

THE UNFATHOMABLE LOVE The love at distance can be torturous, as you always desire closeness to your beloved .But closeness and distance are not only physical definitions of space but also how we understand our heart . So while physical distance between us may be great ,that space may always be small within the heart holding close to the ones we love and trusting in that steadfastness can calm our heart and soothe our minds no matter how far the physical distance between us. While loving another from far away may be difficult ,faith in our love may keep us strong Prologue: The atmosphere was a pleasant one,the chirping birds,the fiery sunset which was giving a beautifull view of nature. The sound of kids laughter which was slowly getting reduce with their way towards their home. The only sound left was of the tides in the water!! Yes it was a beach . But there was still a soul waiting for someone . This displeased, disheartened man is still sitting near the beach without any care of Time, Family, Friends. Ofcourse why would he care about anyone else apart from her . But this devastated person is longing for his soothing, HIS love, HIS life who is no more with him. SHE LEFT HIM!! She left him alone in this world. Even though he had family & friends to accompany him all the time, to cheer him up, to reduce his pain .But no one can remove HER memories from his heart,no one can replace HER. Neither can bring her back . People tell him to admit the fact that "SHE IS NO MORE- SHE IS DEAD". But he will never beleive it,infact he never believed it even for once because he knew somewhere in his heart that SHE IS ALIVE. SHE WILL NEVER BREAK HER PROMISE OF LEAVING HIM ALONE. . . Somewhere near a greenery filled nature a women is playing Hide & Seek with Her Love, Her Life..And a beautifull moment to cherish when a lady is running in every possible direction to find her very naughty, cute, loving & Innocent 3yr old kid from past 10 minutes . And this time she got hold of him ,to which a cute replay came "MUMMA" & the atmosphere filled with mother -son laughters.. . . As i think about the distance ,i start to crave your brilliance .i dream to see you for an instant .without you i question my existence.. _________________________________ ~The Unfathomable Love ~ The story revolves around two people who are madly in love with each other but got separated due to some reasons.. What was the reason?? Whydid they get separate?? How will they reunite?? This story is a fusion of two golden Era's.. This is a combination of both ancient and modern era where the main leads are living in different environments that are very opposite of other.. I hope my readers will imagine this story as per my imagination..

Candycuteboss · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

~The Malhotra Mansion ~

An elderly man is impatiently walking from left to right and right to left. Then left to right and again right to left and the loop goes on..

Nilam:- stop this marathon dear , why are you worrying too much about this . They may have reached Singapore safely .!

Raj chuckled:- Really!? You are the one saying me this? You have been checking your mobile every 2 mins(hehe)

Sanjay:- Mom,Dad will you guys stop worrying?? Priya said she will inform us once she reach Singapore.!

Nilam:- That's what Sanjay . she said she will call us but it's been a day and there is no call from her side!!

Sanjay:- yes mom, even I was worried for the same. Don't know how she is ? Where she is ?? Hope she is safe🤞

Raj:- why are you both wasting time in this. Just call her and enquire.!!

Nilam:- yes you are right. I will call her now.

They get distracted with sudden loud ring of telephone which grabs everyone's attention..

Tring tring ..And then the marathon started between Raj,Nilam and Sanjay to receive the call and finally Raj picks it up.(phone is on speaker)

Raj immediately:- Priya where are you ? Did you both reach safely? Is everything alright??

Nilam spontaneously:- Did you both eat anything or not?? Why aren't you replying??

Sanjay concerned:- priya are you and ahan alright?? Is there a problem? Wait I'll come there!!

Irritated Person on other side of phone:- ONE MINUTE!!!!!!! EVERYONE PLEASE BE QUITE! IF YOU LET ME SPEAK, ONLY THEN I CAN REPLAY NA! DAD WE BOTH ARE ALRIGHT AND HAS REACHED HERE SAFELY. MOM WE ATE OUR DINNER AND AHAN IS SLEEPING NOW..AND BRO WE ARE SAFE HERE ! YOU DONT NEED TO COME HERE !! PHEWWW..!!! 😪You guys huhh! I just delayed in responding and you guys created a chaos in the house ..(smiles)☺️

Raj😅:- thank god you guys are alright.

Nilam:- what to do child, this is the first time you both are so far from home , we were worried

Priya:- mom I can understand it but now don't worry since we both are safe .☺️

Sanjay:- By the way where are you people staying? The same hotel which i have booked?

Priya:- yes bro same hotel - we are at Hotel Vinson..where is Sunny ??

Raj:- He slept waiting for your call.

Priya:- Oohh my little brother 😅

Nilam:- yes and I am sure he will start complaining about this in morning😂 that you didn't call him

Priya:- Haha..don't worry I will call again in morning and talk to him and you can talk to ahan . Ok then . Good night.

Everyone together:- good night...!!

And the phone gets disconnected.. 


~India ~

Abdul,Surya, Maan & abrar are waiting for there dear friend who called them for an immediate meeting in secrecy..

Surya:- whats the matter? Why did Jalal called all of us this late in night.?

Maan:- who knows.!

Abrar:- Abdul do you know??

Abdul:- Even k don't know anything about this. Suddenly they hear a voice-" I will tell you" and everyone turn towards the source of it i.e jalal who was at entrance.

Abdul:- Now tell us , what is so important that you didn't wait till morning and called all of us.!

Jalal:- We are leaving for patna right away..!!

All of them together:- what??????

Jalal:- yes.

Surya:- but why?

Maan:- but you said we will leave for patna tomorrow morning .

Abrar:- why all of a sudden now?

Abdul smilingly:- because Jalal wanted to trick our enemies with wrong information . If we start our journey now then our enemies won't get time to set trap and we can immediately catch them red-handed. am I correct??

Jalal:- yes my dear friend you got me correct😉.. so shall we leave?

All of them together:- ofcourse!

With this jalal, Abdul & Abrar proceeds towards their destination i.e Patna which is 11hrs 51 min away.. 


~Patna ~

Head men to Other men's:- Come on , do it quickly.. Hide the food trucks immediately in this tunnel.

Around 30-40 men's started hiding the sacks in their secretive place.

Assistant Men to head men:- king yudhistiv will never come to know that Jalal Uddin Mohammed has already sended his trucks and as per treaty king yudhistiv will punish jalal with double amount for the loss and this will also destroy the reputation of king of Hindustan that he wasn't able to keep words

Men1: yes and jalals reputation will be ruined

Hahaha Hahaha... And the atmosphere gets filled with evil laughter..!!