
12. Ainz and Hanzo


Ainz moved towards the land of rain with the two sibling. After traveling some distance he looked to see how the siblings were doing. Hanzo looked as he was about ton puke he didn't complain. Seeing their condition Ainz thought to make camp. Ainz didn't require to consume food as after having the food given by the uzumaki he equipped the ring of sustenance but the children did require food.

So Ainz went on a hunt in search of food. During this search he felt some chakra nearby. He concealed his presence and went closer to the source upon reaching the place he noticed many other signatures. As he was nearing the camp he saw a pile of dead bodies outside. Then he heard some bandits speak

"Boss we were out collecting water near the river where we found two kids making a camp."

The boss intrigued and said "Are the products good?"

The bandit smirked "The boy looks healthy and the girl is a total beauty, she will fetch a good price"

"Good. Then we will attack them tonight."

Ainz felt anger at how they talked about the sibling's .If anything ainz condoned was slavery. Robbing a person's freedom was something ainz could never accept. If he does not stop them tonight hanzo and his sister won't be seeing the light tomorrow. Ainz hardened his resolve and began to walk towards the the bandits camp. The bandits became wary at the boy who walked boldly in the camp and stopped in the middle. Ainz closed his eyed and then opened to look at the leader in the eye.

"I'm kind of lost mister."

Ainz said in a way to make himself as innocent as possible. The leader smiled at him "Boy I know where your mother is."


"Just follow me"

Around this time the whole place was alerted and everyone is assembled to the same place.

Ainz smile simply disappeared "Mass Hold Species"

Around Ainz all the bandit's stopped moving.

The leader looked at Ainz with hatred and asked "What did you do?"

The looked at the man pitifully and continued "Grasp heart."

The fear and anger etched in the bandit leader's face was enough for Ainz to activate his spell. Ainz thought if he should turn the man into undead but decided to use his new spell.

"[8th tier] Angel's Wisper. Kill everyone around you." he then concealed himself.

When ainz was a good distance away he released his mass hold species and all hell run loose. Bandit's killing one another disregarding every relation. Some told the other to run or to not kill him. Some wept and asked for forgiveness while killing the others. Before Ainz knew only one bandit was left. Ainz simply took his life.

"Now to get some food." Ainz began raiding the bandit belonging. He found jutsus, money, food, clothes and other necessary items and poured them all at his internal storage .When Ainz finished robbing the bandits he looked back to see the two siblings watching him. He gave a disarming smile to them and said

"I brought food."

At the temporary camp:

It was nearing night. Ainz was sitting close to the camp fire thinking about the strategies he should use if attacked and if he should let the siblings know. A bandit incident like that may occur again. Ainz thought to warn the kids when he saw hanzo approach him. "Looks like it is a good a chance than any." For some reason the siblings were avoiding him. It scared him for a moment as the thought of being reverted back into a skeleton infront of the children approached. "They would be scarred for life. Huh..."

"Hanzo. Come sit here. We have to talk."

Ainz continued "I fought some bandit's today. They were targeting both of you. Though they are not strong but they could easily take you out. I won't always be here so you should prepare some countermeasures during that time for preventing such events.

For the next few minutes he began to teach them what to do when you get raided. Ainz thanks his gaming knowledge that day."pk for dummies is really useful." Ainz soon ended his rant with wonders of raiding others and looting from them. Hanzo spoke

"Ainz, Thank you."

Seeing the sincerity in boy's tone ainz became flabbergasted. The boy continued "I had a family and everything. It though was not the happiest times but the best I had. When the village burned down I couldn't care about anything and ran towards my mother save her. But they were all dead by the time I was there, they were burning alive. I ran like a mad man in search of something so save myself. Finding nothing but the smell of death in the air I wandered around trying to gain information on the person who destroyed my village. But I got nothing. After all I'm still a kid, no power or anything."

Hanzo said with a stone cold expression. Ainz knew he was holding it in.

"Then I thought to go to kiri. They except any bloodlines and rarely question outsiders. In the journey I met her my sister Nozoki. She isn't strong powerful only feeble and weak. But she is the only I have. I couldn't express my gratitude towards you before if you hadn't saved us I would be dead and Nozoki sold to some daimyo. If you didn't save us that time. So thank you."

Ainz went in front of the boy and hugged him neither of them said anything for a while. But after a few minutes like a dam breaking hanzo started to cry.

"W-why? Why does it have to be us? Why does it have to be me?"

He couldn't hold it anymore. He cried and cried. Ainz simply hugged him and wiped his tears. After a while when hanzo finally calmed down. Ainz said

"We lose every day in life even if we are winning someone else is still losing. You said you and your sister is weak Hanzo but you are strong. You are strong Hanzo stronger than me .If I lost everything in my life like you I might just go mad in thirst for power and vengeance."

Ainz said while thinking what he would do if he lost his friends and Nazarick like Hanzo his home. He felt he would tear them alive those who attempted to harm his family. No matter which god he had to sacrifice his soul, no matter what he has to give he would get his revenge and hugged Hanzo tighter.

"Tomorrow morning at 6. Be ready. It may not be much but it will be a start."

Hanzo was shocked by Ainz this statement .He didn't have any words to say but to repeatedly say "Thank you."

After Hanzo stopped crying he told him to go back to his sister and sleep and like that hanzo left.

"This world is really fucked up." Ainz sighed and tried to go to sleep. Then suddenly he heard Hanzo scream. Ainz immediately woke up and went to Hanzo to ask "What happened?"

"Nozoki! I can't find her."