
The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the Shrew

Not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Sharlene Cunning-ham is a mediocre individual working for a successful jewelry company. Known as the errand girl of her boss, although she is a private secretary, she is a studious, hardworking, and excitingly bubbly person. Dramatic, Sharlene is a born professional busybody. Applying for a free Pap smear check-up in a newly opened and growing in popularity hospital in her neighborhood due to a promotion of Women's health, Sharlene's mediocre life explodes with more color when her Pap smear examination is confused for an insemination examination. Pregnant, Sharlene storms into the life of Nicholas Ross, the hospital investor. What happens when these two opposite people find themselves in an arranged marriage? Excerpt: That was not possible. No. Sharlene could and would not believe this. How in the world had this occurred? Was it from space? Had she woken from a terrible dream? Is she on another planet or dimension like the mangas, novels, and webtoons she invested most of her time in real? But, by continually pinching the soft part of her wrist that had already turned red from the constant abuse, Sharlene knew she was on the earth and facing reality.

KimAmai · Ciudad
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53 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two

Leaning back in the leather chair in his private study, Nicholas contemplated the matter that occurred five hours ago. It was the most hectic and unexpected day in his life of twenty-nine.

Sighing, he glanced up at the ceiling. Reality had finally settled in.

He was going to be a father. He was getting married. These thoughts circulated in his head like a broken record.

Passing a hand down his face, Nick revisited the events after his future mother-in-law denied the marriage and exited the room.


Watching the trio leave the room, Nicholas was stunned and unsure what to do. His mother was still fuming, her face red. She was also mumbling to herself, but he did not bother deciphering her words. They were the only ones in the room. Doccharles had pulled Sherlene out of the room, most likely to find a quieter place and setting to speak some sense into her and maybe dissuade her departure.

"Why would she say something like that? Am I...was I too impulsive?"

His mother inquisitively asked as she placed a finger on her mouth.

Loosening the suddenly constricting tie around his neck, Nicholas sighed.

"She does have a point, Mom. We cannot rush marriage. It is a commitment made between two people who know each other."

Stomping her feet like a toddler throwing a tantrum, Evelyn huffed.

"I know, but the baby can't be born out of wedlock. Do you know what it would do to Sharlene's reputation?"

Adding in a mumble, she frowned. "She looks like a sweet girl."

Thinking back to the moment he had gazed into Sharlene's kind eyes, Nicholas felt his heart tugged with guilt. His mother was right.

Society would criticize her.

Groaning, he passed a hand down his face. He was frustrated.

"Is marriage the right thing to do, Mom?"


Nick sighed as he heard his mother's direct answer.

"But I do not have feelings for Miss. Cunning-ham. I don't want to be pictured or viewed as a man who..."

Evelyn sent a pointed look in Nicholas's direction, something he found odd, for he suddenly frowned.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Mom?"

A little freaked from her look, he grew nervous. Why was he in the first place?

"You think I did not see how you looked at that young lady earlier."

"Wha...what way was I looking at her, Mom?"

Sputtering, Nicholas' cheeks slightly turned pink.

Folding her arms on top of her chest, Evelyn responded with a teasing smile.

"Like you wanted to gobble her whole in one bite."

With widened eyes, Nicholas stepped back while placing his hands in front of his chest. The pink hue on his cheeks grew darker.

His mother's bold remark made him flustered.

"I did not want to gobble her up in one bite, Mom. What gave you that insinuation?"

"Ah, ha, so does that mean you are attracted to her then?"

Feeling cornered, Nicholas turned around to face the window. His action was a decisive move to hide his flaming cheeks.

"I...I am not attracted to her, Mom."

He mumbled with a hand against his lips.

"Pah!" With an expression of disbelief, Evelyn waved her hands in the air.

"I will believe that when pigs fly. That is the first girl I have ever seen you stare at for more than fifteen minutes, and that is saying much."

Swiftly turning around with burning cheeks, Nicholas goaded.

"When did you see all that? I thought you were paying attention to arguing with your friend."

Laughing, Evelyn patted his pink cheeks.

"Do you not know your mother, Nick? I have eyes at the back of my head when I sense love is blooming in the air."

Scoffing, Nicholas gently brushed her hands from his face.

"Yeah, I forgot you were a romantic guru."

"Oh yes, remember the one time..."

Prattling, Evelyn hooked her arms in Nicholas', but he had ignored the words she uttered. But when she had begun walking towards the door, he disturbed her mouthy words with raised eyebrows.

"Are we going home?"

Raising one eyebrow, Evelyn scoffed.

"Do I look like I will give up on this lovely, beautiful, and kind daughter-in-law because her mother, my best friend, rejected the marriage? No. You, young sir, should prove that you will care, love, and cherish her daughter—my daughter-in-law."


"But nothing, Nicholas. I know this is your first time making such a confession to a girl."

"Do not rub it in, Mom."

Nicholas interrupted with a soft groan.

Ignoring his statement, she continued.

"AS I was saying, this might be overwhelming since it was unplanned and far from your hectic schedule and routine, but she is the mother of your child, and she deserves extra care and attention. I have raised you into a responsible and caring individual. It may not be easy, but you will pull through. Your dad did, so you can too."

Remembering the corny stories his mother used to tell him about his dad, Nicholas sighed. She nudged his shoulder with her head since she was almost as tall as him, but only because she was wearing heels, Evelyn reassured him.

"Do not worry, Nick. I sense this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Mama is there to teach you everything you need to know."

"I find that hard to believe."

Muttering, he soon cleared his throat when she suddenly questioned.

"What did you say?"

With a sheepish laugh, Nicholas placed his free hand into his pocket.

"I said I am looking forward to your help."

With a beautiful smile, Evelyn nodded.

"You better do."

Opening the door, she further whispered.

"It is show time."

Breathing heavily, Nicholas stepped out of the door. He found the entire situation hilarious and irrelevant. However, seeing the trio walking toward the elevator, he increased his steps to race toward the unknown and hoped for the best.

~End of Flashback~

Nick groaned.

Why was this happening to him?

Leaning onto his knees, he placed his head in his arms. He had never been in such a compromising situation before.

Suddenly, a loud knock echoed on his office door.

"Come in!"

He bellowed, and the person eagerly listened as they entered the room with a plate filled with food and dessert on a tray in their hands.

It turned out to be Riana, who closed the door and walked into the room as if she owned it.

Placing whatever was on the end table near one of the guest chairs on the sofa opposite the door, she soon placed the tray on the now-empty surface.

All this, Nick watched with raised eyebrows. Satisfied the food was in a comfortable and perfect place, Riana sat in the chair.

"Hey there, Nicky. I heard you were cooped up in this room for five hours straight. What were you doing?"

She greeted before jumping right to the point.

Nick cringed at the nickname. The only other people who called him so were his aunts. She had gotten into the habit of calling him such because she knew it annoyed him.

Rubbing a hand down his face, he drew the chair closer to the desk.

"I was thinking."

"Thinking? I find that hard to believe."

Riana mused, her eyebrows shooting up to touch her hairline, and she quickly explained when he shot her a glare.

"Normally, when you are in this study for more than five hours, it is either completing a large chunk of work or creating data for one of your meeting presentations."

"Or drawing new designs."

Nick added.

"Yes, that too. God knows how you can find the patience to draw for hours and perfect it."

She groaned as if she was doing the task.

Riana, unlike him, was more of a mechanic type of girl. At age 17, she loved cars, planes, cruise ships, and any other machinery she could tinker all day. Majoring in technical drawing and mechanics in college, she aspired to work in one of his businesses, which he secretly planned to hand over to her when she turned 21.

Lightly chuckling, Nick shook his head.

"What brings you here in my humble abode?"

"Today is 'Do-over day'."

Groaning, Riana lifted both feet onto his desk.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Take them off."

"Oh, yes! Gladly!"

Exclaiming, she removed her feet from the desk. Feeling happy that she had obeyed, Nick was shocked when she had only kicked off her shoes to make herself more comfortable.

"That feels so much better. Thanks, Nicky."

Brushing her comment aside as he tolerated her feet on his desk, Nick sighed.

Riana was never one for being ladylike. The clothes she wore daily made it very obvious. Everything she wore and everything in her walk-in closet was either leather and black or black and leather. Sometimes, she wore dark purple, deep red, deep blue, or green. Black knee, ankle, or mid-thigh heeled boats lined the shoe compartment in her walk-in closet.

She dyed her natural chestnut hair black with colored highlights or sometimes green, purple, red, or blue and wore soft but dark makeup.

His sister would be a perfect gothic girl. But contrary to others thinking, she disliked rock and silence.

However, 'Do-over day' was a day she always dredged because it was one day taken from every month that their mother would uncover a forbidden part of Riana's closet. She called it the bright and peaceful part.

That was where their mother stored bright clothes for her to wear on this day.

Today, she wore a sensible bright summer dress with cute flowers decorating the middle and edges. It was blue with a splash of white and gold. It contrasted nicely with her blue eyes she would always cover with expensive colored contact lenses. But the black leggings she wore underneath it destroyed the cute image.

"You look cute."

He praised, and the compliment gained him a scoff from Riana.

She took a bite of the croissant on the plate.

Glancing at the plate, then Riana, Nick was in disbelief.

"Wasn't that for me?"