
The Universe’s First Being (Highschool DxD)

January 2nd, 2023. In Ohio, United States of America. A 19 year male, 5'10” and 180 lbs is in a Hyundai Elantra SEL. The Mc is driving home from work, he had just got off from his 10 hour shift of stocking shelf’s at a grocery store. “Life is so boring.” He says. ‘Wake up, brush my teeth, shower, go to work, leave and go home, sleep. Over and over again. The same routine.’ Since he has started working, this has been his life. It’s not hard or anything close to difficult. It is but the average life of someone in the modern era. Monotone. ‘Hmm? Oh a shooting star. Let’s make a wish.’ He thinks. ‘I wish I can get away from my monotone life.’ He thinks as he closes his eyes and puts his hands together. Not knowing that what he thinks is a shooting star is actually a asteroid heading straight where he is going to be in, ‘5 seconds.’ As he opens his eyes and puts his hands back on the steering wheel. He thinks to himself, mockingly. ‘4 seconds.’ ‘As if a shooting star can grant a wish.’ ‘3 seconds.’ ‘What’s that sound?’ ‘2 second.’ ‘Must’ve been the wind.’ he thinks as he rolls his window up. It wasn’t. ‘1 second.’ ‘What’s that bright light?’ BOOM!!!! This faceless, pointless cog in the machine called society, has been eradicated from the face of the planet called Earth. Destined to be lost and forgotten in the sands of time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first fan-fiction. I don’t know if I’ll finish this or even get to chapter 5. But if I do actually get past chapter 5, I would like constructive criticism from you cuzzo.

Puppy_simp · Cómic
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5 Chs

The Big Bang



AN: I am an uneducated mf. So if I get something wrong lmk.


(3rd person POV)

In the beginning there was nothing, no time, no space, just nothingness. Then what would be the universe, exploded. Creating a dense, hot, small space, which would expand to what we know as the universe. But it isn't our Universe. As there was another type of energy, it wasn't only dark matter, but another energy. Something more magical.

1 millisecond into the Big Bang, a human like being was there in that hot, dense small space that kept expanding. He was 6'4" with a swimmer type physique. Having blonde hair toward the middle of his back, with golden eyes and infinity symbols in both of his eyes .(♾️)

He did not even have a chance to open his eyes before he turned into dust. Which after half a millisecond he regenerated and was back. Except he was different in height and gained a pair of wings. Not one of flesh and bone. But of a glowing golden energy. They are made of a magical energy, having 5 tendrils. Proportional to his seven foot height he now stands at.

'Ugh. What happened? I felt like I was erased from existence.' He thinks in worry.

As the man opens his eyes he sees all colors in what appears to be a gas form condensing. Like it is making a different dimension. So like any sane person would he flys¿ towards it.

'Huh? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?' He thinks as he looks behind him and sees his 'wings'.

'How do I have wings?! How come I'm not breathing? Oh I must've adapted to have them, and not have a need to breathe, I guess? Also what is this energy I feel inside me? Do I have wings because of this energy?' He stops for a little while to understand his situation. Coming to the conclusion to just go with the flow.

As he continues to go towards the gases forming the dimension. He feels the surroundings getting hotter and hotter traveling towards the area.

(50,000 years into the Big Bang)

'How long will it take me to get to that place? It feels like I've been flying there for eternity and Im not even a quarter of the way there.' He thinks to his self.

(5,000,000 years into the Big Bang)

As he continues going forward, he doesn't even know that it's been 5 million years since he has been reincarnated. But thankfully, he cannot go insane from just flying forward for 5 million years due to his wishes.

'I'm about halfway there and I've been exploring this energy I have in my body. It seems it's a magic like energy that allows me to make fire.' He thinks as he makes a small fireball above his hand.

'I wonder what other magical things I can do with this power?'

(10,000,000 years into the Big Bang)

As he approaches the boundary where he first saw the dimension being made, he puts his hand up against it.

'Hmm? How does it stop my hand? Is this a different space? Can I force my way through it? Mine as well try it.' He thinks as he start forcing his way through. He starts expending more and more strength to forcing his way in. Until finally, he get thrown into a different dimension.

(Dimensional Gap)

As he looks around he sees an endless void, where in every direction, there is a mix of iridescent colors. But in 2 different directions he sees condensation of Red and Black. To his far right (about 50 million light years away) is the condensation of Red. And to his left (about 50 million light years away) is the condensation of black.


Word count: 663

AN: MC doesn't know he's in dxd. Also there will be a lot of time skips as he's still in the beginning of the universe.