
The Unknown Emperor

HellMaker · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter -1 Beginning Of New ERA

"Hey wake up"

Hey wake up you "idiot".

You are going to be late for work.

A small kid with black hair 'my little brother' waking me up

I suddenly open my eyes and Looked at my alarm it's 8 PM and then

I looked at my brother ' cute little chubby eyes waking trying hard to wake me up

,and me who trying to take my blanket back, at that lovely movement I realized

'Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, I am going to be late for work'.

Then I rushed as fast as I can and make breakfast for both of us, at that time my little brother was getting ready for school.

I bring out my old bike( motorcycle) ,it was an old model of popular company.

Then I went to my brother's school and dropped him, and went to my work place.

I work as game designer in a small company my salary is not high but it's enough tot make a living and I don't hate my job ether so it works for me.

This is my Life before 'disaster' make an entry in are life I was happy with my previous life style but my but this was going to change very soon.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

HellMakercreators' thoughts