
The Unheard Plea

It wasn't always so hard. Life. Maybe it wasn't simple but it was never this. I never had to struggle like this. It's grim the reality we live in. It's lonely and cold. No one there to help you. Not allowed to take a break for fear you'll lose the race. Losings not that bad some say. Those are the ones who don't get it. For some this race isn't win or lose. It's life or death. And for fewer still there are higher stakes. Having to bear the soles of those who can't go on any longer to the finish line. The ones they care about but that does not mean the sentiment is returned. Not the burden shared. And the finish line is always ahead. The distance never closing. Your steps ultimately meaningless in the end. I am the fewer. I bear two souls who cannot go farther and these souls cannot share the burden. I've barely started the race but my arms are already shaking my back breaking. I am weak and there's still so far to go. There are few around me who can help me but can't walls prevent them from coming closer. And they are close but it is still cold. So I trudge on the finish line only getting further and so I trudge on. It's so cold. I crave warmth or for this race to end. For the pain to stop for these burdens to go away. I plea silently for help knowing there's none to be had. A useless plea.