

### Chapter One: The Unfamiliar Familiar

Harry Potter stood at the edge of a narrow Parisian alley, the smell of fresh bread wafting from a nearby bakery, mingling with the faint traces of magic in the air. The cobblestone streets, worn with centuries of history, had been his refuge for the past few months. His journey had taken him through magical communities across Europe, America, and Asia, yet none had ever felt quite like home. Now, after five years of wandering, he found himself once more in England, yearning for the familiarity he'd left behind.

The news of Ron's wedding had reached him through a letter delivered by an unfamiliar owl, its parchment slightly crinkled from the journey. The script, a hasty scrawl he recognized immediately, was Hermione's. Reading her words had made his heart ache with a mixture of joy and trepidation. Returning to the Weasleys, the only real family he had known, would be like stepping into a memory.

Harry adjusted his glasses and looked up at the sky. The morning of the wedding was brisk, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of the old oak trees lining the Weasley property. As he approached the Burrow, the sight of its crooked silhouette against the sky brought a smile to his face. It looked the same, yet the years had added a layer of nostalgia, coloring it with warmth and sadness.

The moment he crossed the threshold, he was enveloped in a sea of red hair and freckled faces. Molly Weasley's embrace was as tight as ever, her tears a silent testament to the years they had missed. Arthur's handshake was firm, and Harry could see the pride in his eyes.

"Harry! You made it!" Ron's voice cut through the din, and Harry turned to see his best friend approaching, a wide grin on his face. It was good to see Ron happy, genuinely happy, after everything they had endured together.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Harry replied, clapping Ron on the shoulder.

The wedding itself was a beautiful affair. Fleur and Bill's garden was transformed into a wonderland of fairy lights and enchanted flowers, their petals glowing softly in the dusk. As the evening progressed, Harry found himself caught between laughter and quiet contemplation. Seeing Ginny, so radiant and confident, brought a pang to his heart, but he forced himself to focus on the present.

It was in those quiet moments, standing on the outskirts of the celebration, that Harry first heard the whispers. Snippets of conversations, hushed and hurried, about a resurgence of dark magic. It was Hermione who brought the full picture into focus.

"Harry, there's something you need to know," she said, pulling him aside. Her brow was furrowed, and Harry could see the weight of her concerns. "There's a faction of Voldemort supporters. They're planning something—something big. They're trying to rewrite history, to bring him back."

Harry felt a cold shiver run down his spine. The idea of Voldemort's return, after all they had sacrificed to defeat him, was almost too much to bear. Yet the determination in Hermione's eyes sparked a familiar fire within him. They couldn't allow it. They wouldn't allow it.

Weeks passed in a blur of research and reconnaissance. The Ministry was on high alert, and Harry, along with a team of seasoned Aurors, tracked the faction to their hidden base. The confrontation was inevitable, a clash of light and dark, hope and despair. Spells flew, the air crackling with energy as curses and counter-curses collided.

In the midst of the chaos, Harry and Hermione found themselves cornered. The leader of the faction, a gaunt figure with a fanatical gleam in his eyes, held a twisted, ancient artifact. Harry recognized it immediately—a Time-Turner, but unlike any he had seen before.

"No!" Harry shouted, lunging forward. But it was too late. A blinding light engulfed them, and Harry felt a sensation of being pulled through time and space, disoriented and helpless.

When the world finally steadied, he found himself in a place both familiar and strange. The Dursleys' house, looking exactly as it had when he was a child. Harry's heart raced as he glanced around, taking in the small details that he had long since forgotten.

"Hermione," he whispered, his voice shaky. "Where are we?"

She appeared beside him, her expression a mix of shock and determination. "I think... I think we're in the past, Harry. And judging by the looks of it, we're not just anywhere in the past. We're in Little Whinging, and you... you're seven years old."

Harry stared at her, the weight of their situation sinking in. They had no way back, no clear plan. All they had was each other and the knowledge that they had to stop history from being rewritten. It was a daunting task, but for Harry Potter, it was just another challenge to face head-on.

hey guys it’s been a while since I’ve written anything I hope you guys enjoy

Dances_w_walnutscreators' thoughts