
The Undercover Spies (LGBT+)

Two boys (Hunter and Noah) take jobs as undercover spies, they have hated each other for years but have to be in a relationship during a pride parade to make sure no one gets hurt, as they start to get more into acting as a couple one boy catches feelings for the other, will he hide his feelings from the other boy or will he confess?

Kai_Koda · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter Three - The Party

(March 16th 2026)

"Agent 44 go wake up Noah and Hunter, we have a lot to prepare for" Miss President said

"Ok" Agent 44 said

*Agent 44 walks into Hunter's room*

"Hunter you're up and doing decline pushups wow" Agent 44 said

"Yeah I woke up early so I decide to do a little workout in my room" Hunter said

"a little workout bro decline push-ups are difficult, well anyway go to the kitchen to get some breakfast and Miss President will explain what you have to do today" Agent 44 said

"Okay" Hunter said

*Knocks on Noah's door*

"Noah it's time to wake up we got important things to do today" Agent 44 said

*Yawns and opens door* "ok I'm up" Noah said

"Let's go to the kitchen and have some breakfast Miss President and I will explain what you two have to do" Agent 44 said

"Aight" Noah said

"Ok so Hunter and Noah, Agent 44 and I have been tracking our rivals B.R.A.D.I.O which stands for bribe, revenge, assassinate, destroy, Infiltrate organization but we want more information on them so we are going to infiltrate the party they're having tonight to get more information on what they're doing in June" Miss President said

"Ok" Noah and Hunter said

"Yes so all of us are going and you both have until tonight to learn how to act as different people, the names of the people you are going as are Jeff and Adam Ayutthaya " Agent 44 said

"While Agent 44 and I are going as a couple, their names being Emma Ayutthaya and Daniel Ayutthaya , you two are unfortunately our kids" Miss President said

"the family is from Thailand?" Noah asked

"yes they are so when you talk to us talk to us in Thai luckily though their kids are your guy's ages, now Noah come to the bathroom with me I got to dye your hair black" Agent 44 said

*Hunter and Miss President pov*

"And Hunter, Jeff is a momma's boy so through the whole night you'll be staying next to me so let's get your ears pierced" Miss President said

"Ok, but does Jeff have a girlfriend?" Hunter asked

"No he has a boyfriend will you be fine with flirting with a guy?" Miss President asked

"I'm bi so I would be fine with either gender" Hunter said

"Oh and Jeff is taller than you so I got you boots that make you taller" Miss President said

"Ok" Hunter said

*After Hunter got his ears pierced*

"Ok, now here are your clothes go get changed and tell me how it looks" Miss President said

*a couple minutes later*

*Hunter walks out of his room*

"Wow Hunter you actually look like Jeff" Miss President said

"thanks Miss President" Hunter said

*Noah and Agent 44 pov*

"Ok Noah so Adam hangs with his dad a lot and he has a lip, septum and ear piercing, so after I dye your hair I'll take you to the tattoo and piercing artist we have in the company" Agent 44 said

"Aight" Noah said

*after getting the ear piercing*

"Ok Noah here is your outfit, put it on and show me what it looks like" Agent 44 said

"Aight" Noah said

*a couple minutes later*

"damn Noah you do look like Adam, but you are going to have to pretend to be straight since Adam has a girlfriend" Agent 44 said

"damn it" Noah said

*6 hours later*

"Hey Adam where the hell is my boyfriend and our parents?" Jeff asked

"I think they went to go get ready for the party since it's in six hours and your boyfriend ain't here " Adam said

*Emma and Daniel walk out*

"Mom and Dad you look great but why did we get dressed so early we leave in six hours for the party" Adam asked

"Adam we are dressing up so we'll be ready by seven because it will be bad if we're late" Daniel said

"ok well just call us when it's time to leave I'll be in my room" Adam said

"Hey Jeff could you help me with some work I have" Emma said

"sure mom" Jeff said

"And scene" Agent 44 said

"you two did well" Miss President said

"you guys did too, but Hunter and I are going to need to know things about Jeff and Adam Incase people ask, because it will probably be bad if we get caught" Noah said

"yeah come to the meeting room I'll show you pictures of them and their profiles, and explain the plan" Miss President said

"aight" Noah said

"ok" Hunter said

"ok first thing Hunter, Jeff is a year older than you so you're fine with acting how you normally do but Noah Adam is 27 he doesn't say gen z things like aight so say alright instead of that, and Adam is homophobic so when Jeff and Will are kissing or doing gay things act like your disgusted" Miss President said

"Alright" Noah said

"oh and Hunter you're in luck because Jeff is a bartender and Noah since the Mason's have a family owned restaurant they have Adam be a waiter/bartender so Hunter teach Noah how to be a bartender just in case" Miss President said

"ok, but when I was bartending I had taught myself and that took 6 months we only have six hours" hunter said

"well teach him the basics of how to make drinks or just have him deliver drinks to the people" Agent 44 said

"how the fuck do you expect me to teach him, *sighs* nevermind, Noah do you have any drinks that you enjoy that you would like to learn how to make" Hunter asked

"umm mainly Tequila, also cocktails" Noah said

"Since when can you handle Tequila?" Hunter asked

"Since I turned 21 dumbass" Noah said

"well do you know how to serve drinks or not" Hunter asked

"yes I do, but I've always wanted to be a bartender but never had time to learn how to make drinks" Noah said

"ok then let's start but you need to pick a combination of two drinks, if you want to make tequila how about we make tequila sunrise, it's still tequila just orange juice and grenadine syrup is added, or we can do something easier and do gin and juice which is literally just gin, juice, and ice" Hunter said

"let's do the tequila sunrise, I don't really like gin and juice" Noah said

"ok then I got to go back to my bar to grab the stuff" Hunter said

"ok but Hunter I'll drive you and be quick" Agent 44 said

"ok thanks Agent 44" Hunter said

"your welcome and Noah we have some orange juice so set that up while Hunter gets the Tequila and grenadine syrup" Agent 44 said

"ok" Noah said

*3 hours later*

"what the hell are you all doing the mission starts at seven it's five right now and y'all are focused on Hunter making what looks to be Tequila Sunrise" Miss President said

"well you said I had to teach Noah but I guess Agent 44 wanted to see how well I can make a drink, even though he went to the bar I use to work at" Hunter said

"ok well then Noah try making it, if you can't then you'll be a server, they won't suspect anything since Jeff is going to be there" Miss President

*Noah makes the drink without messing up*

*Miss President tries it*

"damn that tasted way better than bars serve it, no offense Hunter" Miss President said

"yeah but that was simple have him try to make a Bloody Mary man's will fuckin fail" Hunter said

"people had you make bloody Marys when you worked as a bartender?" Noah said

"yeah and it took really fuckin long, luckily it was always the last person to come in before the bar closed so my shift would be done after making the drink" Hunter said

"ok well since Noah can make a drink we'll be fine, but Hunter make sure you never leave the bar area because then Jeff's parents will think that Adam is able to make drinks" Miss President said

"ok" Hunter said

*2 hours later 30 minutes before they have to leave*

"ok honey, go get Adam, I'll get Jeff because we need to leave to go pick up his boyfriend and Adam's girlfriend" Emma said

"oh yeah ok I'll be right back" Daniel said

"Adam! get dressed we're leaving soon" Emma said

"mom I'm already dressed, I've been dressed since 6 hours ago" Adam said

"ok then let's go outside and wait in the car for your father and Jeff, also you and Jeff's partner's are also being picked up" Emma said

"ok, but I forgot to ask what's my girlfriend's name" adam asked

"it's Gabriella, or Gabi for short" Emma said

"mom, what's my boyfriend's name" Jeff asked

"his name is William, or Will for short" Emma said

"ok well we're all ready to go, and the car is correct, oh do all of us have the jewelry for each role?" Daniel said

"I'll go through each person, Jeff your supposed to have an earring on your right ear, lip ring, a watch on your right arm, and rings on your middle and ring finger" Emma said

"ok I got them all" Jeff said

"Adam same thing but the watch is on your left arm since you're left handed" Emma said

"ok now I got it all correct" Adam said

"ok well Daniel I can tell you already have stuff wrong, tighten your tie a formal person doesn't wear it that loose, and where's the watch I gave you, Daniel wears it" Emma said

*Daniel puts on the watch*

"ok now let's go first we're picking up Jeff's boyfriend" Miss President said

"ok but I have a question, won't B.R.A.D.I.O know if the Ayutthaya family is going or not"

"yes they know the Ayutthaya family is going but Agent 44 and I made sure that the real Ayutthaya family weren't going out and had no way to call the bosses of Bradio to tell them they weren't going, by the time they figure out it's us we'll already be back here" Miss President said

"and NO One Break Their Cover, Understood" Agent 44 said

"Understood father" Hunter said

*Agent 44 slaps Hunter on the back on the head* "not the time for acting Hunter" Agent 44 said

*rubbing the back of his head* "ow sorry"

"anyway guys let's go since everyone is ready" Miss President said

*at Will's house*

"เฮ้ที่รัก" Will said *kisses Jeff*

(hey babe)

*Adam gags*

"เพศสัมพันธ์ ปิด เถอะอดัม คุณแค่โกรธที่คุณ แฟนสาว ไม่ปฏิบัติกับคุณเหมือนที่เจฟฟ์ปฏิบัติต่อฉัน" Will said

(Oh fuck off Adam you're just mad that your girlfriend doesn't treat you like Jeff treats me)

"ไม่สนใจเขา วิล เขาน่ารำคาญ" Jeff said *Jeff kisses Will*

(ignore him, Will, he's annoying)

"ok you two calm down wait until we get to the party" Emma said

*at Gabi's house*

*Gabi opens the car door*

"Gabi!" Adam said

*kisses Gabi*

*Jeff gags*

sorry Jeff didn't know that straight kissing could make you gag, I guess your just a wimp" Adam (Noah) said

"fuck off Adam" Jeff (Hunter) said

*at the party*

"leader Kim look the Ayutthaya's finally made it" Agent Black said sarcastically

"you shut your mouth or I will fire you they are richer than I am" Leader Kim said

"hey Jeff you're here glad you made it" Kira said

"Kira speak Thai, Jeff doesn't understand English" Leader Kim said

"sorry, เฮ้ เจฟ คุณอยู่ที่นี่ ดีใจที่คุณสร้างมันขึ้นมา" Kira said

(hey jeff you're here glad you made it)

"ใช่ แต่พี่ชายที่น่ารำคาญของฉันทำตัวเป็นพวกชอบปรักปรำตลอดเวลาที่อยู่ในรถ และเราต้องกลับดึกกว่าเดิมเพราะต้องไปรับแฟนของเขา" Jeff (Hunter) said

(yeah but my annoying brother was being homophobic the whole time in the car and we had to be even more late since we had to pick up his girlfriend)

"エマ,やってよかったね" Leader Kim said

(Emma I'm glad you made it)

"そうだけど,今夜遅くに寝室は空くでしょうか?" Emma asked

(yeah but will there will bedrooms available later tonight?)


(yes but why do you ask)


(Oh and Jeff's boyfriend seemed really excited as he kept kissing Jeff over and over again)


(Therefore, if two people want to have sex, they want the bedroom to be available.)

"はい, โอ้ และแดเนียลมาที่นี่" Emma said

(yes, Oh and Daniel come over here)

"เฮ้ เอ็มม่า ทำไมคุณถึงต้องการฉันที่นี่?" Daniel asked

(hey Emma why did you need me over here?)

"นี่คือ Shawn Kim หรือที่รู้จักกันในชื่อ Leader Kim" Emma said

(this is Shawn Kim, otherwise known and Leader Kim)


"เฮ้ เจฟฟ์ ไปที่ห้องนอนกันเถอะ" Will said

(Hey Jeff let's go to the bedroom)

"โอเคที่รัก" Jeff (Hunter) said confused

(okay honey)

*Jeff closes the door*

"ok honey why are we in the bedro- woah" *Jeff gets pinned to the wall by Will*

"you ready baby" will asked

"yeah but why did you have to ask" Jeff said

*Will starts kissing Jeff*

*Will takes off his shirt*

*Will slowly unbuttons Jeff's shirt and starts kissing down his body*

*Jeff moans*

"you better be quiet" Will said

"then let me do things to you horny boy" Jeff said

*Jeff kisses Will passionately*

*Will kisses Jeff*

*Will unbuckles Jeff's belt and sticks his hand in Jeff's pants*

"Fuck me Will" jeff said

*4 hours later*

*Daniel (Agent 44) wakes up Jeff and Will*

*whispers* " หนุ่มๆ ใส่เสื้อผ้าของคุณแล้วไปที่รถที่เรากำลังจะออกไป"

(boys put your clothes on and go to the car we're leaving)

"ตกลง" Will and Jeff said


*5 minutes later*

"ตกลงตอนนี้ทุกคนในรถเราต้องกลับบ้าน" Daniel said

(ok now everyone in the car we got to go home)

"ลูก ๆ ของฉันก่อนจากนั้นเป็นพันธมิตรs" Emma said

(my kids first, then partners)

*10 minutes later*

"โอเค ที่รัก แล้วพบกันใหม่" Will said *Will kisses Jeff

(Ok dear, see you later)

"ลาก่อนที่รัก" Jeff said

(Goodbye dear)

*15 minutes later*

"bye Adam" Gabriella said *Gabriella kisses Adam*

"bye" Adam said