
The Unfortunate Starter Adventurer

Games and stories about adventurers go back way down the path in history but, let's take this differently.... It's cold, dark, vivid and the air is almost non-existent creating illusions, visions or signs of omen. "Player" whoever you may call him is unconscious. He regains his senses but, is met with monsters or an out of the world existences, Demons. What seemed to be a helpless situation, I wonder what turn of events will happen? Will the player die by the hands of the Demon? Will he struggle to run, to survive and find a way out? Will he fight for his life until his last breathe? or is the player insane to choose and beg Demon for mercy? I'm just starting my Adventure but, I'm already trapped!!!??? what the kind of bull crap starting life is this???

CJ_Web_Writer · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Just My Luck...

The wind blows cold, a light, barely shining through the cracks. My eye's slowly adjusting to the darkness. "What happened? where am I?" a sting of pain as I touched my head. A trail of blood on my hands, I look around to see where I was. Nothing. Just full of dust and rocks.

"Is anybody there?" I call for help, echo travels the room. I tried again and again and again, yet no luck. I look above the ceiling, a massive boulder with chains attached to it. "I remember now..." the floor collapsed underneath me, as soon as that happened I hit my head in one of the walls and became unconscious.

I tried getting up. "ouch." I felt something sharp poke my finger and I looked at my hand. It's a splinter, my eyes continued to adjust through the dark. It was a long piece of wood, it shaped like a staff. I picked it up leaning my whole body on it trying to get up on my feet. After a few attempts finally, I managed to balance myself standing up.

I looked around my surroundings, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. "I'm trapped here huh." oddly enough I was extremely calm as if I expected something like this would happen. I walked a few steps analyzing my body, what were broken, if I'm bleeding and thankfully I somehow lived through that with just a broken ankle and a bleeding head.

Whoosh, the sound of the wind in the distance. I walked towards a corner part of the wall where a tiny ray of light was also coming from. I put my here next to it. "It's cold, I also hear dripping water is there a cave on the other side of this wall?" I thought to myself. I looked around to see what I could use to dig through but, to my luck there was none. "Nothing left to lose." I shrugged back my shoulder. Leaning on the wall and using the staff to pry the small opening where the light was.

After somewhat an hour or two, the ground started shaking. "An earthquake now??" me and my cursed luck the chains that was holding the boulder were snapping one by one. I was hurrying for my dear life to get this hole open. After each swing felt like another chain being snapped in half, I looked up the two chains were left and one last swing the staff broke and the hole opened an entrance. As soon as I heard the last two chains snapped I dived myself through the hole. The boulder quickly closed up the entrance behind me.

"Phew..." I breathe in relief, really just my luck. I stood up leaning on the wall the ray of light coming around the corner was getting brighter. I squeezed through the cracks and openings almost ripping my clothes but, somehow I got through. The sight I saw was breath taking. A massive cave, on the ceiling were drops of water, the walls filled with crystals shining all over the place, almost lighting up the whole cave. In the distance at the very bottom was a weird structure. "A mine perhaps?" I wondered, And at the very bottom is a massive pool of water. "I wonder if it's deep?" wondering if I can dive through the bottom. "Yeah... no." I'm not risking it.

Using some of the rocks with sharped edges, I cut a piece of my cloth from my clothes to bandage up my broken ankle, I was also starting to get a little dizzy from the wound in my head. I patched myself up and barely able to walk properly but, it's something. I looked around, see what I can use and which way I should go.

After walking for a few minutes...

"Hmm..?" a caught a glimpse of reflection. I walked towards it. In the ceiling was some kind of rope. "If I jump I might be able to reach it." It was going to be painful but, it was worth checking what it was about. I jumped as high I could go, reaching the rope pulling it down as hard as I could.

"Oww..." I dropped sitting down reducing the impact,. clunk clunk. clunk. "Hmmm?? clunk?" I looked to the direction of the noise was coming from. "SHIT!" I jump in surprise, slipping again on my ass. "ouch what the hell happened to you?" I wasn't expecting a top-half skeletal corpse dropping down when I pulled the rope. Calming my nerves, I took a closer look Inspecting the corpse. "This person has been dead for a long long time maybe more than a decade but, really just my luck." There was a scarab on him. I yanked it off his body, suddenly the corpse disappeared into thin air.

I unsheathed the blade, "Beautiful." A fine sword, sharp and well maintained. There was carving on the handle, "The blades name perhaps? or the one who made it?" I thought to myself, why has this blade not rusted or been broken even more than after a decade has passed. The sword started to shine, my vision becoming blurry "Adventurer who's name is unknown, call out the blades name!" the voice echoing through my head. I shouted "Dagmor!" the light disappeared instantly, just as I my eyes were closing, a shadow flew by my vision and then I passed out.