
The Unique Barbarian

Thrown into the muddle of war, Dima a young soldier in his mid-20s has been assigned a special reconnaissance mission behind enemy lines. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, he and his group are on the run for their lives. Their covert operation has been found out! After a night of running through perilous terrains, they arrived at an open field. Unfortunately, that was the last place they will ever see on their lives. But is it? For Dima that statement was far from true. He had been reborn in a new world far different from the world he once lived! As much as his questions arise, he always falls into the same justification: "I will explore this world and find out everything about my circumstances." Follow along on his adventure as he explores this new world full of mysteries. Finding his answers on a journey of self-discovery, survival, and the pursuit of freedom in a world that both mystifies and challenges him at every turn. An original by Aern Vogl. - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer: This work is intended for a general audience. The pacing and narrative flow are left to the reader's interpretation, as the story is intended to serve as an imaginative break as well as stage for readers to immerse themselves in the world of the characters. The cultures, landscapes, diverse creatures, and fundamental aspects of the world within this work are purely products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is entirely coincidental. Abbreviation: TUB Additional tags: #rebirth #worldbuilding Expected Update Schedule: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday/Saturday, [ONGOING]

Aern_Vogl · Fantasía
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11 Chs


That time of the day was the song time, the caregivers sing the song of their folklore:

In the land where thunder roars, and rivers run red.

We are the children of the storm, born to never dread.

The might of our axes, the strength of our kin.

In the heart of the wilds, our glory begins.

Oh, we sing of the Unbroken, the warrior to rise.

From the scattered tribes, beneath the skies.

With the Guardian's blessing, and the Nature's grace.

We will march to the south, and change our fate.

Tales of old whisper, in the firelight's glow.

Of a hero to come, from the highlands of snow.

With the power of giants, and the wisdom of seers.

They will bind us as one, conquer all fears.

Oh, we sing of the Unbroken, the warrior to rise.

From the scattered tribes, beneath the skies.

With the Guardian's blessing, and the Nature's grace.

We will march to the south, and change our fate.

In the shadow of mountains, where the wild winds call.

We remember our forebears, their courage stands tall.

The southern lands tremble, as our legend unfolds.

With the heart of the bear, and the spirit of old.

When the night is the darkest, and hope seems so far.

Look to the horizon, and follow the star.

For the Unbroken is coming, with fire in their eyes.

To unite us as one, beneath the skies.

Oh, we sing of the Unbroken, the warrior to rise.

From the scattered tribes, beneath the skies.

With the Guardian's blessing, and the Nature's grace.

We will march to the south, and change our fate.

So raise high your voices, let the mountains resound.


For the glory of the sky, we stand battle-bound.


With flame in our hearts, and the power of soul.

The Unbroken will lead us, we will not fall.

Oh, we sing of the Unbroken, the warrior to rise.

From the scattered tribes, beneath the skies.

With the Guardian's blessing, and the Nature's grace.

We will march to the south, and change our fate.

- - - - -

Visiting hour draws near right after the song has ended, a woman entered the nursery facility. She greeted the caregivers warmly and began to look at the babies, as if searching for a specific one. A caregiver noticed her and approached.

"Are you looking for someone in particular?" the caregiver asked.

The woman nodded. "Yes, I'm looking for a certain newborn. I was told he is... quiet... unlike the others?"

The caregiver smiled and led her to a sleeping baby. "This is the child you're looking for."

The woman looked at the baby with a mixture of awe and tenderness. "May I hold him?" she asked.

"Of course," the caregiver replied. "But please be gentle so as not to disturb his sleep."

The caregiver carefully picked up the baby and handed him over to the woman. She cradled him in her arms, her eyes softening as she gazed at him.

Just then, the elderly woman entered the room, her eyes widening in surprise.

"It's quite unexpected to see you here," she said to the woman. "Weren't you tasked with the hunt today?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, but it concluded quickly. The prey was abundant this time, it was much easier."

The elderly woman looked at the baby in the woman's arms and said, "This child is unique."

The woman looked up, curiosity piqued. "How so?"

"You'll see for yourself as time reveals the answer," the elder replied, deftly changing the subject. "His speech came way quicker than the other newborns in this batch."

The woman felt a swell of pride. "It must be because of his father. Have you seen him?"

The elderly woman nodded. "He should be here soon."

As if on cue, a lean man entered the room, his skin covered in black stains from his work at the smithy. "Forgive my appearance," he said, slightly out of breath. "I had to run over here."

He explained, "The work at the smithy has been rigorously demanding. I'm perfecting a new method, and it recently proved successful. What a tragedy for me to have been isolated for months, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you gave birth. But now, I couldn't stay away any longer, despite my state."

The woman smiled at him. "You and your long speech. I never get enough of it. Here, take a look" she said, showing the baby to him.

The man gazed at the newborn with awe and amazement. "Wow. He's perfect. He's you and me combined."

At that moment, the baby's eyes fluttered open, revealing a clear, inquisitive gaze. The room fell silent as the parents stared at their child, a mix of emotions playing across their faces. The woman held her breath, while the man reached out a finger, gently brushing it against the baby's tiny hand. The elderly woman watched the scene unfold with a knowing smile. She let the parents bask in the simple joy of holding their creation.

The baby, now awake, looked around with an almost preternatural awareness. His soldier instincts stirred. Despite his infant body, his mind was alert, absorbing everything. He could feel the warmth and love radiating from the couple who held him.

As the woman held him closer, the infant made a small noise, a soft coo that made both parents smile. The man leaned down, whispering softly, "Hello uhh, kid, I fathered you."

The newborn's bright eyes held a gaze that seemed to penetrate the very essence of those around him. His parents, mesmerized by this tiny bundle of life, felt a surge of emotions welling up within them. They exchanged a knowing glance, silently communicating their shared awe and love for their son.

"He's so alert," the woman murmured, brushing her finger gently against the baby's cheek.

The man nodded, his voice filled with pride. "He's going to be a curious one, just like me," he said, a tender smile playing on his lips.

The elderly woman watched the scene unfold with a knowing smile. "He's special, isn't he?" she remarked softly, breaking the silence that had settled over the room.

The parents looked up, their expressions reflecting a mix of wonder and curiosity. "What do you mean?" the woman asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The elderly woman approached, her steps deliberate yet gentle. She reached out to touch the baby's tiny hand, her touch light and almost reverent

"He carries a different kind of energy," she began, her voice tinged with ancient wisdom.

"I've seen many newborns in my time, but there's something about him..." she paused, her gaze shifting between the parents and the child in their arms.

"It's as if he has an old soul," she continued, her words carrying a weight that seemed to echo through the room. "A wisdom beyond his years."

The man and woman exchanged a puzzled look, trying to grasp the meaning behind the elderly woman's words. "What do you mean by old soul? He's just a baby," the man asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

The elderly woman smiled knowingly. "There's a believe that certain souls are reborn with experiences from past lives," she explained gently. "They come into this world with a purpose, a mission to fulfill."

The woman's eyes widened, a mixture of astonishment and disbelief flickering across her features. "You mean this baby has lived a life before he was born?" she asked.

The elderly woman looks at the child. "It feels as such," her voice steady. "It's a belief that spans across many tribes. And your son... I feel nothing in him. The soul's energy. "

The man and woman exchanged another glance, their minds racing with questions. 

As they pondered the elderly woman's words, the newborn stirred in his mother's arms, his fingers curling around hers with a surprising strength. His gaze remained steady, as if acknowledging the weight of the conversation unfolding around him.

"Maybe he's here to teach us, and if it's true then I can take him as my successor huhuhu" the elderly woman said jokingly.