
Chapter 1: Miss Brooklynn Queen

It was 4:00 in the morning and a girl has been awoken by the sound of her own cries. Why was she crying? a bad dream, perhaps?

"w-why am I crying?" her voice echos as she wipes her soft subtle tears that ran down her fluffy rose cheeks. She stands and makes her way to the pearl white vanity sitting across the room.

"d-did I dream of something..b-bad?" she wonders to herself as she takes a facial wipe and dabs it on her tear stained cheek.

"but I don't remember anything about something bad or sad in the dream-" she says to her reflection in the mirror in front of her. "ugh whatever, I'm going back to sleep" she shrugs and walks back to her pink silky bed.


"wake up, Brooke!" her roommate, Celine says quietly while slightly shaking her sleeping roommate. "yes?" the sleeping teenager has finally woken up. She rubbed her eyes as she slowly tried to take the scenario happening before her eyes.

Her parents were there, along with her 7 older brothers and a random old dude that carried around a small paper roll.

"Miss Brooklynn Queen" the guy called out. "uhm yes?" the tired girl tilts her head in confusion unto what was going on right in front of her. "the rest of the Queen Family would like to talk to you" he says in a quite serious tone that it would kind of look funny, but that's not important right now. "about what?" the girl was left in confusion and curiosity.


"You?" Celine asks with wide eyes. "You are the sister and daughter of the richest and most famous family!?" she asks, again with big wide eyes. "uhm yeah? what's the big deal?" the boredom laced on the voice of the younger as they talk in a hush tone just outside the room.

"the big deal is that YOU can finally stop being bullied now." Celine squeals quietly trying so hard to be supportive and quiet at the same time.

"uhh no." Brooke says in a duh-like tone as she thought of the idea of exposing her identity to the public. "what do you mean no?!" Celine asks in a mad tone. "this way, this identity revealing thing can increase your popularity AND stop you from being bullied" the roommate explains as she starts brushing her gold hair.

"I honestly don't care about being bullied anymore. Its useless to become popular, it just makes things worse." the brown haired girl explains back as she slumps back in her wooden carved chair. "Brooke, this is a life-changing decision." the older pats the younger by her shoulder. "I don't care about them anymore, its way safer this way." Brooke sighs and hangs her head down.

"Being part of a rich and famous family is hard, I know, I come from one too you know? but sometimes, you just gotta embrace your fate."

"I know, I know but I- think about safety, Celine. What will happen to me? to you? to my family?"

"I'm sure nothing bad will happen to us and your family."

"yeah but- my brothers are famous and those crazy fan girls are everywhere. We can't ignore the fact that my brothers are part of an international kpop group"

"ok ok, you have a point."

"BROOKE! CELINE! LUNCH IS READY!" the two girls both heard a loud yell from below the stairs, assuming its in the kitchen.


"so, when did you two start rooming together? like since when?" someone asks from across the room, probably Brooke's older brother, Seokjin.

"uhm, we started rooming together since the start of S.Y. 2016- 2017" Celine exclaims as she heaves out a sigh

"oh, thats quite long. Do you ever grow tired of our baby sister-"

"for the last time, Jin-oppa. I'm not a baby"

"uh no, not really. We get along quite well in this household"

"oh that is great to hear!" .