

THE UNFATHOMABLE LOVE The love at distance can be torturous, as you always desire closeness to your beloved .But closeness and distance are not only physical definitions of space but also how we understand our heart . So while physical distance between us may be great ,that space may always be small within the heart holding close to the ones we love and trusting in that steadfastness can calm our heart and soothe our minds no matter how far the physical distance between us. While loving another from far away may be difficult ,faith in our love may keep us strong Prologue: The atmosphere was a pleasant one,the chirping birds,the fiery sunset which was giving a beautifull view of nature. The sound of kids laughter which was slowly getting reduce with their way towards their home. The only sound left was of the tides in the water!! Yes it was a beach . But there was still a soul waiting for someone . This displeased, disheartened man is still sitting near the beach without any care of Time, Family, Friends. Ofcourse why would he care about anyone else apart from her . But this devastated person is longing for his soothing, HIS love, HIS life who is no more with him. SHE LEFT HIM!! She left him alone in this world. Even though he had family & friends to accompany him all the time, to cheer him up, to reduce his pain .But no one can remove HER memories from his heart,no one can replace HER. Neither can bring her back . People tell him to admit the fact that "SHE IS NO MORE- SHE IS DEAD". But he will never beleive it,infact he never believed it even for once because he knew somewhere in his heart that SHE IS ALIVE. SHE WILL NEVER BREAK HER PROMISE OF LEAVING HIM ALONE. . . Somewhere near a greenery filled nature a women is playing Hide & Seek with Her Love, Her Life..And a beautifull moment to cherish when a lady is running in every possible direction to find her very naughty, cute, loving & Innocent 3yr old kid from past 10 minutes . And this time she got hold of him ,to which a cute replay came "MUMMA" & the atmosphere filled with mother -son laughters.. . . As i think about the distance ,i start to crave your brilliance .i dream to see you for an instant .without you i question my existence.. _________________________________ ~The Unfathomable Love ~ The story revolves around two people who are madly in love with each other but got separated due to some reasons.. What was the reason?? Whydid they get separate?? How will they reunite?? This story is a fusion of two golden Era's.. This is a combination of both ancient and modern era where the main leads are living in different environments that are very opposite of other.. I hope my readers will imagine this story as per my imagination..

Candycuteboss · TV
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13 Chs



A greeny campus with a well spacious,equipped with best technology's, a  well organized sports area, clean canteen with hygiene food,excellent staff and faculty.

There is a lot of hustle- bustle in the campus as it is the second day of college for fresher's .

Group of students discussions  in corridor, near parking area, library, canteen, class rooms etc.

A group of Senior's sitting near football court entrance

ROHIT'S GANG: (gang 1)

1. {vivan bhatena as Rohit agarwal

2.Chetan hansraj as dinesh mehra

3. Vatsel seth as DDL . He is known as DDL ,no one in the colleges knows the fullform of DDL.

DDL[  dhruv devi lal]

4. Tanya Sharma as BDL , Sister of DDl..

Same like her brother no one knows her real name..

She is very arrogant and showoff her richness.. [BDL = babita devi lal]

5. Jasmine avasia as sam aka samaira

Her real name is  reshma desai

Like DDL and BDL even she has hide her real name.. }

Dinesh to one of junior girl :- Hey baby, are you free tonight? I can come at your hostel to pick you tonight.. and winks to her.

Hearing such cheap words from her senior the girl gets scared and runs away .seeing her running  Dinesh laughs evilly

Dinesh:- how far will you run little chicken with your tiny legs? Try your luck  dear because  tonight no one will be able to save you from


Rohit:-  leave her Dinesh, look at these

new chickens. I like the blue and Red one.

Dhruv/DDL :- mine is black one. she is so hot. I will enjoy with her and both of them laughs

Dinesh:- first I will enjoy my little chicken and then these colorful chicks

Babita/BDL comes there:- Hey boys what's up?

Rohit:- nothing sweetheart . we were discussing about dinner

Dinesh:- there's nothing in market and laughs

BDL doesn't understand the real meaning of their talks and brushes their words to a side. BDL is Rohit's gf and is not aware that he is cheating on her. DDL is not aware that his sister is in relationship with Rohit. She goes and sits beside Rohit and whispers in his ears

BDL:- Mr.Rohit yesterday night you forgot something important in my room.

Rohit in flirting way:- Don't worry I will take it tonight

Samaira/Sam :- hi guys.

BDL:- hi Sam

DDL:- hi Sam. hey Sam look he is the one who proposed you yesterday?

Pointing to one boy.

Sam:- yes( blushing at first then her expression changes to attitude)

He is the one who got rejected ( a hi-fi between Sam and BDL)

Sam to herself :- I  am waiting to become Mrs.Khurana..( smirks)

Dinesh:- Guys let's go to canteen.

Rohit and his gang move to canteen.

(Jalal, Abdul, Abrar, sunny reach college)

After reaching college

Sunny:-  I shall leave for my class ,I am getting late.

Abrar:- you may leave we will see the college..

Sunny:- OK then. Shall see you guys at home..Driver will pick you after college.

Abdul:- bye

(Sunny leaves)

Abdul:- let's first go to canteen , m little hungry.

Abrar:- I agree to this.

Jalal felt someone's presence and look to every direction but didn't find any known person.

Abrar:- jalal ...shall we go to canteen??

Jalal:- Aa ..yes come

(Glanced back once again and moved to canteen)

RAHUL'S GANG: ( gang 2)

1. Parth samthaan as rahul khurrana {Priya's bestie}

2. Paridhi Sharma as priya malhotra.

3. pankit thakker as atul joshi

4. Sudeep sahir as  ajay deewan

5. Shivangi joshi as kaira singhania

6. Dhristi dhami as  disha patel}

Priya on reaching college  doesn't find any

of her friends and was about to go inside when a hand closed her eyes and few people surrounded her.

Priya:-  Rahul ??

Rahul:- absolutely correct and gave a friendly hug and so her all friends (this was the time when jalal felt someone's presence and look

around but because of Rahul and her friends jalal could not see her)

Disha:- m so happy that you are back.

Atul:- we missed you alot Priya.

Priya:-  even I missed you people.

Ajay:- did you get the gift which I asked you to get?

Priya:- yes

Kaira:-  and my lip gloss?

Rahul:- guys she went there for meeting not for shopping.

Accidentally Priya's mobile falls and she bend to pick it (the sometime jalal look once again back before going to canteen)

Atul:- let's go to canteen, m hungry.

Priya:- Me too.

And the gang moves to canteen..

~  In canteen ~

Rohit and his gang after having their breakfast & teasing people moved out when suddenly Rohit got push by jalal (near the garden area) who was

holding a payal of his Jo and was in his Jo land..

Jalal POV

After moving from parking Abdul and Abrar were busy in their talks while jalal was missing his Jo . jalal gets Jo's payal from his pocket and remember her..

Jalal:- I wish that god at least listen ahan's prayers

In his Jo land he didn't realise that he pushed Rohit slightly.

Jalal's thought of chain got broke hearing Rohit's voice

Rohit:- Hey you Stupid can't you see and walk or are you blind??(angrily)

Abdul and Abrar gets angry hearing this

Abdul:- it was just an accident.

When jalal interrupt to end the convo

Jalal:- I am sorry.

Rohit notices anklet in jalal's hand and snatches it from him

Rohit:- Anklet Haan? (smirks)

Dinesh:- Guess what , he likes wearing anklet (laughing)

DDL coming near jalal:- Are you a gay???😏

And the trio laughs..while Abdul and Abrar's blood was boiling in anger but jalal least cared about what he said , he was only bothered about The anklet which is the last memory of his Jo left with him & is now in hands of Rohit..

Abdul:- dare you speak a word about my friend ,then it will be your head and my hand

Abrar:- I will kill you

 Sensing jalal's silence and his all concentration on anklet made Rohit realize that it must be very important for him so he got an idea

BDL:- Are you guys new here??

Jalal:-  yes

Sam:- Oh juniors..that's what I thought because I have never seen  you people here..

Rohit:- Well well my little junior try to push his Senior and his friends try to argue with us ..

So they should be punished..ryt guys??

Sam & BDL :- yes Rohit.

Dinesh:- umm..u three should sit on your knees, hold your hands,bend your head and say sorry.

Abrar:- what??

Abdul:- I'll show him his right place.

And was about to move forward

Rohit:- do as we say or else you won't get your ankles back

Knowing jalal's feelings for anklet Abdul and Abrar kept quite and agreed to do as told (you know friends can do anything for you when needed)

 Dinesh:- do it quickly kids..

Having no choice left jalal, Abdul and Abrar bend their heads and was about to kneel down when a pair of hand stop them from doing so.

Abdul was stopped by Atul

Abrar was stopped by Ajay

And jalal felt a known touch on his shoulders when he raised his heads, his tears knew no boundaries and started to fall seeing the person who stopped him from being insulted...

 Priya's POV

Priya and her friends were in canteen when they heard few boys talking

Boy 1:- did u heard that Rohit  was pushed by a person

Boy2:- OMG.

Boy1:- and he is new here

Boy2:- now he is dead. Rohit won't spare him

Boy1:- come let's see this

Disha:- oh god . Now  that person will be torched by Rohit n gang 

Kaira:- we will see what he does with them. come guys

On reaching the spot Priya and her friends view the whole drama created by Rohit.. But when he asked them to bend and say sorry it irritated Priya to the core. seeing jalal and his friends bending Priya couldn't hold herself. She immediately goes and stop jalal from bending ..

Looking straight into his eyes she felt loneliness, hurt, depressed and what not..he was so helpless that he even got ready to bow and say sorry for a


Making jalal stand straight , looks into his eyes with a smile unknowingly.

Priya turned to Rohit with angry eyes

Priya:-  give him back his Anklet right now , right away..

Rohit :- oh my my look who is here ..the saviour..

Sweetheart you want me to return the anklet?

OK I will do as you say but you should be my for a night .what say??

Hearing this jalal's blood was boiling with anger ,before jalal could do anything Rohit received a punch on his face such that blood started oozingfrom his mouth.


Well you thought it was jalal who punched ????

No (Hehehe)

Its Rahul.!

 (Every girls dream. The most hottest boy in the college,

Bestie of Priya ,the son of owner of Khurana industry and the brother

of college's  trustee..yes St.Xavier college trustee is Arjun Khurana

the elder brother of Rahul..)

 Rahul punched Rohit such hard that he even

fall on the ground

Rahul:- Don't you ever repeat this or else I will chop your body into several pieces and will give to dogs as there breakfast!!

Priya:- I guess someone wants to say sorry. :(

Rahul makes Rohit stand holding his collar and indicates him to say sorry.

Dinesh:- behave yourself.

Atul:- look who is saying us to behave properly and laughs

DDL:- how dare you. And was about to go  near Priya when ajay stopped him

Ajay:- Do you want to get expel from college??

Knowing the consequences Rohit goes near Priya and says sorry.

Rohit:- Sorry

Priya:- not to me , to them and points finger at jalal, Abdul, Abrar.

Priya takes Rohit towards jalal and indicates him to say sorry.

Rohit:- m sorry

Priya snatches anklet from Rohit , takes jalal's hand and slowly keeps Anklet in his hand and closed it.

Priya:- never let your self respect down for little things..

Seeing Priya concerns jalal's one more tear fall to which Priya unknowingly wipe it off and smile to him

Priya to Rohit:- never tease others or else you will be expelled..

Muskan Kicks Rohit and goes from there with her friends..

Jalal after a very long had a touch of his Jo was so immensed that heforgot to stop her .

Abdul and Abrar were pale in shock as if they had seen a ghost.. They couldn't believe it..

Abdul:- who was she??

Jalal:- Jodha my Jodha.!

Abrar:- she is back..

Jalal with happy tears : yes..

Then they realized that she already left..

Jalal to himself :- no..I won't let you go again.

Abdul and Abrar:-  yes..

And trio started searching Priya