings:

Josette Caroline Mikaelson-Saltzman - Tribrid Siphoning Heretic

Elizabeth Elena Mikaelson-Saltzman - Tribrid Siphoning Heretic


Vernon Rhydian Dursley - Muggle

Finn Mikaelson - Deceased

Elijah Mikaelson - Original Vampire

Kol Mikaeslon - Original Vampire

Henrik Mikaelson - Deceased

Blood Adopted Uncles:

Malachi Alexander Parker - Heretic - Unknown

Joey Daniel Parker - Deceased

Adam Joshua Parker - Deceased

Lucas Jackson Parker - Deceased


Petunia Rose Dursley knee Evans - Muggle

Freya Mikaelson - Wiccan Witch

Rebekah Mikaelson - Original Vampire

Blood Adopted Aunts:

Susan Amelia Parker - Deceased

Charollet Jackie Parker - Deceased

Olivia Samantha Parker - Deceased


Wand Magic - from mother and paternal blood adoption

Wiccan Magic - from father

Siphoning Magic - from sibling blood adoption

Creature Inheritance:

Vampire - Starts manifesting at puberty ends by becoming a heretic at age 25 or dying prematurely - Active

Werewolf - After first Human Kill - Dormant

Tribrid Siphoning Heretic - If all Creature Inheritance is achieved - Dormant


Second in line Heir to the Noble House of Potter - through paternal blood adoption

Second in line Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Gryfindor - through paternal blood adoption

Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Pervell - through paternal blood adoption and conquest, Lordship can be claimed at age 11

Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin - through conquest, Lordship can be claimed at age 11

Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Mikaelson - through birth, Lordship can be claimed at age 11

Coven and Pack:

The Infinity Coven Pack - by blood linked unity vow - coven-pack leader


Potter Trust Fund - 0 gallons

Gryffindor Trust Fund - 0 gallons

Pervell Trust Fund - 0 gallons

Pervell Family Vault - 2,574,739,259 gallons

Slytherin Trust Fund - 0 gallons

Slytherin Family Vault - 759,814,135 gallons

Mikaelson Family Vault - 65,846,148 gallons

Mikaelson Trust Fund - 101,689 gallons

Josette (Josie) Caroline Mikaelson-Saltzman

Tribrid Siphoning Heretic

Biological Parents:

Alaric John Saltzman - Muggle

Caroline Elizabeth Forbes-Salvatore - Vampire

Josette Alexandra Laughlin - Deceased

Blood Adopted Parents:

Lillian Jasmine Potter knee Evans - Wand User Witch (no magical or parental rights)

Niklaus Mikaelson - Orginal Hybrid (no magical or parental rights)


Elizabeth Elena Mikaelson-Saltzman (twin) - Tribrid Siphoning Heretic

Blood Adopted Siblings:

James Charles Potter Jr - Wand User Wizard

Hope Andrea Mikaelson - Tribrid


Malachi Alexander Parker - Heretic - Unknown

Joey Daniel Parker - Deceased

Adam Joshua Parker - Deceased

Lucas Jackson Parker - Deceased

Blood Adopted Uncles:

Vernon Rhydian Dursley - Muggle

Finn Mikaelson - Deceased

Elijah Mikaelson - Original Vampire

Kol Mikaeslon - Original Vampire

Henrik Mikaelson - Deceased


Susan Amelia Parker - Deceased

Charollet Jackie Parker - Deceased

Olivia Samantha Parker - Deceased

Blood Adopted Aunts:

Petunia Rose Dursley knee Evans - Muggle

Freya Mikaelson - Wiccan Witch

Rebekah Mikaelson - Original Vampire


Wand Magic - from sibling blood adoption

Wiccan Magic - from sibling blood adoption

Siphoning Magic - from mother

Creature Inheritance:

Vampire - Starts manifesting at puberty ends by becoming a heretic at age 25 or dying prematurely - Active

Werewolf - After first Human Kill - Dormant

Tribrid Siphoning Heretic - If all Creature Inheritance is achieved - Dormant


Member of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Pervell - by sibling blood adoption

Member of the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin - by sibling blood adoption

Member of the Ancient and Noble House of Mikaelson - by sibling blood adoption

Coven and Pack:

The Infinity Coven Pack - by blood linked unity vow - coven pack elder

Formerly part of the Gemini Coven


Pervell Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons

Slytherin Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons

Mikaelson Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Elena Mikaelson-Saltzman

Tribrid Siphoning Heretic

Biological Parents:

Alaric John Saltzman - Muggle

Caroline Elizabeth Forbes-Salvatore - Vampire

Josette Alexandra Laughlin - Deceased

Blood Adopted Parents:

Lillian Jasmine Potter knee Evans - Wand User Witch (no magical or parental rights)

Niklaus Mikaelson - Orginal Hybrid (no magical or parental rights)


Josette Caroline Mikaelson-Saltzman (twin) - Tribrid Siphoning Heretic

Blood Adopted Siblings:

James Charles Potter Jr - Wand User Wizard

Hope Andrea Mikaelson - Tribrid


Malachi Alexander Parker - Heretic - Unknown

Joey Daniel Parker - Deceased

Adam Joshua Parker - Deceased

Lucas Jackson Parker - Deceased

Blood Adopted Uncles:

Vernon Rhydian Dursley - Muggle

Finn Mikaelson - Deceased

Elijah Mikaelson - Original Vampire

Kol Mikaeslon - Original Vampire

Henrik Mikaelson - Deceased


Susan Amelia Parker - Deceased

Charollet Jackie Parker - Deceased

Olivia Samantha Parker - Deceased

Blood Adopted Aunts:

Petunia Rose Dursley knee Evans - Muggle

Freya Mikaelson - Wiccan Witch

Rebekah Mikaelson - Original Vampire


Wand Magic - from sibling blood adoption

Wiccan Magic - from sibling blood adoption

Siphoning Magic - from mother

Creature Inheritance:

Vampire - Starts manifesting at puberty ends by becoming a heretic at age 25 or dying prematurely - Active

Werewolf - After first Human Kill - Dormant

Tribrid Siphoning Heretic - If all Creature Inheritance is achieved - Dormant


Member of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Pervell - by sibling blood adoption

Member of the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin - by sibling blood adoption

Member of the Ancient and Noble House of Mikaelson - by sibling blood adoption

Coven and Pack:

The Infinity Coven Pack - by blood linked unity vow - coven pack elder

Formerly part of the Gemini Coven


Pervell Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons

Slytherin Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons

Mikaelson Trust Fund - 25,000 gallons

Silence…..Silence…...Silence…...Frustrated Scream into a pillow from Caroline.

Axetooth was the first one to speak "This should not be possible."

"Ya, we already figured out that this whole night should be impossible," Caroline said lifting her head from the pillow.

"No, you don't understand." Axetooth tried to explain "The only way for a blood adoption to occur is by magic giving the okay and it has never been done with a child's blood. That means that Magic has blessed this blood adoption as well as this covens creation. Not to mention this is the first-ever two-sided blood adoption recorded in history. We need to figure out exactly what your kids did tonight and lock this knowledge behind the Fidelius charm with one of you as the secret keeper. If this got out the results could be disastrous especially for your children."

"What is this Fidelius charm, how does it work, what is a secret keeper, and before I forget how did Ryson get the titles and vaults by conquest," Alaric asked but before he could get answers another goblin knocked on the door. Axetooth got up and opened the door. Ryson was awake.

The party of four rushed to the healer's room to check on him. When they got there Switchtooth was now awake and giving Ryson another check-up. With a nod from Switchtooth, the parents rushed to him and hugged him. Ryson was almost overwhelmed again only this time it was with how much love he could somehow feel from Caroline and Alaric as they hugged him. He clung to them for dear life as the new bond settled into place and for the first time in his young life, he knew what a parent's love felt like. It didn't take long for the bond to lull the child back to sleep in between the two parents.

Axetooth continued their earlier conversation after pulling up a chair by the bed.

"That is a long story but I will share the quick version with you for now." Axetooth said "A couple of decades ago a Wizard started using Dark Magic. He gathered some followers and attempted to overthrow the Ministry and conquer the Wizarding World of Britain by force. Five and half years ago he tracked the Potter's down for unknown reasons. Before that night was over Voldemort was vanquished somehow. James Jr was hailed as the Boy Who Lived because of a curse scar on his forehead and is known for being the only wizard to ever survive the killing curse."

Before Axetooth could continue Ryson woke up and spoke.

"That's not what happened. I remember that night." Ryson said as he sat back up "My mother and James went to an order meeting leaving us with Uncle Wormy. He let the bad man into the house. My house elf Gypsy tried to protect me but the bad man shot a green spell at her and she died. She then glowed red and it felt like she hugged me. I remember standing in my crib staring at the bad man and wanting him to go away. He then pointed his wand at me, and the green spell appeared and hit me in my forehead. I felt Gypsy's hug again and then the green spell bounced off me and hit the bad man. It hurt really bad. He then turned into a lot of black smoke, some flew out the window and some came at me. I fell asleep because it hurt a lot. When I woke up James told me that I was a dark monster child and he wished I would die. I tried to tell them what happened but they said I was lying, but I promise I'm not."

Alaric took Ryson into his arms and hugged him.

"We believe you Ryson," Alaric said.

"Yes, sweetie of course we believe you." Caroline agreed.

"That man that came that night was Lord Voldemort the last Lord Slytherin and a descendant of the Pervell Line. That is how he gained those lines by conquest. The rest of the wizarding world believes that James Jr. defeated Lord Voldemort but that is not the case. This information will also need be kept secret or a lot of people will be after Ryson" Axetooth said "Now the fidelius charm is a charm that when performed can hide anything from anybody, and the secret keeper is the only one who can share this information with others but only willing. All we have to do is have a witch or wizard under a magical contract perform the spell over what we want to be hidden and set someone as the secret keeper. This spell is so strong you could be hit someone who was under it but you wouldn't be able to see them and you would just forget someone hit you."

"What about the black smoke that Ryson said went into him that night or the 'hug' he felt wash over him and protect him?" Caroline asked as Ryson fell asleep again in Alaric's arms.

"I believe the smoke was Lord Voldemort's soul, it was rumored that he somehow anchored his soul to this earth. That type of magic is banned even with us, but if it is true his soul would have been fractured. Then when the killing curse rebounded a piece of his soul could have broken away and sought out the closest magic source when the main part fled. When we first scanned Ryson there was no indication of a foreign soul in his body so either it got rejected and fled or was cleansed and absorbed into Ryson. Either way, there is no current danger towards Ryson from it. The 'hug' sounds like ancient protection magic. Honestly, there is so much about magic that we don't know I can only give you a guess but this guess seems as impossible as the ritual your children performed tonight."

"Well since said impossible ritual was performed I would like to hear your guess Axetooth. You haven't been wrong yet and I value all knowledge you have willing gave us." Alaric said hugging Ryson closer. Just hearing that someone tried to kill him brought up paternal feelings in him.

"Well, I know that Gypsy had bonded to Ryson personally instead of the Potter Line. This bond gave the elf the ability to predict what her master needed or wanted by his feelings. It is possible that when she died she somehow sent her magic through the bond as a last protection for Ryson. Magic could have seen her death as a sacrifice, and since death occurred to give Ryson this protection, the person who caused the death would get death in return if they tried to breach said protection. In simple terms, Ryson could be personally protected from Lord Voldemort. Although as I said that is just a guess." Axetooth said.

That put the parents at ease and they both hoped it was true. Axetooth then left to find a trusted witch or wizard. It was three more hours until Lizzie and Josie showed signs of waking up. Switchtooth then checked them over before sending them back to sleep. Sleep was the children's best friend right now as their bodies adjusted to all the changes that occurred tonight.

At around 9 am all the children were awake and Axetooth had returned. The wizard then safely extracted the memory from each child and placed it in a pensive. Switcthtooth, Axetooth, Alaric, Emma, Caroline, and Bloodclaw took turns viewing the memories. Then the information was placed under the fidelius along with the fact that Ryson was the one to defeat Voldemort. Caroline was placed as the secret keeper. They explained to the children what had happened and then grounded them until just before Christmas Vacation started. The kids were bummed about being grounded but were happy that they were now a real family.

It was confirmed that the three of them shared a strong family bond now. They could also feel Alaric, Caroline, and seven other people but the other connections were severely muted. All they could tell were that the seven people are alive. The only people it could be were the Mikaelson's, and this gave Ryson more hope that he would meet his dad and sister soon. Until then he had Alaric, Caroline, and his new sisters. Ryson also thought he felt something when he thought of his mother but he didn't care enough about her anymore to strengthen any bond that may have formed. Unknown to him with that last thought the almost none existent bond broke without either person knowing it was there.

It was theorized that between the magic hiding the Mikaelson's, the distance, and them not knowing of Ryson all caused the muted bond. Luckily all those things were fixable, just not right now.

The girls did the same thing with their trust funds that Ryson had done with his. They were also under the same rules as Ryson was. Set amount a month, no going overboard with gifts and can buy big purchases with approval from their parents.

At first, Alaric and Caroline tried to deny that they got the money at all since it was supposed to be Ryson's and they could take care of the twins. They didn't want the twins to gain anything that wasn't rightfully theirs. The goblins had to explain that it was a written magical law that any member of a House had to be taken care of by that House. The trust funds were the way that it was done here and the money was non-refundable and was now rightly the twins. The twins were now Ryson's blood siblings and they got the same advantages he did but were not in the running to become Heir of any of his houses. Later on, after he claimed his Lordships he could name them as his Heir but that was not going to be discussed for a long time.

This made the girls extremely happy knowing that they could now buy stuff like Ryson.

The cover story that they would tell everyone at the school was that Ryson, Josie, and Lizzie had snuck out to explore around the lake. Then with the full moon, they accidentally created a family bond between them. Then with their parent's permission and Emma's assistance, they became one coven, thus creating the Infinity Coven-Pack. They would use the excuse that their bond was unstable without a coven bond to back it up and the reason it was a coven-pack was that Ryson was part werewolf. The coven union and family bond allowed the twins to siphon magic from Ryson without having to touch him, to cover the fact that they could now do magic on their own. Their hair would be a byproduct of the coven union and bond which was not uncommon.

The students didn't know about Ryson's Wand Magic yet but it was almost guaranteed that when they added the new course to the curriculum next year, they would figure it out. Then when the girls also had to start learning Wand Magic at 11 it would be chalked up to the coven union and the sharing of magics between them. This story covered all their bases with giving enough of the truth to be believed but not enough to invoke the fidelius charm.

Ryson had five necklaces made for him and his new family. It was a silver and black chain that held an infinity symbol with the letters C and P in the loops, a red diamond in the center of the symbol, and their name engraved on the front. The symbol's color would be unique to the wearer but the letters would always be black and the name always gold, black, or silver, whichever looked best against the color of the infinity symbol. Ryson's symbol was Red and his name was gold, Lizzie's was Pink and black, Josie's was purple and silver, Alaric's was bourbon brown and silver, and Caroline's was magenta and black.

To the students of the school, the necklaces would just be a physical representation of their coven and family, but they were so much more. The necklaces were made by the goblins, and had the same protections and enchantments that a Head of House Ring had. Goblins have been the makers of the Head of House Rings even before Gringotts was created.

The necklaces would protect them from poisons, love potions, mind magics, locator magic, and came with a shield that was powered by their magic. The shield's durability and strength were determined by how strong their magic was. The shield would protect them from harmful curses, jinxes, charms, and spells, as long as they had enough magic to do so, except with the killing curse. The goblins told them that most of the old Houses have rings and that is why Voldemort started using the Killing Curse in the first place. The final protection was the emergency portkey, to activate it they would hold the charm and say sanctuary. Then they would be sent to Alaric's office or if they were mortally wounded or knocked unconscious it would automatically activate and send them to the Gringotts healer room.

The necklaces would be bound to one person's blood and could only be removed by that person willingly. To bind the necklace a person one drop of blood was needed to be placed on the diamond. The diamond started clear but once the blood was absorbed it would turn red.

The necklace would also always be a perfect size and could turn invisible. The only thing these necklaces couldn't do that the rings could do was allow the wearer to implant knowledge and magic into it as they were spelled to work for non-magicals, werewolves, vampires, and witches. Also, non-magicals, werewolves, and vampires would not have a shield since they had no magic to power it. Hence the portkey option.

When asked if the necklaces would protect against both Wand and Wiccan Magic Axetooth assured them they would. See the rune scheme that the goblins used and kept secret for the protections, could be used by both Wiccan and Wand Magic so it protected against both.

Each necklace cost 1,000 gallons. Lizzie and Josie tried to pay for theirs but Ryson refused and said it was a gift from him and the same went for Alaric and Caroline as well. The witches at the school had told him how a coven leader treated his coven showed the world what kind of leader he was. He was now a coven leader even if he was only 5 and he wanted everyone to know that he cared about his coven. This necklace would become the recognized symbol of his coven-pack. That was also why with Alaric and Caroline's permission he ordered 7 more of them to take with them and keep in Alaric's safe in his office. These would be for the rest of his family when he found them.